Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 238 Re-entering the Ministry of Magic

After Fudge reluctantly signed the contract, the Brians went straight home.

The days that followed were not peaceful. The news of the Death Eaters' attack on the Monsa Grand Theater spread widely, causing great panic to the wizards. They undoubtedly announced the return of the Dark Lord in this way.

The actress involved in this incident, Andrea Garcia, hurried back to China the next morning, ending her year-long tour.

The British wizarding world was in panic. Many wizarding families stayed behind closed doors. Some people fled abroad. Of course, there were also some people who began to secretly fight against the Dark Lord as they had done more than ten years ago.

There was a lot of talk in the Ministry of Magic about Fudge's resignation, but Fudge unexpectedly chose to remain silent until the day of the Council.

Mr. Foley took Brian with him to observe the review meeting. At the meeting, Fudge won with a majority of votes and was shocked. Looking at the constipated expressions of Scrimgeour's gang, Fudge looked proud, and his deputy secretary Dolores Umbridge smiled sweetly beside him.

Dumbledore also attended the council meeting. He did not express an opinion. After the meeting ended, he glanced at Brian and left quickly. It seems that he has been very busy recently.

"Congratulations, Connelly." Mr. Foley shook hands with Fudge before leaving.

"Ah, thank you." Fudge smiled and narrowed his eyes.

"And Brian..." Fudge extended his palm to Brian kindly.

Brian shook hands with Fudge, smiled and said softly: "Then, I wish you good luck, Minister Fudge."

"Huh?" Fudge pressed the top hat on his head.

"Now, it's time for you to worry about your life." Brian said in a gentle tone, "I think you have been prepared...to take over the high-risk job of Minister of Magic at this time."

Fudge's smile froze on his face, but he still forced a smile and nodded, then turned to shake hands with the others and talk.

"Hey, you poured cold water on me at the right time." Mr. Foley said playfully.

The two of them walked out of the conference hall together. Brian smiled and said: "I'm just telling the truth. The Dark Lord will definitely want to control the Ministry of Magic. The easiest way is to control the minister... If you can't control it, kill him and replace him."

"I wonder if he will regret it?" Mr. Foley sighed.

"Who knows, it seems like he didn't." Brian glanced at Fudge, who was smiling so hard that he couldn't even see his eyebrows. "That's fine. When the situation becomes more chaotic and dangerous, he will have no choice but to move closer to us."

Nothing can make a politician relax his grip on power unless his life is endangered.

"Oh, Lucius." Mr. Foley waved to Mr. Malfoy in front of him.

"Long time no see, Albert." Mr. Malfoy looked a little haggard and smiled.

"How are you doing?" Mr. Foley looked him over.

"Not very good, you know," said Mr. Malfoy. At the same time, he nodded kindly to Brian, appearing both close and distant.

This expresses the overall attitude of this group of Death Eaters. They want to get close to Brian, but they dare not get close due to Voldemort's power.

Several people joined the small group one after another. The group of people walked outside while talking, and Brian naturally responded to the conversations from others...

Time passed by, and the Death Eaters did not cause any major troubles, but there were also unusual attacks. People in the magic world are panicked, and wizards are like frightened birds. They will make up a series of shady stories for any unexpected event.

The chaos and panic in the outside world did not affect the tranquility of Foley Manor. It was like a paradise isolated from everything. Of course, it has some impact. For example, Mrs. Foley has significantly reduced the number of outings, and Mr. Foley is busy arranging the family's property.

Brian avoided Mr. Foley, who wanted to capture the young man, and hid in the study to read quietly and study the Loyalty Charm. He felt that he needed to provide some insurance for his relatives. After all, he could not stay at home all the time.

During this period, Dumbledore sent him a letter asking if he was willing to serve as Slytherin's male prefect, but Brian wrote a letter and refused.

By the time Mr. Foley learned of the incident, the owl that delivered the letter had already flown out for more than two hours.

Mr. Foley almost jumped to his feet. He said regretfully: "You should have told me first, Brian. I failed to become a prefect back then, which was an advantage to Lucius..."

"Oh?" Brian looked at him curiously.

"That's not because I'm worse than him!" Under Brian's funny eyes, Mr. Foley really jumped up.

