It is said that the way the badgers enter the lounge has not changed since the school was founded.

As long as you knock on the vinegar barrel next to the cafeteria in order, the passage leading to the lounge door will be revealed.

Merlin thinks this is simply the best design in the world.

Who has the time to remember so many passwords every day? This fixed one is fine.

But when Merlin entered the door, he still saw many old students wearing raincoats.

He wanted to ask why they wore raincoats if it wasn't raining in the castle.

Then he watched a badger who was remembering the door password knock on the wrong barrel with shaking hands.

Spouts appeared in more than a dozen barrels around. The next second, countless vinegar sprayed out and flooded the front. The unfortunate little wizard wiped his face and body in shock, his facial features tangled together, and it looked like his teeth were sour. After a long time

, he slowly uttered a sentence

"This vinegar tastes like a rat's tail!"

Before he could think about how he knew the taste of a rat's tail, the next little wizard was sprayed again.

The badgers around were gloating and continued to watch the show.

Watching new badgers being sprayed every year is one of the few activities and fun for the old students in Badger Court.

After watching for a few times, Merlin easily mastered the skills.

He calmly opened the passage and entered the lounge. Cedric behind him was surprised.

Obviously no one told Merlin the skills to open the door, but he learned it after watching it once?

Isn't this a bit too outrageous?

Ignoring Cedric's shock, Merlin calmly went back to the dormitory to rest.

When he entered the door, he saw his two roommates.

Because of the number of freshmen this year, there happened to be only three people in Merlin's dormitory.

"Mo Lin!"

The two roommates jumped up in excitement when they saw Mo Lin.

"We were just discussing who our roommate would be, and we didn’t expect it to be you. That’s awesome!"

"Justin Finch-Fletchley!

The first boy who jumped up introduced himself.

He had thick black hair and a face that revealed an uncalm nobleness and elegance.

"Merlin, I am also a wizard from the Muggle world. I was originally going to Eton College, but after receiving the admission letter from Hogwarts, I came here."

"My family thought I was being tricked at first, until Professor Sprout personally came over and they believed it!"

Merlin felt that the name sounded familiar.

After thinking about it, he finally matched him with the guy who was afraid of snakes in the original book.

Merlin smiled and nodded to greet him.

Then he looked at another freshman.

"Merlin, I'm Ernie MacMillan, your glasses are so cool! I can't wait to show them to my family, so they can know that little wizards in the Muggle world are also very powerful!"

The blond, handsome little wizard looked up, with a pair of glasses made by Merlin on his nose.

"Thank you for your support!"

Both of them are known to Merlin.

One is a noble in the Muggle world, and the other is the descendant of the twenty-eight pure-blood families in the magic world.

They are both not short of money.

It seems that if there are any alchemical inventions in the future, I can take care of my roommate first.

Moreover, just like the spirit of Hufflepuff, he remembers that these two little wizards are righteous.

It seems that dormitory life in the future will not be very annoying.

Very good!

Merlin is very satisfied with this arrangement.

The three of them are of similar age and soon chatted together.

At the same time.

In the principal's office on the eighth floor of Hogwarts, another conversation was also going on at the same time.

Dumbledore stood by the table with the deans of the four major colleges.

He waved his wand, and a crystal ball that recorded images appeared in his hand.

The picture above the Black Lake appeared on it, which was the information recorded by Dumbledore when he went back to time just now.

"Everyone can take a look at this."

The screen changed, showing the scene where Mo Lin and his companions were attacked.

"It's terrible, Dumbledore!"

Professor Sprout covered his mouth with disbelief

"Giant squids live at the bottom of lakes. According to their habits, even if they are attracted by Aurora fish, they will not appear on the lake surface to hunt when there are so many people."

"Besides, a horse-shaped monster of this size would not appear out of nowhere in the Black Lake.

As a professor of Herbology, she also knows the living habits of various magical animals.

Dumbledore looked at the others.

"What do you think?"

"There were magical fluctuations at the scene, but there were no wizards or elves present, and there was no sign of Apparition. It should have been achieved with very advanced magic or ancient magic patterns."

Professor Flitwick, the head of Ravenclaw, said softly.

Snape, who was dressed in a black robe, frowned.

"Albus, even you couldn't find his magic fluctuations?"

"Although I really want to find it, Flitwick is right. He used very advanced magic or magic patterns, and didn't leave many traces. I need to carefully identify it."

"It is obvious that the person who did this is inside the school."Albus, my suggestion is that I go check it out. I must find this damn guy myself."

Snape said harshly. No one noticed that his eyes were fixed on the little wizard who was in the same ship with Merlin in the video. They just thought it was the anger from the headmaster of Slytherin.

"Severus, don't be so anxious. Everything has its own traces. The most important thing for us now is to ensure the safety of our students. The danger is still there!"

Dumbledore emphasized the last four words.

Snape's expression tensed, and then slowly relaxed.

"You are right, Professor!"

McGreg's face was livid and his eyes were unfriendly.

"Albus, are you saying the person who did this is still in the school?"

"It is still uncertain, but since the other party was able to bring in a water horse quietly, he must not want chaos, but something more."

Dumbledore turned his head and looked outside the house, and seemed to have penetrated through many obstacles and landed in the corridor on the right hand side of the fourth floor.

"Perhaps this is the most severe crisis Hogwarts has ever encountered since its founding.

Dumbledore muttered to himself.

After a while, he looked away.

"Anyway, I feel like there will be some changes at Hogwarts this year, so you should be more careful."

"Severus, I hope you can recheck the potion warehouse to see if there are any missing or missed herbs, and help Madam Pomfrey prepare some recovery potions in advance."

"Flitwick, if you have time, please re-fortify the school and check for any possible loopholes. Ask Mr. Filch to check for the secret passages that too many people know about."

"Sprout, I think we need some new alert measures and messengers. You can contact Hagrid and ask him to help find some Kneazles."

"Minerva, as for our little wizards, I'd like to ask you to discipline them and make sure they don't do anything wrong."

""Understood, Professor!"

The four deans agreed and left Dumbledore's office to go about their business.

In a secret corner of Hogwarts, an angry voice cursed in a low voice.

"Idiot! This is what you call a foolproof method? What happened? No one died, not even one person was injured. If you can't even do this kind of thing, what use do I have for you?"

"Master, this is really a coincidence. I didn't expect such an accident to happen!"

The wizard in a black cloak knelt on the ground and trembled, but he still tried to respond.

"Who could have imagined that a little wizard who had not yet entered school would use such a terrible freezing spell? Even if Merlin were reborn, it would be impossible!"

"And he is also an alchemist. You also heard what Dumbledore said at the dinner. He has such a strong alchemy talent now. I suspect he is the one sent by Dumbledore to hinder our plan."

"Humph! Stupid!"

The voice of reproach suddenly rose.

"Use your toes to think carefully. How could Dumbledore choose a freshman to implement his plan?"

"This is not an excuse. You have failed to complete my task twice. If you do it again, you will die!"

"Also, send me the information on that damn Merlin Hantel!"

"As you command, my master."

The black-robed wizard lay on the ground, his voice gradually becoming lower.

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