The newly resurrected Voldemort was examining his body ecstatically, stroking his wand, seeming to be savoring the hard-won freedom.

His bright red eyes looked at Harry who was tied to the tombstone, and he let out a cold and sharp smile.

Wormtail was holding his broken arm and crying. Voldemort ignored his pleas and directly raised Wormtail's left arm, stretched out his surprisingly long pale fingers and pressed them on the bright red Dark Mark.

Wormtail let out a wail, and Voldemort let go of his hand with satisfaction, watching as the mark turned pitch black.

Voldemort paced back and forth, hissing softly to Harry about his family history, his expression smug and cruel.

Brian sat down behind a tombstone and was gently fanning a photo when a figure gradually appeared on it.

He glanced at the photo. The background was a dark sky and thin white mist, surrounded by numerous tombstones. Voldemort was staring at Harry ecstatically, occasionally glancing sternly out of the photo, while Wormtail stood trembling on the side, sobbing continuously.

Brian put the photo away with satisfaction and continued to watch things develop.

One after another, the phantoms of people appeared. They all wore hoods and covered their faces, and walked slowly and cautiously. The only sound in the air was the rustling sound of their cloaks dragging on the ground.

One by one, the Death Eaters knelt on the ground, crawled to Voldemort, kissed the hem of his black robe, and whispered: "Master...Master..."

Brian found a good angle and pressed the shutter in his hand again.

This camera has been transformed by Brian's alchemy. It does not emit sound, flash and fog. Well, it is very useful for candid photography.

The Death Eaters stood up and silently formed a circle, surrounding Voldemort, Tom Riddle's grave, Harry, and Wormtail, who was lying on the ground, sobbing and twitching.

Brian put away the photos, slipped into the circle of Death Eaters without attracting anyone's attention, and began to watch openly.

"Welcome, Death Eaters," Voldemort said.

He spoke calmly about his disappointment with the Death Eaters over the past thirteen years. His voice was very soft, but seemed to contain endless coldness, making the Death Eater circle tremble.

A man suddenly fell to the ground and begged Voldemort for forgiveness, but Voldemort recited the Cruciatus Curse. The sound of screaming and wailing resounded in the cemetery.

Voldemort stopped the torture, and the tortured Death Eater lay on the ground breathing heavily. Next, he gave Wormtail a silvery prosthetic hand that he kissed gratefully on his robes.

Brian watched quietly, thinking that this was what the Dark Lord did, hitting him with a stick and giving him a sweet date, giving both kindness and power... Although it was a bit crude, his absolute strength made this approach very effective.

Voldemort slowly called out the names of the Death Eaters and talked to them. The Death Eater who was tortured by the Cruciatus Curse was Avery, and there were Lucius Malfoy, MacNeil, the biggest Crabbe and Goyle, and the hunched Nott...

"The Lestranges should stand here. They are loyal. When Azkaban is breached, they will get rewards they have never dreamed of..." Voldemort clicked on the empty positions, "The Dementors will Join us... we will recall the banished giants..."

"And here, three of them died for me. One didn't have the courage to come back. The other one, I think he left me forever. Of course they will be executed... and the other one..." Voldemort pointed to an empty seat and said coldly He said, "He is still serving me loyally, but maybe something happened tonight."

"But where is Albert Foley? He doesn't think he can compete with me, does he?" Voldemort pointed at an empty seat next to Mr. Malfoy and said with a sneer.

Lucius Malfoy shuddered and pursed his lips. Goyle said naively on the other side: "He is going to Hogwarts tonight to watch the Triwizard Tournament. Master, he probably won't be able to make it..."

Voldemort glared at Goyle, causing his words to stop abruptly, and the big man's body began to tremble.

"No, who are you?" Voldemort suddenly frowned and looked at Brian next to Gower. Brian had been standing behind the two big guys, looking very inconspicuous.

"Ahem, it's me." Brian said in the same hoarse voice he had used before Voldemort.

"It's you, Black Crow... Haha," Voldemort raised the corner of his mouth coldly, "Trying to cooperate with me... Maybe I should praise you, lest some people forget who is their master."

