As Voldemort's thoughts disappeared,

Merlin also felt a sense of complete relaxation.

Looking at Quirrell again

, he returned to his previous state of shrinking and stuttering, unable to speak for a long time.

Merlin smiled and looked at him.

"Professor, if you don't say anything, I will take it as you admit that white magic is more powerful than black magic?"

"But I actually think there is no black and white distinction in magic."

Quirrell was stunned for a few seconds, not realizing what Merlin meant.

"The essence of magic is to mobilize magical power, and it cannot be simply divided into black and white. Black and white should be wizards, not magic."

After saying this, Merlin stopped looking at him and turned to look at other little wizards.

The little wizards from the two academies had come back to their senses at this time and applauded Merlin crazily.

They had only heard that the Defense Against the Dark Arts class at Hogwarts was very interesting, but they had never heard it would be so wild.

They could actually discuss dark magic and dark wizards openly.

But after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that there was no problem.

The Defense Against the Dark Arts class did not discuss this, so did they discuss how to mix butterbeer?

Just listening to Merlin and Quirrell's discussion, they were still confused.

Isn't Merlin a first-year freshman? How does he know so much?

Forget about spells and alchemy.

At least it's in the textbooks, but what about dark magic, where does he know so much?

Merlin, are you going to let others live?

At this time, a little witch from Ravenclaw suddenly raised her hand.

""Merlin, if what you said is true, there is no black and white distinction in magic, then how are black and white wizards divided?"

The others fell silent.

They also wanted to hear what Merlin thought of black and white wizards.

"It's very simple. Look at the purpose and effect of his magic."

"Auror uses the Unforgivable Curse to hunt down fugitives in order to defeat the dark wizards. His actions are just, so he is a white wizard."

"The robbers used the leg-locking curse to rob just to make themselves rich, which is also considered an evil dark wizard."

"Just like a kitchen knife, it can be used to cook and it can also be used to kill people. You can't say whether this kitchen knife is good or bad."

"Do you understand?"

Merlin said, and then looked at Qi Luo.

"It doesn't matter if you have used black magic or you are a black wizard. It depends on what you really want to do."

Everyone in the classroom fell silent. They carefully savored Merlin's words.

Even Quirrell was thinking about it. He forgot to assign homework and let them go.

Merlin also got the reward as he wished.

【Host transformation magic world detected】

【Renovation scope: Large, rewards are being distributed】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the spell: Magic Seal - The host can use this spell to seal the magic of a designated object whose magic is lower than his own. After being hit, it will be sealed. The magic can be restored after releasing the spell.】


Merlin couldn't help but get excited when he scanned the panel.

This was the magic that suited him best.

After all, if he was asked to kill someone, he might not be able to do it.

But the seal was different. It was completely free to use.

And as long as the magic power was lower than his own, he would be sealed. It was simple and crude.

I like it!

Combined with his cooking talent, it was simply unsolvable. His future goals were clearer.

Make money, eat, and seal anyone who made him unhappy.

And more importantly, the system gave him such a high transformation evaluation.

It meant that he had planted the seed in the little wizard's head that the textbooks might be wrong.

When he came up with more new ideas in the future, the little wizards would be more receptive. It would also be easier to transform.

It was a big win!

However, what Merlin didn't know was that only a dozen minutes after the Defense Against the Dark Arts course ended, a discussion took place in the principal's office.

"Albus, is this the little wizard you think is talented?"

"It's really good"

"I just started school and I can discuss the meaning of dark magic and dark wizards with the Dark Lord."

"Listen to what he said, it's outrageous!"

"People who use black magic can still be good people? Do you really believe this kind of lies to children?"

Snape stood in front of Dumbledore in his robe and sneered.

"I believe it."

Dumbledore nodded seriously.

"When he told me that I could control Hogwarts by collecting relics, I knew he was different from the people you thought."

"The ones I'm thinking of?"

Snape snorted.

"The Dark Lord? Potter? Who?"

"It doesn't matter who it is."

Dumbledore looked up, his blue eyes looking at Snape through the lenses.

"The important thing is that he knew what he was doing and did not do anything else because of his strength."

Dumbledore thought of something and suddenly smiled and shook his head.

"Severus, believe me, Merlin will be the most unique one among these little wizards."

"In short, I think Mr. Merlin must have his reasons for doing this, let's see how he performs."

Snape narrowed his eyes.

"Of course, Albus, you are the headmaster."

"But I still suggest you think carefully about what will happen if you let a little wizard take control of Hogwarts."

"Thank you, Severus, I will consider this suggestion.

Dumbledore nodded slightly, and suddenly thought of something.

"Severus, I feel that you seem to have a special feeling for Mr. Merlin, even more special than Harry?"


Snape shook his head.

"I have no feelings for him, I just admire his talent for potions."

Snape took out two bottles of fireproof potion from the inside of his robe and handed them to Dumbledore.

"If you look at this, you'll know what I'm talking about."

"A perfect fireproof potion."

Dumbledore took the potion from his hand, looked at it for a few seconds, and returned it to Snape.

"Did you prepare this? Isn't it too early?"

"No, this is made by Mo Lin."

"In the classroom, in my���There are no wrong steps in front of me, and they are exactly the same as the textbook requirements."

Snape paused for a moment and emphasized the last word

"He even wanted to improve some steps, but he just kept them hidden."

"I have never seen a young wizard so talented in potion making!"

"Dumbledore, do you understand me?"

"You mean the Potions Tournament?"


Snape nodded, his eyes revealing a cold look.

"Albus, I must make it clear that since the Potions Championship began in 1407, Hogwarts has only won the medal three times."

"Do you know what people are saying out there?"

"Said Hogwarts is a school that only trains dark wizards"

"I don’t care about what happened before, but if there was a little wizard with such talent in my class, I would definitely let him participate in the Potions Championship!"

"Let people from other schools know that Hogwarts is the place where magic and potions are taught seriously"

"Of course."

Dumbledore adjusted his glasses.

"I will discuss this situation with Mr. Merlin, Severus"

"But it's still a long time before the Potions Championship, so let him enjoy his rare school life first."

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