Quirrell took out"Dark Power: A Guide to Self-Defense" and asked everyone to open the book.

Then he started reading the textbook.

"As we all know, black magic... is a very special kind of magic"

"The caster needs to have... strong negative emotions"

"Therefore, anyone who uses black magic will suffer a strong emotional backlash."

"Violent, dark, even crazy……"

Quirrell's voice was intermittent, and it took him several minutes to finish reading something that the little wizards could read at a glance.

Merlin yawned.

As expected, he shouldn't have any expectations for this course.

He thought that Voldemort would continue to complete the collection that he had not completed after possessing Quirrell.

Or like his Horcrux, he would bewitch one or two little wizards.

But he didn't expect Voldemort to be so weak now that he needed the Green Poison Scale Snake Eye Lamp to illuminate him even during class.

Looking through the magic detection glasses, his magic power was only slightly higher than his own.

It was just dark green.

Merlin suspected that he could even compete with Voldemort now.

But in this case... eh?

Merlin suddenly thought of something.

Quirrell agreed to Voldemort's possession and become his slave for the sake of powerful strength.

But the current situation is obviously the opposite.

Voldemort needs Quirrell to help him do things in order to prolong his life.

But the voice he heard that day was clearly Voldemort threatening Quirrell.

It seems that Quirrell was not very willing after discovering that he was deceived.

It seems that...

I can try to persuade Quirrell to rebel?

It just so happens that he has seen solutions to possession in many works.

The simplest one is to seal Voldemort's soul.

Make him unable to come out.

At that time, Quirrell will no longer be Voldemort's vassal, but Voldemort's master.

Thinking of this,

Merlin was a little tempted.

How about giving it a try?

Anyway, my ability to persuade should be much stronger than Voldemort's, and it shouldn't be difficult to fool a Ravenclaw.

Shouldn't that be considered a transformation of Quirrell?

This is the biggest villain in the first part of the original book. If it succeeds, the reward should be huge, right?

But what reason can make Quirrell change his mind?

After thinking about it.

Since Quirrell is pursuing stronger magic.


Merlin raised his hand to interrupt the lecture

"Professor Quirrell, I'm sorry, you know, I'm from the Muggle world, so I have a few questions to ask"


Quirrell was extremely surprised.

He was still thinking about how to complete the task assigned by Voldemort and get in touch with Merlin.

He didn't expect that he would have the opportunity now.

"Of course! Of course, I can answer any questions you have."

Qiluo said excitedly

"Professor, I would like to ask, what is the difference between black magic and white magic?"

"And how do you distinguish between dark wizards and white wizards?"

Merlin asked.

Quirrell was stunned.

He didn't expect Merlin to ask this question.

Although he taught Defense Against the Dark Arts, many young wizards didn't pay attention to the difference between dark magic and white magic, and only wanted to know some counter-spells.

The young wizards were also stunned, wondering if they had heard it wrong.

There was a standard answer to this question in the book.

Magic that requires negative emotions to be released is dark magic, and those who use dark magic are dark wizards.

Anyone who has read the book will know.

They didn't believe that a young wizard who could release a perfect-level freezing spell and was a genius alchemist would not know...

"Mo...Mo Lin, you know, it's written in the book that the difference between black and white magic lies in the user's...inner emotions."

"Negative emotions will make your magic more powerful!"

"So, is black magic more powerful than white magic?"

""Yes... yes!"

Quirrell nodded.

Merlin sighed and shook his head slightly.

This was Voldemort's or most wizards' thoughts.

They believed that black magic was stronger than white magic.

However, next, he would severely change their thoughts.

Merlin smiled slightly.

"But, professor, I heard there is an old saying in the East that a black wizard is one foot taller than a white wizard."

"If dark magic is so powerful, why did two generations of Dark Lords lose to white magic?"


Quirrell was speechless

"Yes, that's right!"

"If they were stronger, how could they lose?"

"Professor, what is the reason?"

The young wizards frowned and thought about this question.

After a while, they still couldn't figure it out, so they raised their hands to ask Quirrell.

They had always known that dark magic was stronger, and dark wizards were willing to fall for greater power.

But Merlin's question changed their understanding.

If dark magic was stronger, how did the Dark Lord die?

"I... this... um……"

Quirrell hesitated, unable to utter a word.

He subconsciously wanted to say that the Dark Lord was not dead at all, but was on him.

But he knew that if he said that, he would probably die in the classroom.

But if there was no reason, could it be that these two failures were really because white magic was more powerful than black magic?

""Fool, don't be fooled by him, he is just quibbling, dark magic is the most powerful magic!"

Quirrell hadn't figured out what to say yet.

A very faint voice came from behind his head.

Voldemort lowered his voice and said,

"Let me talk to him! Teach him what the real black magic is."

"Master, are you still healthy? And this is Hogwarts, you……"

"Idiot, I'm just using your body to speak, it won't take long"


Mo Lin wanted to listen to a few more words, but Quirrell in front of him suddenly became a different person.

The timid aura disappeared, and his eyes exuded an air of looking down on the world.

It was obvious that Voldemort had taken over the control of Quirrell's body.

The danger foresight was also suddenly startled, and there was a hint of danger.

Mo Lin felt it, and it was not a big danger, so he didn't take it to heart.

By the way, he felt that Voldemort was really impatient.

He couldn't sit still and jumped out without a few words from him.

"Merlin Hantle, I... believe that the Dark Lord did not lose to White Magic, he only lost to himself"

"If you know that history, you will know that when the Dark Lord ruled, no white wizard could stop him."

"He died from the rebound of the curse, that is, from his own hands."

"So, your statement is totally wrong."

"So what is right?" asked Mo Lin.

"Emotions determine power. Negative emotions are easier to accumulate and perceive, so the power of black magic is stronger than white magic."

Voldemort said gloomily.

"So people who are good at using black magic are not happy enough, right?"

The young wizards in the audience burst into laughter.

"Looking at it this way, I feel sympathy for the dark wizards, a bunch of poor people without happiness."

"No wonder they went to Azkaban, because they were not happy."

"What a joke from hell, you should be in Azkaban."

The little wizards laughed so hard.

On the stage, Voldemort's face was dark.

He wanted to say something else.

But his body was not strong enough to support him, so he could only return to his body and fall into a deep sleep.

His last thought before falling asleep was

"Merlin Hantel! I will remember you!"

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