"I can't imagine that I was still noticed by you."

In the principal's office, a yellow ferret more than half a meter long was lying on the office at this time, stuffing candy into his mouth with his small paws.

It was the yellow-skinned uncle.

Dumbledore, on the other hand, looked at him with a smile and said softly:

"There are some things that there is no need to hide from the beginning."

"Isn't it?"

"That's right."

The yellow-skinned master rolled over and turned his head to look at Fox, who was flickering his wings a little uneasily.

"We'll have to meet sooner rather than later anyway."

As the principal of Huojiatun Vocational and Technical School, Uncle Huangpizi actually planned to talk to Dumbledore.

After all, the two can also be regarded as peers.

"But you should have noticed something, right?"

"Do you mean the wizard named Mars?" Dumbledore smiled slightly, "To be honest, I don't know much about him. "

"Lying is not a good habit."

The yellow-skinned uncle pouted:

"Jianguo is right, you are indeed a shrewd fellow."

"Sometimes a lie can be good." Dumbledore smiled disapprovingly, "In the words of your Dragon Kingdom, I'm just going with the flow. "

"Besides, I think that kid from Jianguo can handle all this properly."

While the two were talking, there was a sudden knock at the door.

"Say Cao Cao Cao arrived."

The yellow-skinned uncle shrugged his small nose, and the corners of his mouth hooked.

"Please come in."

Sure enough, with Dumbledore's words, Li Jianguo and Kassandra 07 walked into the office.

And next to the two people, there was a huge python.

"This is..."

Dumbledore was stunned for a moment when he saw the python, and then an expression of disbelief appeared on his face.

"Yes... Nagini? "

He had already recognized the identity of the giant python, after all, he had spent a lot of time studying how to lift the blood curse on the other party.

"Long time no see, Professor Dumbledore."

The python's body twisted and changed for a while, and finally turned into a beautiful black-haired woman.

Exactly Nagini.

Although the blood spell on her body was lifted, she still retained the ability to change back and forth between human form and snakes.

In a sense, Nagini has transformed from a blood-cursed orc to a snake animagus.

"Merlin's beard!" Dumbledore exclaimed and stood up from his chair, "Could it be that the blood curse on your body..."

"It's been lifted."

Nagini smiled and nodded, "Thanks to Mr. Li Jianguo." "

"How did you do it?" Dumbledore looked at Li Jianguo in disbelief and asked aloud, "Could it be that you really tested the method mentioned in that book?" "

He had also seen the book on how to solve the blood curse in the forbidden book area.

However, on the one hand, the methods described above are only theoretically possible.

On the other hand, for soul magic, Dumbledore's attainment is not very deep.

So he didn't dare to take this great risk to treat Nagini.

"I just tried it casually." Li Jianguo scratched his head with a smile and said, "I didn't expect it to be." "

Who knew that as soon as his words fell, the cold prompt sound of the system came from his mind.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully activating the target shock talent and getting the golden reward once! "


Finally dropped!

Li Jian's heart suddenly burst into ecstasy.

It's been more than a year!

For more than a year, Old Man Deng finally dropped the golden reward for himself!

This wave of rescue of Nagini is simply making a lot of money!

However, at this time, Dumbledore did not know that he had given Li Jianguo a big gift.

Facing Nagini, who has completely eliminated the blood curse, he is also sincerely happy for this miserable and kind woman.

Even if the other party once chose to follow Voldemort.

But Dumbledore knew in his heart that this kind of thing was no wonder to Nagini.

In that case, Nagini's sanity was already difficult to stay awake under the erosion of the blood curse.

Fortunately, she is now reining from the cliff in time.

"Do you have any plans for the next step?"

Dumbledore suddenly opened his mouth and asked Nagini.

"If you want, I can arrange a job for you in the school."

"Or I recommend you go to the Ministry."

As the headmaster of Hogwarts, he still has this authority, and it is also to make up for the regret of not being able to cure Nagini.

"Thank you for your kindness."

Who knew that Nagini shook his head, and then looked at Li Jianguo beside him with gentle eyes.