"If I hadn't been so capable of causing trouble at that time, well, I was young and frivolous..." Mr. Foley said, then he snorted, turned around and walked away with his hands behind his back.

Brian laughed out loud from behind. He could understand the professors' views on Mr. Foley at that time, and he couldn't imagine the consequences if the Weasley twins were appointed as prefects...

Fudge's arrangements were in place. Two weeks later, a majestic big owl sent an assessment notice from the Department of Mysteries. It was an invitation-like letter. The dark background and silver font looked mysterious and ancient.

"Dear Mr. Brian Foley:

We sincerely invite you to participate in the Department of Mysteries admission assessment at 9 a.m. on August 1st. Please arrive on time on the ninth floor of the basement of the Ministry of Magic.

Yours truly, Phyllis Brown, Department of Mysteries. "

Brian looked at the invitation and noticed some mysterious magic on it. This was a type he had never been exposed to before, and it probably had the effect of determining whether the candidate was normal.

"It seems that the Department of Mysteries is really a good place to go." Brian watched the invitation spinning lightly on his fingertips.

He is destined to have an indissoluble bond with the Department of Mysteries, whether it is the prophecy representing the morning star or the door of death that frequently appears in his dreams.

Moreover, the secrets there also made him extremely curious. Brian feels that if he wants to climb to the ultimate level of magic, the Department of Mysteries cannot be bypassed and will be of great help to him.

On the morning of August 1st, Brian went to the Ministry of Magic alone and stepped into the telephone box that served as the guest entrance.

Brian expertly dialed "62442" and then listened quietly to the indifferent female voice. He had a strange feeling, because he had only broken into the Ministry of Magic once at the end of his third year, and now he was here again as a normal visitor.

"Brian Foley, come to take the intern assessment of the Department of Mysteries." Brian said.

He pinned the silver badge that fell out of the metal slot to his chest, and then slowly sank into the ground as the ground finally stopped at the end of the hall.

Brian stepped out. It was still the same as last time, resplendent and extremely gorgeous. However, the place is now crowded with wizards coming to work.

Many gilded fireplaces are embedded in the walls on the left and right sides. Every few seconds in the fireplace on the left, a wizard pops out of it. Some are holding a pile of crumbling newspapers, and some are carrying Carrying a tattered briefcase, he hurriedly walked towards the rows of golden doors at the other end of the hall. There is a group of wizards lining up in front of the fireplace on the right, waiting to leave.

Brian walked around the fountain with a solid gold statue in the middle of the foyer, left the crowd of Ministry of Magic employees, and came to the table under the "Security Check" sign on the left, where a drowsy and extremely tired middle-aged man sat. Witch.

"Hello." Brian said softly.

The witch suddenly woke up. She yawned and said, "Oh, hello, I'm sorry I'm so tired." She said, picked up a long golden rod and swept it up and down on Brian's body.

Next, the witch took Brian's wand, threw it on the strange brass machine next to it, and waited for the machine to spit out a piece of parchment, while still muttering in her mouth.

"Really, Eric is late again. I have to report him sooner or later..." The witch scratched her messy hair, "Oh, I'm sorry, you know, since the incident in the Department of Mysteries, Eric I refused to work the night shift anymore... I came out with ebony wood and phoenix feathers, and I have been using them for three years, right?"

Brian nodded, took the wand from the witch, and merged into the crowd heading towards the golden door.

He finally squeezed into an elevator and pressed the button for the ninth floor underground. Several wizards were holding pots of plants that looked like blooming cactus, so that people around him had to carefully avoid them. Brian was cornered.

With the sound of tinkling and clicking, the elevator slowly descended, and the number of people in the elevator gradually decreased, until only Brian was left.

"Department of Mysteries." The cold female voice said, and the elevator gate slowly opened.

Brian walked out of the elevator and came to the corridor outside.

A bald, middle-aged wizard was waiting outside the elevator, with a lifeless look in his eyes that was characteristic of early morning. After seeing Brian, his eyes lit up and he came over.

Thank you Qi Lou Na for your reward of 500 starting coins, and Bauhinia Green for your reward of 100 starting coins. Thank you for your support!

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