"He showed extraordinary magical talent before he even entered school, and remained calm in the face of danger."

Dumbledore spoke again

"In view of Mr. Merlin's performance, I decided to give Hufflepuff an extra fifty points!"


The Hufflepuff students burst into screams.

Even those who didn't care much about the house score were proud of it.

This was the first time they received extra points before the start of the school year, an honor that other houses had never had.

The other three houses were more shocked than excited.

Originally, Hufflepuff had never had a sense of presence in the House Cup.

But this time they were ahead by a large margin at the start of the school year.

Fifty points is not easy to surpass.

Especially the little wizards in Slytherin and Gryffindor were the most screaming.

Dumbledore raised his hand and motioned for everyone to be quiet.

He glanced at the crowd, as if he had discovered something.

"Also, I noticed that some of my classmates were wearing some kind of glasses made by alchemy. Can anyone tell me what new product this is from Zonko's Joke Shop?"

"If it will cause unnecessary trouble in the castle, I hope everyone can send it home or give it to our Mr. Filch."

The crowd suddenly quieted down, and all the little wizards who bought glasses were looking for the location of Merlin and the twins.

Dumbledore blinked and looked at the three people.

"Merlin, Mr. George, Mr. Fred, I think you can give me an answer, right?"

George and Fred looked at each other, then looked at Merlin hesitantly, not knowing how to explain.

Merlin stood up calmly.

"Professor, this is a pair of magic detection glasses I made. It is an alchemical product, but it will not affect the safety of the school."

"It is a tool to assist learning. I think it will soon become a must-have tool for young wizards, just like the crucible."

After that, he took out his glasses and explained to Dumbledore the principle and effect of the glasses.

"Can I see it, Mr. Merlin?

Dumbledore was a little surprised.

"Of course, Professor!"

Merlin waved his wand lightly, and the magic power condensed into a thread, which floated towards the guest of honor seat with his glasses rolled up.

"It's a really good thing."

Dumbledore put on his magic detection glasses and looked around, nodding with satisfaction.

"Using magic feedback to feel the magic power of other magic objects is a very good idea!"

Then he gave it to other professors for confirmation and looked at the crowd again.

"After the professors' inspection, there is no problem with this pair of magic detection glasses and they can be used in the school, but we hope that everyone can use them correctly and not cause any extra fights."

After saying that, he looked at Mo Lin again.

"Molin, I also want to buy a pair of glasses, is that okay?"

"Five Galleons, Professor!"

Merlin quoted the original price without hesitation.

Dumbledore was stunned.

"Molin, but you only sold it to your classmates for three Galleons."

"Because they are students and have no salary, but you, the professor, have money, just like a magic wand, so students will be cheaper, right?"

"You are right, Mr. Merlin. I will send the fee to you by owl later."

"Being able to complete your alchemical work before the start of the school year is worthy of encouragement. Hufflepuff will get another 20 points!"

Dumbledore nodded slightly and ended the conversation with Merlin with a bonus point.

Then he emphasized that first-year students were not allowed to enter the Forbidden Forest, and no one was allowed to enter the corridor on the right side of the fourth floor. After that, the opening banquet began.

In an instant, the empty table was full of food.

Merlin saw the dumplings placed among the roast chicken, steak, pork chops, mashed potatoes and other dishes.

Turning his head to look at Dumbledore, he found that he had been waiting for him with a smile on his face.

""Thank you, Headmaster!"

Merlin mouthed and started to eat.

On the stage, Dumbledore was also introducing this new dish to other professors.

"Pomona, try this dumpling, which was also taught to me by Mr. Molin. It is a very good oriental delicacy."

"Merlin's beard!"

Sprout was surprised and shook his head

"Professor, where did you find such a powerful little wizard? Tell me the truth, is he your illegitimate child?"

The other professors in the guest of honor seat couldn't hold back when they heard this, and almost spit out the wine they had just drunk.

They all looked at Dumbledore, waiting to see what was happening.

Dumbledore was stunned for several seconds before he came back to his senses.

"Pomona, you think too much. Mr. Merlin is a young wizard from the Muggle world guided by Minerva. He is just particularly talented."

"That's incredible, I must pay more attention to him in the future, Albus!"

"Of course, thank you, Pomona!"


The dinner ended happily after everyone had eaten their fill.

The students of the four colleges returned to their lounges under the leadership of the prefects.

Merlin became the most eye-catching one in the Hufflepuff team.

Even the new and old students from other colleges who passed by would greet him and make an appointment for a new pair of magic detection glasses.

For them, Dumbledore's trial just now was the best advertisement.

The alchemical product that even Dumbledore praised was at a special price of only three Galleons, and most of them couldn't help but want to buy a pair.

When Merlin walked out of the auditorium, he received orders for more than 300 pairs of glasses and more than 600 Galleons in cash.

"Merlin's beard! This is six hundred Galleons!"

In order to protect Merlin's safety and help him find the way, Cedric has been following Merlin.

Fortunately, with his help in recording, Merlin can remember the information of all the people who ordered.

Now seeing him so excited,

Merlin simply extended an olive branch.

"How about you become a colleague of Fred and George? I'll give you 10% of the profits."

"Aren’t they 20%?"

"But they are two people"


Cedric slapped his forehead.

"Their mischievous methods and appearance always make me think they are the same person. How much is that 20%?"

"One sells for three Galleons, the cost is two Galleons, and one Galleon is pure profit."Mo Lin said

"Then there will be 304 Galleons profit tonight, and I can get 30 Galleons, 6 Sickles and 21 Knuts?"

Cedric quickly calculated the answer.

Merlin's mouth twitched.

He had reason to suspect that the talents of the young wizards in the wizarding world were all wrong.

Such a complicated conversion ratio could be blurted out, no wonder there is such an outrageous course as mathematical divination.

Are you planning to use magic to realize human big data?

Just thinking about the feeling of having a supercomputer running in your mind all the time, Merlin felt a little excited for some reason

"Molin, does the 10% include only this, or will it also include future alchemical products?"

"There will be more in the future, and if you can join the alchemy production, the share will be increased."

"Then I'll do it!"

Cedric suddenly spoke, his eyes were extremely excited.

Seeing Merlin looking at him, Cedric hurriedly found a reason to explain

"Well, I'm not doing it for the money, I'm doing it for Quidditch!"



Cedric nodded heavily.

"I saw the Nimbus 2000 in Diagon Alley, it was so beautiful! Do you know what that means to Quidditch fans?"

"It's my life!"

"If I can earn 30 Galleons every month, plus what I've saved before, and live frugally for five years, I should be able to buy it!"


Merlin was silent, confused, shocked, but respectful.

But after thinking for a moment, he reached out and patted Cedric on the shoulder.

"Come on! I hope you can do what you say."

"What's the meaning?"

"Four years later, maybe there will be new models of Nimbus, such as Nimbus 2002 and Nimbus 2003. Will you still buy your life then?"


Mo Lin seemed to hear the sound of a broken heart.

After leaving behind a strong look, Mo Lin entered the lounge first, ready to meet his roommate.

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