Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 222 The Peak Battle

Harry Potter once again escaped from Voldemort.

The Death Eaters fell into an eerie silence, not daring to move for fear of attracting the Dark Lord's attention and causing disaster to them.

Voldemort wreaked havoc with impotence and fury, as if the owners of those tombstones had a grudge against him. He set off an ominous black mist around him, and the big snake Nagini also violently assumed an attacking posture, making the Death Eaters afraid to show their anger.

Brian discovered Voldemort's well-hidden fear under his anger. Apparently, Harry Potter had ruined his affairs one after another and escaped from him several times, making him begin to doubt whether Harry would really It is natural to overcome him.

"What can I say? Villains die because they talk too much." Brian thought idly.

At this time, Voldemort finally calmed down. His flat snake face was expressionless, but it made people feel like it was a volcano on the verge of erupting.

"Ah, I admit that I made a miscalculation. That little bug slipped away from Voldemort's hands again..." Voldemort said softly, his red eyes scanning everyone coldly. The Death Eaters shivered.

"Yes, but we still have a lot of time. Harry Potter can't hide under Dumbledore's wings all the time... I really want to know, when one day Dumbledore can no longer protect him, What expression will he make?" Voldemort said.

"So, now, my dear collaborator...let me see what you are capable of." Voldemort raised the wand in his hand in the direction of Brian, "Let everything get back on track."

"You carelessly let Harry Potter escape from under your hands, so do you want to take it out on me?" Brian sneered unceremoniously, "Recover your wisdom and power from your partners?"

Voldemort was livid with anger.

Brian walked out from the group of Death Eaters and confronted Voldemort. Standing in the circle surrounded by Death Eaters, it seemed that he was reenacting the scene that had just happened.

A strong sense of oppression rose up from them, causing the Death Eaters to retreat further involuntarily. Voldemort looked at Brian in surprise, but his eyes were even colder.

"Very good, I also want to see how much stronger you have become after your resurrection." Brian looked at Voldemort and changed back to his original voice, causing the Death Eaters to commotion for a while.

The two people moved around in the circle, and the atmosphere was so solemn that it seemed to quiet the wind around them.

Voldemort took action. He raised his wand, shot out a green light without any hesitation, and rushed towards Brian.

Brian transformed into a bright starry sky, appeared on Voldemort's right side like a teleport, and responded with a fire curse. The coquettish purple flame turned into a ferocious dragon and snake, rushing towards Voldemort with blazing temperature and naked greed.

Voldemort waved his wand widely, and the fierce fire beasts whined and were knocked down. Some of them turned a miserable green color, and in turn rushed towards the purple fire beasts. The two sides of fierce fire were fighting in the air, causing the surrounding air to distort due to the high temperature.

The Death Eaters hurriedly retreated further, only daring to peek out from a distance.

At this time, Brian had already waved his wand at the remaining tombstones. Those tombstones rose from the ground, and together with the soil beneath them, they turned into rock giants and rushed towards Voldemort, waving their fists.

A pair of huge rocky palms suddenly rose from Voldemort's feet and closed them fiercely. But Voldemort suddenly disappeared before his hands could be closed, and appeared behind Brian.

Another green light shot towards Brian, but it only hit an illusory shadow. Brian chuckled lowly and responded with a death curse.

Voldemort disappeared again, and countless giant black fog snakes suddenly appeared next to Brian. They emerged from the air and under the soil, biting towards Brian with their mouths wide open, their long fangs flashing with dark green. Evil light.

Brian waved the wand in his hand downward in an arc, and a large raging golden light burst out from under his feet. It was a ring of twisted golden thin lines surrounding the city, expanding with Brian as the center, covering the sky. The group of black mist snakes on the day was completely purified.

At the same time, Brian judged Voldemort's landing point and shot a powerful crushing curse in that direction. Voldemort had to condense a shining silver shield to block the spell, and the struck silver shield made a low trembling sound.