"I have chosen to follow Mr. Li Jianguo."

"Very wise decision." Dumbledore smiled when he heard this, "Is it to repay this kid for saving your life?" "

"Girl, are you interested in being an old disciple?"

However, at this moment, the yellow-skinned uncle who had been silent suddenly spoke.

"This is?"

Nagini looked at the large yellow weasel in front of him with some doubt.

"He's my uncle."

As soon as these words came out, not only Nagini was stunned, but even Dumbledore showed a surprised expression.

He knew that this Mr. Huang, who liked to call himself an old man, had a close relationship with Li Jianguo.

I didn't expect that it would be the same teacher.

But didn't this kid come to England before he came to wizards and magic?

Could it be that his family has always had a connection with the mysterious wizarding world of the Dragon Kingdom?

The more Old Deng Tou thought about it, the more he felt that it was very likely. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

After all, in this way, it can explain why Li Jianguo's talent is so perverted.

And how to master those powerful and very magical spells.

If you don't get it, it comes from your own family inheritance.

This kind of thing is not uncommon in the wizarding world.

Just like Cassandra, who entered the office with Li Jianguo, she also has several unique spells handed down from the family.

This kind of spell cannot be learned even at Hogwarts.

"How to say, give a quick word." The yellow-skinned uncle asked with some impatience, "Old Immortal hasn't accepted an apprentice for hundreds of years. "

"If it weren't for the fact that this little girl of yours has a relationship with old age, I wouldn't bother to open this mouth."

For the fact that the yellow-skinned uncle suddenly wanted to take an apprentice.

Although Li Jianguo was a little surprised, he could almost guess the reason.

This may have something to do with the fact that Nagini once suffered a blood curse and almost turned into a beast completely.

Before leaving the grave of the head of the Warley family, he had seen a vague figure in the thick fog under the yellow-skinned master.

That is most likely the human form of the other party.

As for whether the body of the yellow-skinned uncle is a human or an animal, Li Jianguo has not yet figured it out.

"Promise him, my uncle is still very powerful."

Facing Nagini's inquiring gaze, Li Jianguo grinned.

As soon as these words came out, Nagini no longer hesitated.

So he saw her bowing towards the yellow-skinned master Bo Yingying and said, "It is an honor to be your disciple, teacher." "

"Good apprentice." The yellow-skinned master suddenly touched the handful of beard-like hair on his chin, and said with a smile: "This thing should be regarded as a meeting gift for you." "

As soon as he said that, he saw that he touched his body with his paws, and then threw a small object towards Nagini.

227 Nagini quickly took it with both hands.

It was found to be a jade pendant with a simple shape.

"You are still very weak, wearing this thing can slowly repair the damaged veins in your body."

Speaking of this, the yellow-skinned uncle did not forget to glare at Li Jianguo and said:

"You kid does things tricky, and you don't know how to carefully examine people's bodies."

....... I would like to give this beautiful big sister a good examination.

The problem is that there is still this little vinegar jar around!

Thinking of this, Li Jianguo secretly glanced at Kassandra beside him.

This girl came to herself like a little ass this morning.

It was as if he was afraid that he would do something strange to Nagini.

Am I Li Jianguo that kind of person?

"It seems that you will no longer be alone in the future."

Seeing Nagini worship, Dumbledore also had a pleased smile on his face.

"With the teaching of this Mr. Huang, I believe you will become a more outstanding wizard in the future."

In fact, Nagini himself is not very accomplished in magic.

Otherwise, he would not have been arrested by the circus owner in the first place.

Most of the time, she protects herself by transforming into a python.

Now with such a mysterious teacher's guidance, there will definitely be another powerful wizard in England's wizarding world in the future.

It is even very likely that he will master some of the secret techniques of the Dragon Kingdom.

However, Dumbledore's calculations, despite their jingle, are all in the hands of the yellow-skinned master.

It won't be enough to teach a student, and in the end it will cheapen this group of foreigners.

From the moment Nagini entered the door, he noticed that this girl's eyes had not moved from Li Jianguo.

Obviously, his cheap master and nephew have pinched a little girl fiercely.

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