Mo Lin took the lead and ate a bite. The other three ate the dumplings half-believingly and half-doubtingly.

Soon, the eyes of the three people lit up.

"Mr. Merlin, this is real food"

"Merlin's beard! I really can't imagine that flour can be made into such delicious biscuits besides pasta, cookies and bread! I will add this dish to my bar!"

"It seems that in addition to lemon snowballs, I have another favorite Muggle food."

Merlin handed over the vinegar and chili dipping sauce and cut a small dish of garlic slices.

"Professor, try this, it tastes better when paired with"

"In my...oh, the person who taught me how to make this dish said that if you don't add garlic to dumplings, the flavor will be half as good."

"Let me try."

Dumbledore picked up another dumpling according to Merlin's method. His blue eyes were full of surprise.

"Mr. Merlin, this is incredible. I had no idea there was such delicious food before."

"Well, I can't even wait to serve this food at Hogwarts. I wonder if you can give me a detailed recipe."

"Of course."

Merlin took out his quill and quickly wrote down the recipe.

Dumbledore's expression became visibly excited after reading the recipe.

"1 pound of lean and fat Riem beef, cleaned and chopped"

"One ounce of ginger root, three devil peppers, and one head of buttered garlic, fried in boiling oil for three minutes"

"Half a head of kale, chopped and boiled in a cauldron for thirty seconds……"

"Oh, Merlin's beard!"

Dumbledore was shocked for a moment when he read out the formula.

"Mr. Merlin, are you sure this is really a recipe and not a potion? Your operations are almost as good as Polyjuice Potion."

Merlin smiled and showed his teeth

"Professor, I've read the Potions textbook. Polyjuice Potion takes at least a month to make, but dumplings don't."

"You are right, Mr. Merlin, but I think that as long as the materials are similar, they will be fine, right? Otherwise, the school directors may not allow me to stay in the school."

"Of course!" Mo Lin nodded.

"Very good, then I can confirm in advance that dumplings will become a regular dish at Hogwarts in the future. Thank you, Mr. Merlin." As soon as the voice fell, a prompt popped up in front of Merlin's eyes.

【Host transformation magic world detected】

【Modification scope: Very small, rewards are being distributed】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the talent: Cooking Mastery - The dishes you make will gain additional abilities. 】

Is this possible?

Merlin wanted to recommend a few more recipes to Dumbledore.

Just imagine how shocking it would be if the Hogwarts table was filled with a full banquet.

Dumbledore, who was eating dumplings, had a twitch in his eyelids, and had a vague feeling that something was wrong.

Before he could think about it, his expression suddenly changed.

He stood up and drew a circle in the air with his wand, in which the Hogwarts Castle was vaguely visible.

"Mr. Molin, thank you for your hospitality, but something happened suddenly and I have to go back to school. See you when school starts."

"Goodbye, Professor!"

Merlin thought to himself that it was a pity and he could only introduce the dishes to him next time.

Dumbledore and the other person stepped through the aperture and disappeared from the house.

Tom also apologized and generously waived Merlin's room fee for the entire holiday.

In this regard, Merlin only wanted to say that

Tom was a good man and saved him money!

Although he is now a small rich man and does not need this month's room fee.

But spending less is earning, and earning is happiness.

And wait until everyone leaves.

Merlin made himself another pot of dumplings, intending to see what the effect of this extra ability talent is.

"Merlin's pants!"

After eating a few dumplings, Merlin couldn't help but exclaimed.

He clearly felt that his magic power had increased.

If measured by numerical values.

Before eating, his magic power was about 10 units, and now it has increased to 14 units.

Is this the effect of the cooking proficiency extra ability?

So cool!

Eating can increase magic power, this must be a little bit more?

In order to confirm the effect, Merlin resisted the feeling of fullness and fried himself another steak.

After the steak was all in his stomach, he felt the magic power increase again.

It really works!

Merlin was secretly excited.

Whether it is alchemy or making potions, magic power is needed as support.

He has too little magic power now, and he originally wanted to find a way to quickly increase his magic power.

Now eating can increase magic power, what else is there to say?

Deep Blue, give me some!

But Merlin is a little good I wonder if this effect is useful to other people.

If it is only useful to myself, then it is a good talent.

If it can be useful to other people, then it would be a miracle!

After all, except for the bloodlines of the twenty-eight families that may affect the strength of magic power, ordinary wizards can only increase their magic power with age and practice.

Once you eat the food you cook, you can increase your magic power.

That means a huge amount of wealth and a lot of rewards for drastically transforming the wizarding world.

At that time, wizards will definitely cry and beg me to cook for them.

Completely change the status of food in the wizarding world.

Just thinking about it makes me look forward to such a day coming soon.

At this moment.


Dumbledore had just stepped into the principal's office with McGonagall when a ball of fire rushed towards them and threw itself into Dumbledore's arms with a cry.

It was Fawkes, the phoenix of Dumbledore's family.

"What's going on?"

Dumbledore felt Fawkes' call, so he urgently used this directional teleportation magic to break through the restriction of Hogwarts that did not allow Apparition and returned.

The phoenix pecked off a feather.

Flame words burned in the air.

Dumbledore frowned slightly.

This was an important communication method agreed upon by him and Nicolas Flamel.

Use a spell to seal the information in the phoenix feather, and then use the spell to restore it.

You can get absolutely confidential information that will not be tracked or recorded.

And now Nicolas Flamel sent this content.

At a glance,

Dumbledore, who has been calm for so many years, still couldn't help but change his face.

"Professor, what happened?"

McGonagall asked anxiously.

"Minerva, read for yourself."

Dumbledore waved his hand and the flames turned into a letter and fell on the table.

Nicolas Flamel's handwriting was visible to the naked eye, with joy and eagerness.

"Albus, I have fully verified the metal you sent me. I can confirm that it is an alchemical product that can subvert the wizarding world."

""Magical! Incredible! Unimaginable! Genius!"

Nicolas Flamel did not hesitate to praise it, and he wanted to use all the adjectives he knew.

"In a sense, I think it is a greater invention than the Philosopher's Stone!"

"How is it possible!"

McGreg couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw this.

"Professor, is he really not exaggerating? Could that piece of metal be more precious than the Philosopher's Stone?"

"Of course not."

Dumbledore laughed.

"My old friend is just too excited. In fact, the refining process of this metal is no more troublesome than the Philosopher's Stone. What is important is the meaning behind it."

Dumbledore paused for a moment.

"Minerva, I have a feeling that the wizarding world will soon be transformed by this metal."

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