The rock giants also rushed towards Voldemort, raised their fists and smashed them down hard. A deep pit appeared on the ground, and Voldemort was no longer where he was.

Brian transformed into a starry sky again and appeared elsewhere. A huge snake sprang out from where he was standing, swallowing up a large piece of land and air where he was.

More giant snakes sprang out from the ground, and they entangled the rock giants. The two sides fought hard. Earth and rocks flew all over the sky, and the dust in the air made it difficult to see clearly.

Brian's eyes moved, and a huge flaming phoenix flew out from the tip of the wand, colliding hard with the black mist snake that came out of the dust, and exploded into fireworks all over the sky.

"Do you want to continue?" Brian asked softly, "Or do you want to decide between life and death tonight?"

"Who are you?" Voldemort's voice was sharp and cold.

"What? Can't believe what you see?" Brian took off the hood on his head and showed a faint smile, "In other words, you always criticize Dumbledore's old age and ignorance, but don't admit that you are also Has it been overtaken by latecomers and will be swept into the garbage heap of history?”

Voldemort fell silent, the anger in his eyes became more obvious, and his red eyes almost burned. However, he finally calmed down and said, "What exactly do you want?"

"I said that I would cooperate with you to break the International Law of Wizarding Secrecy." Brian said in a clear voice, "You are a good partner, but for me, it doesn't necessarily have to be you."

"Who else can you turn to, Dumbledore?" Voldemort sarcastically said, "That old guy who values ​​Muggles more than wizards?"

"No, I think Grindelwald is not bad either." Brian smiled, "Although he has been imprisoned for so many years, his forces have been waiting for him to return, and then raise their arms..."

"..." Voldemort was silent for a while, and then said softly, "Very good, you are my collaborator."

"Very good." Brian smiled a little coldly.

The smoke and dust in the sky slowly dissipated, Brian extinguished the raging fire, and the air was filled with the smell of burnt vegetation.

Only then did the Death Eaters see Brian's face clearly. They started to stir and looked at each other, remembering the solicitation from Mr. Foley not long ago.

Brian turned around and raised the corners of his mouth slightly, knowing that his purpose on Voldemort's side was achieved tonight.

Voldemort allowed Harry to escape from his grasp, which in itself made the Death Eaters less confident. Next, he couldn't defeat Brian, which caused a huge psychological impact on the Death Eaters, who couldn't help but want to get closer to Brian.

After all, no matter where you look at it, Brian is more worthy of their closeness. In terms of identity, Brian comes from the twenty-eight pure-blooded families. In terms of strength, he can equal Voldemort. Moreover, he was Voldemort's collaborator, so being close to him was not considered betrayal... The Death Eaters found themselves with a new choice.

The seeds planted not long ago are beginning to sprout from now on. When Voldemort loses power again, these Death Eaters will be able to gain their followers.

And Brian was not afraid that his identity would be exposed... Not to mention that he had no intention of hiding it in the first place. Even if Voldemort and the others said it, who would believe it?

A fourth-year student can fight to a tie with Voldemort, then reach a cooperation, and want to dominate the world? Is this telling a story?

Brian looked at the time and said softly: "Well, I'll leave first. There are still things to deal with at school."

"If you have any questions, please contact me..." Brian paused and said, "I hope you can regain your power as soon as possible."

As he spoke, his figure disappeared in full view of everyone.

Voldemort's face was extremely cold, and he was even more furious when he saw the performance of the Death Eaters.

He also had to admit that Brian was a genius who emerged from nowhere and was even more dazzling than he was at that time.

It seems that he will rescue those loyal servants in Azkaban sooner.

"But it's hard to say what the future will be like?" Voldemort sneered. Whether it is Dumbledore or Brian, he will die as long as he is hit by the Death Curse, but he has long found a way to avoid death and always has the capital to make a comeback.

He will definitely have the last laugh.

Voldemort stroked the scales on Nagini's head and narrowed his red eyes.

Thank you Yue Bu Zui Ren Zi Zui Zui for the 1500 starting coins~

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