"Rather than causing trouble for me, why don't you deal with him first?" Brian pointed at Harry, who had been trying to weaken his sense of existence. It's almost time for the portkey.

"Ah, yes, and our little friend." Voldemort said lazily. As if knowing that Brian couldn't escape, he turned around and walked to Harry.

Several Death Eaters surrounded Brian intentionally or unintentionally, helping to guard against him.

Voldemort whispered the story of his resurrection, and proudly told the Death Eaters: This boy was no longer his nemesis. He had received the protective magic from Harry Potter's mother that flowed in his blood, and he was no longer afraid. touch him...

He put his fingers on Harry's forehead and smiled as he watched Harry grit his teeth in pain.

"Of course, I want to thank the Black Crow for bringing me the information, which is very important, otherwise I wouldn't be able to invite Harry Potter here..." Voldemort pointed at Brian and said, "Therefore, I can forgive you. For the offense he committed against me four years ago... Voldemort always rewards and punishes clearly."

Brian curled his lips secretly, thinking that was weird. He pointed at the Triwizard Cup with the wand hidden under his robes, delaying the departure time by two minutes.

"Tear out the bones!" Voldemort suddenly shouted coldly.

Harry screamed in pain, shaking his head, hands and feet wildly, and his screams gradually became weaker. When the torture was over, he hung limply on the rope, breathing heavily.

"Next, I will completely eliminate the misunderstanding in everyone's mind." Voldemort said, "Now, in front of you, there is no Dumbledore to protect him, and no mother to make sacrifices for him. I will give him the same My chance to duel.”

The big snake Nagini swam slowly to where the Death Eaters were standing, staring at Brian with cold eyes, obviously still holding a grudge.

Harry was put down by Wormtail and his wand was thrust back into his hand. He stood next to the tombstone, his legs still shaking.

Harry was forced to bow to Voldemort, and the Death Eaters laughed lowly. He overcame Voldemort's Imperius Curse without uttering a word for mercy and nimbly threw himself behind the marble tombstone.

Brian watched silently, admitting that although Harry was a reckless man, he was indeed very brave.

When Harry finally mustered up the courage to step out from behind the tombstone and say "Expelliarmus", the red light emitted from his wand connected with the green light emitted by Voldemort, and a dazzling golden beam connected the two wands. . The two people rose into the air and slowly flew to an open space without graves.

This is how this unprecedented and exciting confrontation began. The golden threads turned into thousands of arcs of light, intertwined into a golden net, surrounding them in the middle. The song of the phoenix resounded, extremely beautiful and giving people hope.

The Death Eaters were shouting and they followed, Brian at the rear.

"It's so spectacular." Brian took out his camera and took a photo, but he was thinking about the theoretical basis for this result.

The connection between Harry and Voldemort is extremely close. The core of the wand in his hand comes from the same phoenix, so this situation is triggered... It's a bit like the meaning of like not killing each other?

"So, if I use a time turner to go back in time and fight against my past self..." Brian thought, "will this effect also occur?"

He was a little regretful that he didn't verify it last semester.

At this time, the battle between Harry and Voldemort changed again. Voldemort's wand let out a painful scream, and then a human hand made of thick smoke flew out, followed by another painful scream...

Next, there is a body made of thick smoke, that is an old man on crutches. Then there was a young strange wizard, probably the one Voldemort killed during the summer vacation. A young woman with long hair floated out, followed by a young man, who were Harry's parents.

They cheered Harry on and surrounded Voldemort. Voldemort turned livid with fear as he saw the people he had killed floating around him.

The wand's connection was disconnected, and Harry ran headlong, knocking away two frightened Death Eaters, and ran away at full speed like a headless chicken.

The Death Eater's spell hit him, forcing him to hide behind a tombstone to avoid the whizzing red light.

"Get out of the way! He's mine!" Voldemort was screaming.

The Triwizard Cup in the distance suddenly flew towards Harry and hit him hard in his arms. He was hit until his chest felt tight, and then he was swept away by a colorful whirlwind.

Voldemort was shouting angrily, and angrily blew up a large number of tombstones around him.

Brian silently put down the wand in his hand, thinking that Voldemort could really talk nonsense, and the portkey was almost obsolete.

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