Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 220 Resurrection

"How is it?" Cedric said hoarsely.

By this time, he had stood up holding on to the hedge, his body still shaking.

Brian glanced at him, was silent for a moment, and then said: "He was a Death Eater, disguised as me, and used the Imperius Curse to control Krum and Lopez of Beauxbatons... two people died. "

Cedric gasped hissingly, leaned against the hedge a little weakly, and said in a weak tone: "How could this happen..."

When Cedric wasn't paying attention, Brian secretly recited the forgetting spell on Crouch Jr., modifying his memory about himself.

"What about Harry?" Cedric asked anxiously, looking very worried.

"He is planning to resurrect the Dark Lord...that requires Harry." Brian said calmly, "I hope you can help me keep an eye on him. I have to go and see if I can save Harry."

"No, let's find the principal first. He will definitely be able to save Harry..." Cedric said hurriedly, "We just need to fire red sparks..."

"Professor Moody is under their control," Brian replied calmly. "If we send out a signal, the person coming will probably be Moody... and the consequences will be very bad."

Cedric groaned, this series of changes was really beyond his expectation.

"Keep an eye on him for me first. I'll be back soon." Brian smiled slightly and said, "I know where Harry was sent."

"You..." Cedric was a little helpless and knew that he couldn't stop Brian. He nodded and said, "Then be careful."

"I will take him outside the maze and find a way to inform the principal." After knowing the current situation, Cedric also showed his excellent qualities. He quickly regained his composure and said calmly: "Don't be brave, protect yourself first..."

"Of course I know." Brian smiled, "By the way, have you met Fleur Delacour?"

"Harry and I saw her fainting on the way, and we helped her launch red sparks," Cedric said.

Brian nodded and said, "Then I'll set off, and you should be careful. If there's danger, you still have to shoot red sparks."

Cedric reluctantly smiled at him, pointed his wand at Little Crouch on the ground, made him levitate, and then staggered out of the maze.

Brian looked at his back ghostly, quietly raised his wand, and said silently: "Legilimency."

With Cedric unconscious, his current thoughts and recent memories emerging in confusion, Brian calmly lowered his wand, confirming that he was not controlled by the Imperius Curse.

After Cedric's figure turned the corner and disappeared, Brian picked up a stone on the side of the road, pointed his wand at it and said "Mentos".

Ten seconds later, Brian's figure suddenly disappeared.

At this time, Harry was experiencing the most terrifying experience in his life.

The Triwizard Cup took him flying into the swirling colors. His hands were tightly glued to the handle of the trophy, and there was only the sound of the howling wind in his ears.

Finally, Harry felt his feet hit the ground and his hand finally let go of the Triwizard Cup. He staggered a step and then regained his balance.

He knew the feeling; he must have flown miles, maybe hundreds, on the Portkey. No one told him before the game that the trophy was a door key.

But he was more worried about Cedric than that. Why would Brian say the Cruciatus Curse to Cedric? He also showed such a terrifying expression.

It suddenly occurred to him that Sirius had been warning him to be careful of Brian, and that he might have evil intentions against him and want to kill him during the game. Was Sirius right?

Harry felt sad and angry about being betrayed by his friend, as well as worried and apologetic about Cedric.

"How could this happen..." Harry felt a little helpless.

He encouraged himself secretly and then took stock of his surroundings. He found himself standing in a dark, overgrown churchyard, with a tall yew to the right and a chapel behind, a faint black outline in the darkness. To the left is a hill, with an exquisite old house on the hillside.

"Where is this?" Harry raised his wand and looked around nervously.

A figure appeared in front of him, short in stature, wearing a hooded cloak that covered his face. Harry could see the man was holding something, maybe a baby, or maybe a bag of clothes?

He looked at the short figure, and the scar on his head suddenly felt painful. He screamed in pain and couldn't help but cover his head.

A spell hit Harry, and the wand flew out of his hand. Then, the man in the cloak grabbed his arm strongly and dragged him to a marble tombstone. Harry vaguely saw the name on the tombstone: Tom Riddle.

Harry struggled and kicked, but he was still tied tightly to the tombstone by the man, with ropes tangled one after another. He kicked the man and saw that he was missing a finger on one hand.

"It's you!" Harry exclaimed. It's Wormtail!

"Master, little Barty hasn't come back yet..." Wormtail ignored Harry and said urgently.

"Don't worry about him, hurry up!" A sharp and cold voice urged, a little impatient. Harry's scar hurt more and more.

A large snake snaked on the grass, circling the tombstone.

Harry saw Wormtail push out a huge stone cauldron and begin to cook something in it, and the liquid in the pot began to boil.

Wormtail poured the disgusting baby-like contents of the bundle into the cauldron, but Harry didn't think Wormtail meant to treat himself to a dinner. In fact, the pain in his scar made him sick to his stomach.

Brian had already appeared next to the tombstone in the distance at this time. He had already put on a black hooded robe and watched this scene silently.

The third event of the Triwizard Tournament has ended. Brian has gained two witness points. Now, he ignores what happened in front of him and adds three witness points to spell-free casting.

At this moment, spell-free spellcasting had reached its peak level. Brian felt as if some shackles had been taken off, and all the spells had become very flexible. He closed his eyes and realized that he could now cast all the spells he knew without spells, and he could cast spells very quickly, and the power was exactly the same as chanting a spell loudly.

This means that he has truly taken a solid step on the road to achieving his dreams.

He silently restrained all his aura, concealed his figure and approached the ceremony over there, finally stopping next to the Triwizard Cup.

Nagini was swimming lazily not far away, but didn't notice anything wrong. Wormtail had thrown the bones from the grave and his own hand into the cauldron, and was now sobbing, stabbing Harry in the arm with a dagger and collecting Harry's blood in a small glass bottle.

Brian pointed at the Triwizard Cup with his wand and turned it into a portkey back to Hogwarts.

Crouch Jr. and Moody did not set a round-trip portkey this time.

After Brian had done everything, he silently retreated behind the tombstone farther away and watched the ceremony continue. He pulled out a piece of his hair, held his wand against it and muttered a spell.

The hair turned into a small ball of ashes as if it had been corroded by something. Brian raised his head and continued to observe Voldemort's resurrection ceremony.

He had just used his own hair as a guide to eliminate all the hair and other information he had left behind, so as not to be used by the enemy to do what Crouch did tonight.

At this time, Wormtail poured Harry's blood into the crucible, and a thick white steam rose from the crucible, making a large area white.

The white mist slowly dissipated, and a tall, thin man who looked like a skeleton slowly rose from the crucible.

Wormtail sobbed and groaned while protecting his residual arm, and hurriedly grabbed a set of black robes and put them on the man.

Brian saw his appearance clearly: a face as pale as a skull, with red eyes, a flat nose like a snake's nose, and two slits for the nostrils.

"It's so ugly..." Brian was thinking wanderingly at this time.

If he was allowed to become like this, he would definitely not do it.

However, no matter what, Voldemort was resurrected.

We went according to the original plan and used Harry's blood as we wished...

For this matter, Brian could only say one thing: Congratulations.

Thinking like this, Brian took out the camera he had prepared in advance and pressed the shutter on this scene.

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