
Luna looked at Li Jianguo with some confusion.

But soon she figured out something, and said a little timidly:

"Actually, you don't have to do this, I can do it myself..."

As a result, before she finished speaking, she listened to Li Jianguo sigh leisurely:

"You're conniving at them to get worse."

I saw him looking at Luna with a serious face.

"A lot of things are like this, the more you let others bully you, the more they will think that you are weak and take this matter as the right perception."

"In fact, the result of this is to hurt them."

"So what should I do?"

Luna reached out and touched Xiao Yeqi's head, and her tone was a little confused.

She's not very good at handling this kind of thing.

For the cherishing of friendship, girls always want to think about the people around them as much as possible.

"Tell Professor Flitwick about this first, if you really can't do it, you will beat him up." Li Jianguo replied without thinking.

Actually, he would prefer to say the latter.

Because according to Li Jianguo's experience, teachers can not play a big role in bullying in schools.

For people who like to do this kind of thing, it is best to give a tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye.

Fundamentally beat them to 963 suits!

However, for people like Luna who have not experienced campus life, this method may be difficult for her to accept for a while.

"Will Professor Filius help me?" Luna said with some hesitation.

Due to her own personality problems, she did not have much contact with her own dean.

On the contrary, those who do bad things to her are usually good students with excellent character and learning, and they are very liked by Professor Flitwick.

"How do you know if you don't try it?"

Li Jianguo tried to make the little girl take the first step bravely.

"Didn't you never try to put up a notice for them to give you back?"

Hearing this, Luna suddenly looked at Li Jianguo with some surprise.

"How do you know?" She said, "I mean, how do you know I'm going to post a notice at the end of the term?" "

"Because we're friends." Li Jianguo smiled, "They can still guess each other's thoughts to some extent." "

"That's what I said." Luna smiled sweetly, "But sometimes I can't guess your thoughts." "

"Then I can only say that this friend of yours has cared less about me recently." The boy said half-jokingly.

"Where is it."

"Just to say, there are too many people who care about you."

"Ahem, let's change the subject, such as what to eat tonight?"

"I want to eat skewers."

"Then the whole thing! In the evening, I went to find the beater Willow to borrow some signs. "

"Poor beater Willow, it's almost bald by you."

Inside the office.

Professor Filius Flitwick is studying fragments stained with magical residues extracted from that meteorite not long ago.

He could feel that there was a very pure magic element on it.

But how to make it is a big problem.

However, even so, through the study of this fragment, it was enough for him to get a lot of inspiration.

At this time, a knock came through the door.

Professor Filius put down the magnifying glass in his hand and looked up at the door: "Please come in." "

In the next second, Li Jianguo pushed the door open with a smile.

After seeing the appearance of the comer, Professor Filius almost jumped up from the stool. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Build..... Jianguo, why are you here? "

Looking at the entire teaching career, the student who impressed Flitwick the most should be the one in front of him.

It's love and hate.

On the one hand, this boy's talent in magic spells is outstanding, and he has mastered countless spells in only the second grade.

On the other hand, the other party is really capable of making trouble.

He will never forget that the other party gave him a so-called magic talisman in class.

The scene that leads to the entire classroom being blown out of a large hole (AHCG) after opening.

However, this brief introduction inspired Philius to apply a new direction in the magic array.

"There is no class today, I specially came to see you."

Li Jianguo grinned and glanced at the office by the way.

The interior of the house is very warmly furnished, and all the things are placed in an orderly manner, which shows that Filius is usually a very regular person.

"You came just in time, I just discovered something interesting."

Filius suddenly thought of something, immediately jumped off the stool, enthusiastically took Li Jianguo's hand and said:

"Would you like something to drink?" Black tea, or coffee? "

"I still have some small cakes here, they taste very good, do you want to try them."

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly saw Luna standing behind Li Jianguo.

"Miss Lovegood, are you here too?" He smiled and said, "This should be your first time in my office, right?" "

At this time, Filius had already guessed that the two came to him for a simple visit.

But he did not break it, but continued to entertain the two.

Until Li Jianguo drank lipstick tea and said what happened to Luna recently.

"Always lose things for no reason?"

Professor Filius frowned:

"Some students have reported this problem to me before."

"But it turned out to be just a prank between friends."

Good guys, and they're all repeat offenders.

"Professor Flitwick, this is clearly not a prank." Li Jianguo said in a deep voice: "I believe that true friends will not let each other walk barefoot in such weather." "

"Have you ever thought that all this is just under the guise of friendship?"

Hearing this, Professor Filius's expression immediately became serious.

"Is that so?" He asked Luna.

"I think Jianguo is right."

Luna first looked down at the brand new shoes on her feet, then nodded.

"I choose to believe you, Miss Lovegood."

Filius knew that the child in front of him was a little withdrawn and eccentric, and would often do things that were inexplicable in the eyes of outsiders.

But that doesn't mean you're a bad boy.

On the contrary, he admired this personality, after all, what good wizard is not a little eccentric?

It's like Li Jianguo.

"I'm deeply sorry that something so bad happened, Ms. Lovegood."

Filius said sincerely:

"This is my dean's dereliction of duty, but before that, I still want to confirm it myself."

"We have the right to doubt others, just as they have the right to prove for themselves."

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