Soon, the three of them reappeared on the streets of Diagon Alley.

The crowded crowd in the nearby shops immediately attracted the three people's attention.

Quidditch boutique.

The latest Nimbus 2000 was displayed in the window, attracting the attention of countless wizards.

"The latest flying broom is so beautiful. If I had one, I would definitely be the fastest person on the Quidditch field."

"Comets are just garbage in front of it."

"Except for the price, this is simply the perfect flying broom!"

Harry's eyes fell on the window through the crowded crowd.

"What's this?"

"Broomsticks, you will also have courses on them when you go to school." Hagrid said

"You can fly by riding it, how cool! What about Quidditch?"

"It's like a football match in the wizarding world."

Harry kept asking about these names he had never heard of, his eyes full of envy.

Merlin could understand his envy.

But looking at those wizards who longed for flying brooms, Merlin felt that he had a long way to go to transform the wizarding world.

After all, there are only three people in the entire wizarding world who can fly without a flying broom.

The first generation Dark Lord, the second generation Dark Lord, and Snape.

Dumbledore might be able to do it, but he seems to have never used it.

In other high-level martial arts worlds, they have already been able to achieve self-flight.

Thinking of this, Merlin stopped shopping with Harry.

It was just to get to know the savior.

Now that he knows him, he should get busy with his own business.

Transforming the wizarding world is the real thing!

Saying goodbye to Harry, Merlin went to several stores where he bought things yesterday to take out some instruments and medicines, and returned to the room in the Leaky Cauldron to start his research.

Tom was even more moved.

As expected of a little wizard personally guided by Professor McGonagall, he started self-study before school started. He is really studious.

In the principal's office of Hogwarts.

McGonagall was discussing Merlin's affairs with Dumbledore

"Professor, Mrs. Blotz just told me what Merlin did over there."

"Could it be that our little wizard who can cast all curses has caused trouble?"

Dumbledore ate the dessert on the table slowly, waiting for McGonagall to continue.

"No, he just asked Mrs. Blotts to change the layout of the bookstore, which was well received by customers. He also asked Mrs. Blotts to use the Finding Spell to make a piece of parchment."

After McGonagall roughly explained what Merlin had done, Dumbledore still did not move.

"Professor? Don't you think this is a little too coincidental?"

McGonagall clenched her hands and looked serious.

Dumbledore shook his head.

"Minerva, how come you are more cautious than an old man like me? Are you still not reassured after meeting Mr. Merlin in person?"

"No, Mr. Molin is indeed excellent, but his performance reminds me of someone"


Dumbledore murmured as he looked at the photo wall.

"Tom was such a student back then, excellent, studious, enthusiastic, optimistic and creative, but in the end he still went down the wrong path."

"So, principal, you really trust him.……"

"Yes, Minerva."

Dumbledore nodded, interrupting her unspoken words.

"I have met Mr. Merlin, and I believe that he is a little wizard who knows his limits and what he wants."


"Given enough time and guidance, he will surprise us all."


As Dumbledore spoke, an owl landed outside the window and pecked at the window glass.

McGonagall hurriedly opened the window to take out the letter.

After a quick glance, her expression became rich, even a little confused.

"What's wrong, Minerva?"

It was the first time Dumbledore had seen McGonagall look like this.

McGonagall tried to speak calmly.

"Professor, if someone told you that a little wizard from a Muggle family used textbooks to teach himself black magic and evil alchemy the day after he came into contact with magic, would you be surprised?"

"Of course, wait? Are you saying that Mr. Merlin has already started alchemy?"

"Yes, Professor, it's in the Leaky Cauldron, you can take a look."

McGonagall nodded slightly and handed over Tom's letter.

"Dear Professor McGonagall, I have no intention of infringing on Mr. Merlin's privacy, but I think this matter should be told to you."

"When he came back at noon, he brought a bag of wheat flour, some spices, the meat and blood of a magical animal whose species I couldn't see clearly, and some magical plants."

"Then there was a thumping sound in the room, and if you got closer you could hear the gurgling sound of boiling water and screams."

"I think this must be some kind of black magic or evil alchemy"

"That's all, yours faithfully, Tom."

Dumbledore put down the letter with a complicated look on his face.

"Minerva, I think we need to go see what Mr. Merlin is doing."


The Leaky Cauldron.

Merlin had no idea what was happening in Hogwarts, thousands of miles away.

He was watching the things rolling up and down in the cauldron with satisfaction.

In this era.

The Leaky Cauldron, no, it should be the entire Diagon Alley, never mind, let's expand it to the entire British wizarding world.

It's hard to comment on the food wizards eat.

All kinds of roasted meats, potatoes cooked in various ways, cakes that are so sweet that they're choking, weird drinks...

Merlin missed the food of the Kingdom of Oddities after eating for a day.

So he had an idea on the way back.

Anyway, Diagon Alley has all the ingredients, and the Leaky Cauldron does not prohibit guests from cooking in the room, so he might as well buy some things and go back to cook.

So he went to the potion shop to buy some fresh meat and potion plants, and by the way found the spices that he remembered could be used as seasonings.

After more than an hour of tossing and turning, he can finally have a full meal.

Merlin smiled happily.

""Knock, knock, knock."

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Merlin, it's me, Dumbledore, are you in the room?"

Dumbledore's voice sounded.

Merlin was a little confused, but still opened the door.

"Professor, why are you here?"

"I came here to do something, and Tom happened to say that you seemed to be doing some alchemical experiments in your room? I wonder if I can take a look?"

"Experiment? I didn't do that."

Merlin shook his head, bewildered.

Tom walked out from behind the crowd.

"Mr. Molin, please don't hide it from us. Look at what you just brought."

"Fresh meat, coagulated blood, broken internal organs, mysterious plants, now all in the crucible, this pungent smell, it's not black... what is alchemy!"

Dumbledore and McGonagall were still beside.

Tom swallowed his saliva, and finally did not say that this was black magic.

Merlin suddenly realized.

No wonder the three people in front of him looked so nervous and fearful.

It turned out that they had misunderstood.

However, according to Tom's statement, what he did seemed to be really like the style of a dark wizard.

Unfortunately, he really didn't do alchemy.

"I'm just cooking."

Mo Lin looked at the three of them and politely invited

"Professor, Tom, would you like some dumplings?"

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