After leaving the principal's office.

Nagini returned to the ring with the yellow-skinned uncle.

The latter said that he wanted to teach this newly acquired apprentice a little self-defense skills so as not to be bullied.

As for what to teach, the old yellow-skinned man mysteriously said nothing.

Li Jianguo placed a place for Nagini in the Ring Ziwei Immortal Mansion.

Perhaps because he had lived as a snake for a long time, Nagini liked the closeness to nature.

In particular, Li Jianguo subsequently placed many magical animals in the ring.

At least with the company of these little guys, Nagini usually doesn't feel lonely.

Kassandra, on the other hand, went back to class.

Slytherin has a Defense Against the Dark Arts class in the afternoon.

After a period of cultivation, the Lockhart guy returned to the classroom.

Perhaps the last whole job was too humiliating, and now he basically no longer practices in class, but boring textbooks.

But it's also much better than listening to him repeatedly brag about the books he wrote.

Idle and bored, Li Jianguo came to the periphery of the Forbidden Forest, ready to test his newly acquired golden talent.

The name of the talent is called the three-ball spell.

According to the systematic introduction, at the beginning of magic, magic was essentially an art of memory.

Wizards at the time believed that this was its most powerful form.

It doesn't require a wand or other medium, just the heart of a magician and precise control of the elemental power of nature.

And this three-ball spell is the product of the heyday of ancient magic.

Simply put, this talent is to play with different tricks.

In the woods, three different color element balls of light suddenly floated behind Li Jianguo at this time: blue, purple, and orange.

And with his willpower, he keeps changing colors.

These three balls of light of different colors represent the power of the three elements of ice, thunder and fire.

Pairing with each other allows Li Jianguo to unleash several powerful spells without the need for a magic staff!

It's just that the process of casting spells is somewhat strange.

I saw that the elemental ball behind him was switched to a state of fire and ice, and a series of spells appeared in his mind.

"Calviin's most evil product!"

Accompanied by Li Jianguo's shout.

A giant burning man that appeared to be made of lava was summoned out of thin air.

In an instant, the scorching breath spread through the forest.

The surrounding trees were affected by the powerful fire element and burned violently.

Li Jianguo commanded the lava spirit to spit out a pool of magma on a huge rock in the distance.

In the blink of an eye, the rock that was more than three meters high was dissolved into a large hole.

"Swift Battle Demon Order!"

Immediately after Li Jianguo, he waved his arm again and released a second spell on the lava spirit.

Then I saw a burst of purple light on the big guy who was full of fire, and both the action and the attack speed were increased by more than one notch!

"Corix's Wall of Kill!"

"Bruchette's powerless sonic wave!"

Li Jianguo was having fun here, but the surrounding forest suffered.

In just a few minutes, he was made into a pothole.

All kinds of beasts were frustrated by these strange spells, and even some daring little guys rushed up the branches and danced their claws at Li Jianguo.

But soon there was a sudden chill on them, and their movements became one by one.

"Tharak's Skyfall Fire!"

At the same time, Kassandra, who was in the classroom, suddenly heard a boy shouting:

"Look at it, is that a ..... Meteorite! "

I saw the boy pointing out the window, his mouth growing in surprise.

Kassandra looked up and saw a huge rock wrapped in flames slowly streaking through the air.

And that position....... It looks like the Forbidden Forest!

Could it be that he made it up again?

But this is also outrageous!

Even meteorites can be summoned?

What level of spell does this have to be!

The girl subconsciously thought of Li Jianguo, and she lost her mind for a while in class.

I always want to get out of class quickly, so I can ask for a clearance.

On the other side, Li Jianguo was also frightened by this big movement he made.

He didn't expect that the spell generated by the combination of the three elements of fire and thunder would be so outrageous!

After the meteorite landed, it not only smashed a big crater into the ground, but also rolled forward along the ground for more than ten meters.

There are still remnants of lava on the ground where they passed.

This place should not stay for long!

Li Jianguo subconsciously prepared to slip away immediately.

Sure enough, not long after he enlightened.

Dumbledore and the professors appeared in the clearing.

"Is someone going to invade the school?"

Snape looked at the mess in front of him, and suddenly said with a solemn face.

