McGonagall pursed her lips, not knowing whether she should believe Dumbledore's prediction.

Although she could see the extraordinary nature of this piece of metal, even in the era of You-Know-Who, the wizarding world had not changed for a long time.

"No, Minerva, not this nominal change, I mean, the civilization of wizards."

Dumbledore looked out the window

"From the ancient times, from the first sprouts of life underwater, to the giant beasts of the Stone Age, to the first upright walking of humans, to the birth of magic……"

"Our magic has been a process of progress, from complicated rituals and magic patterns to simplified spells."

"But since the days of Merlin, we've been accustomed to wands, magic, potions, alchemy"

"It has been a long time since anyone has explored the principles and new breakthroughs behind these things."


The wizarding world is now stagnant, and this piece of metal may be the turning point to change everything.

"Well, professor, maybe you are right."

"But, such an important matter should be discussed in the Wizengamot, not in school, right?"

"You know, I still have a few young wizards from the Muggle world who need to be guided.……"

"Oh! Of course, Minerva."

Dumbledore knew that McGonagall didn't want to continue the topic of letting the little wizards change the world, so he sent her away and continued to look out the window.

He kept thinking of the scene he had just seen. When they entered the room, Merlin took out a few dumplings from the cauldron and asked in surprise,

"Professor, would you like some dumplings?"

"Dumplings? They are really delicious!"

Dumbledore's mouth curled up with a happy smile unconsciously.

Then he snapped his fingers and summoned the house elves in the kitchen, and arranged for them to learn this recipe.

Since he promised Merlin, he must do it as the headmaster.

At this year's freshman opening dinner, he will eat dumplings.


Time flows slowly.

It has been a month since Merlin moved into the Leaky Cauldron.

During this time, Merlin's life was extremely regular.

In the morning, he went to the shops in Diagon Alley to buy materials to study potions and alchemy.

In the afternoon, he went to Flourish and Blotts to read books, and while working part-time as a shopkeeper, he learned all kinds of magic that could be mastered publicly.

In the evening, he sat in the Leaky Cauldron to listen to the adult wizards chatting, and got some information for free.

After a month, although his magic power and understanding of the magic world were increasing day by day, there was a very realistic problem in front of Merlin.

He... was running out of money!

One thousand Galleons seemed like a lot, but it was actually not a small amount.

It was roughly equivalent to the annual income of an Auror of the Ministry of Magic or a professor at Hogwarts.

If it weren't for buying big items such as flying brooms and advanced alchemical products, many young wizards at Hogwarts would not be able to spend so much money until graduation.

Merlin was able to spend it all in a month, all thanks to his talent for cooking.

In order to better study the connection between the food he made and the growth of magic power,

Merlin spent a lot of money to have fresh magical animals' flesh, blood, bones and other ingredients delivered every day.

Because some of them are materials needed for alchemy and potions, they are very expensive.

Dragon blood costs twelve galleons per bottle.

Processed needle-pricked pufferfish meat costs fifteen galleons per pound.

Colorful ball fish meat costs thirty-seven galleons per pound.

Even the Riem beef that Merlin uses most often costs eight galleons per pound.

Add to that the scattered honey, jumping mushrooms, peppermint, ginger root, mistletoe berries and other seasonings that cost two or three galleons each and other ingredients.

One thousand galleons to spend in a month is already considered economical.

Of course, the result of such crazy spending is that Merlin's magic power has increased to about 80 units. He has basically mastered all the magic spells that need to be mastered before the third grade. He has also successfully produced a real exploration alchemy work.

【[Magic detection glasses].

When the wearer puts on the glasses, he only needs to use a little magic to detect the strength of the magical creatures and wizards that appear in his field of vision.

If the opponent's magic power is much lower than his own, it will be displayed in green.

If the gap is not big, it will be displayed in yellow.

If it is far higher than his own, it will be displayed in red.

In fact, Merlin originally wanted to make it like the combat power detection glasses in Dragon Ball, which accurately display the amount of magic power.

Not only does it have a cool style, but it can also be called a scumbag with a magic value of only five.

But considering that it is a bit too much to take out such a fierce thing for the first time.

In order to keep a low profile, Merlin simply omitted the accuracy and only gave a rough judgment of the strength.

In this way, even if others ask, they can say that they perceive through magic and spells, and there will be no problem at all.

This is also part of Merlin's plan to show his alchemical talent.

After all, everyone likes a talented and hard-working little wizard in the Muggle world, not a little wizard who wants to subvert the magic world before entering school.

He plans to let everyone get familiar with his identity as an alchemist before taking out new alchemical items.

More importantly, school is about to start.

He believes that the little wizards at Hogwarts will be interested in this thing.

At that time, even if only one-third of the students buy it, it will greatly ease his financial pressure.

Now he is really poor.

There are only thirteen gold galleons left on his body.

He can't even afford a big piece of dragon meat.

The speed of magic power improvement has slowed down a lot!

Merlin had thought about getting some money from other channels before.

For example, ruins exploration.

The drunk wizards in the Leaky Cauldron would reveal some clues about ancient ruins and the treasures of great magicians from time to time.

But Merlin has been to two of the ancient magic ruins, three suspected addresses of Merlin's tomb, four famous wizard inheritance sites, and a legendary alchemy master's laboratory.

Without exception, they are all fake.

In this regard, Merlin only wants to say.

Wouldn't these wizards feel guilty for using this information to deceive a young wizard who has just entered the magic world?

Of course, he didn't think about it at all when he thought so.

Which little wizard in the Muggle world would eavesdrop on others' conversations in the Leaky Cauldron and really go to explore such unknown ruins?

Fortunately, when Merlin only had three gold galleons left on him.

September 1st arrived.

Hogwarts is back to school!

PS: Please give me some flowers and comments, all the wizards of the Wizengamot, eagles, badgers, lions, snakes, and the bosses of the four colleges. The author has 40 chapters in hand and updates more than 10,000 chapters a day. I have been a Harry Potter fan for more than ten years, so I will definitely guarantee the quality and quantity! I just ask all the wizards to support me with some magic! Love you!

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