"If that's the case, then the other party's strength is too terrifying..."

Filius, the dean of the Eagle Academy, walked up to the meteorite that was still on fire and said with a shocked expression.

"If this thing falls into the house, I am afraid that the Hogwarts defense spell will be difficult to resist."

"I also feel the remnants of magical creations."

Professor McGonagall also frowned, "It is a very terrifying existence, its power is not under the fire curse, or even stronger. "

"Could it be that this person is demonstrating to us?"

Snape looked down at Dumbledore, as if he wanted to hear the opinion of England's most powerful wizard.

The latter, on the other hand, is lost in thought.

It wasn't until two or three minutes later that he slowly spoke:

"I hope this person didn't come for school."

"Flitwick." He looked at Professor Filius and said in a deep voice, "Please strengthen the school's defenses again." (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Okay." Filius nodded with a serious expression.

"Let Hagrid investigate who has been here recently." Dumbledore continued to order: "In addition, let him strengthen the guard here, and strictly prohibit children from approaching." "

After speaking, Old Deng Tou suddenly sighed and said something that made several professors feel inexplicable.

"Hopefully, the facts are as I guessed."

On the other side, Li Jianguo, who had just made a big move, actually did not leave the Forbidden Forest immediately.

Instead, he went to another place.

Many times of experience in making troubles told him that the more normal he behaved at this time, the easier it was to be suspected.

So instead of sneaking back to school, it's better to stay somewhere else.

As long as it's not at the scene of the first crime.

While strolling around, Li Jianguo suddenly saw a familiar figure, and suddenly the corners of his mouth raised, and he shouted at the other party:

"Are you feeding the nightbuckle again?"

When the girl heard this, she stood up and smiled lightly at Li Jianguo.

"Well, recently they gave birth to a few little ones."

The girl was none other than Luna, who had just entered Hogwarts.

She was wearing a black wizarding robe, a wand on her small ears, and a satchel on her body.

A horse-like creature with a bloodhound-like figure and a skinny body was slowly approaching her, gently taking the flesh of Luna's palm with its mouth.

Don't look at the appearance of the nightingale, but in fact, this magical animal has a very gentle personality.

But in the eyes of ordinary wizards, they can't see this creature.

Only those who have seen death can see them.

Luna is due to the death of her mother, while Li Jianguo is because he killed the werewolf leader Fenrir.

"'But what seems to have happened over there in the Forbidden Forest just now makes them very uneasy.'"

Luna suddenly frowned, and said in a soft voice:

"Did you notice when you came?"

"Nope." Li Jianguo shook his head decisively.

But in the next second, his expression suddenly became solemn.

Because he noticed that Luna was not wearing shoes on her feet.

Although the girl was barefoot when the two first met, it was only that once.

"Have you been bullied by your classmates?" Li Jianguo asked in a deep voice.

"Bullying?" Luna blinked her silver eyes, "Do you mean my feet?" I just couldn't find my shoes. "

Luna said this the most, but she subconsciously shrunk her feet.

Seeing this, Li Jianguo shook his head slightly.

He knows that in the heart of this kind (Zhao Zhao Hao) girl, others hiding his shoes may just be a prank between friends, not bullying...

But that's just what she thinks.

Sometimes excessive tolerance can only be exchanged for unscrupulous oppression by the other party.

I saw Li Jianguo take out a new pair of shoes from his pocket, and then cast a transfiguration to turn them into a size suitable for Luna.

"Put it on."

Luna did not refuse, but took it very happily and asked by the way.

"How could you carry such beautiful shoes with you?"

Li Jianguo scratched his head and said, "I recently met a new friend, and for some reason she didn't bring much clothing. "

"I asked someone to mail some of it."

His new friend is naturally Nagini.

However, the clothes were not mailed, but Kassandra gave him the clothes she had bought but never wore.

That girl is always like this, she looks cold on the surface, but in fact she has a warm heart.

"New friends?" Luna smiled slightly, "If you have the opportunity, I don't know if you can introduce me to get acquainted." "

"Of course, no problem." Li Jianguo smiled.

But then he suddenly frowned and said demon:

"But before that, some things have to be solved!"

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