Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 243 Attack

In the days that followed, Brian officially began his internship in the Department of Mysteries.

The Department of Mysteries has very relaxed requirements on him, perhaps because he has not graduated from school yet, and there are no strict requirements on his usual working hours. As long as he could devote thirty hours a week to working in the Department of Mysteries, he would receive a meager monthly internship salary.

Similarly, he does not need to do the work of serving tea as an intern. Instead, he can serve as a formal researcher, conduct research on some less dangerous mysterious things, and have the right to use the laboratory.

Most of the information in the Hall of Silence is open to him. Because he signed the oath of silence, he cannot disclose any secrets to the outside world. According to Brian's understanding, even if someone catches the Silent Man, he will be tortured, Legilimency or use the truth No agent can get the secrets in their minds.

This is the real "secret keeping".

Brian's internship life seems to be relatively leisurely. He has no rigid work targets. At present, he only needs to browse various research materials in the Silent Hall, gain a deeper understanding of the research objects in each hall, and make his own choices.

The Department of Mysteries is very quiet, with few people talking and walking in the corridors. Those silent people don't care who joins the Department of Mysteries. They are often in a hurry, or thinking hard, and are keen to lock themselves in offices or laboratories. , obsessed with the exploration of magic and mystery.

The current Director of the Department of Mysteries is also a mysterious guy, and Brian has never seen him once.

Generally speaking, the Department of Mysteries is the research institution of the Ministry of Magic, and it is staffed by a group of researchers who are not interested in power. They often don't know much about the ways of the world, but they all have a very high level of knowledge.

In the office area, Brian was also assigned a small office, where he could sit and read books borrowed from the Hall of Silence. Everything was just like at home, which made Brian feel very comfortable.

These days, he learned about various research objects and visited each hall several times to get an overall impression.

He also went to the Prophecy Hall and found two prophecy balls about himself, which were prophecies made by Trelawney when he was in his third grade. A tag underneath a prophecy ball reads: S.P.T. to B.F. Brian Foley and Ominous(?).

The other one was one in which Trelawney predicted the Dark Lord's return with the help of his servants, and since it involved Brienne, he was also able to take it down and look at it.

The prophecy ball shimmered with a cold color, but was very warm in his hands. Brian could hear the prophecy inside, which was Trelawney's strangely loud and harsh tone.

He also found a prophecy ball about Harry Potter and Voldemort from about fifteen years ago, which was sitting deep in the ninety-seventh row of shelves, gathering dust. But Brian couldn't touch it because it wasn't a prophecy about him.

It was as if there was some kind of mysterious magic protecting the prophecy ball, constantly fending off Brian's hand. Brian found himself helpless against this mysterious magic.

"Interesting." Brian commented, becoming even more curious about these mysterious phenomena.

It is a pity that these mysterious phenomena in the Department of Mysteries are related to the most fundamental secrets of the world. Even if people have studied them for hundreds or thousands of years, they have only just begun.

During this time, the magical world barely regained its calm. Cornelius Fudge took a series of measures to show his attitude of fighting the Dark Lord and barely maintained the situation.

The Death Eaters did not come out to cause trouble again, Foley Manor remained quiet, and Dumbledore did not invite Brian to participate in an interesting adventure, such as stealing a ring that Voldemort had hidden many years ago.

The magical world seemed to have fallen into the calm before the storm, waiting for something to break it all.

Soon, this peaceful time was broken by Fudge.

He announced that Barty Crouch Jr.'s execution would take place on August 12, and they would perform the "Dementor's Kiss" on Crouch Jr. in the courtroom at the bottom of the Ministry of Magic.

The previous Azkaban prison break incident undoubtedly severely slapped the Ministry of Magic in the face. Fortunately, Barty Crouch Jr. was imprisoned in the Ministry of Magic at the time for trial and did not escape with him. Fudge seemed to want to improve morale through this incident, but at this period he was undoubtedly provoking the Dark Lord.

However, Fudge seemed confident that Dumbledore would be invited to attend and the Ministry of Magic would be on maximum alert that day.

The wizards are both looking forward to and uneasy about this matter. Many people are pessimistic about it. They urgently need a little victory to boost their courage.

The Daily Prophet extensively reported on this incident. The magical world was like a pool of stagnant water, brewing the most terrifying storm.

However, soon, the calm before the storm was broken by another incident.

"Harry Potter was attacked by dementors?" Brian frowned slightly as he looked at the letter Mr. Foley had just received.

"Yes, that's what Harry Potter said." Mr. Foley shrugged. "It is said that he used the Patronus Charm in front of Muggles, which seriously violated the Reasonable Restraint of Minor Wizards Act and the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy."

"Senior Undersecretary Umbridge announced that he will go to the Ministry of Magic to stand trial on August 12th."

"What's Fudge's attitude?" Brian pondered.

"Oh, that short fat guy's attitude towards this matter is very ambiguous." Mr. Foley said with a playful smile, "Logically speaking, he should try to please Harry Potter, but he has our support... maybe He wanted to identify the Boy-Who-Lived as a deranged lunatic so that Dumbledore wouldn't rely on Potter to win over people?"

"It's not like this. He won't further offend Dumbledore and Harry Potter at this time..." Brian said, "On the contrary, he should be more inclined to reconcile with them..."

Brian's mind was quickly sorting out all kinds of information and details, and then he remembered the original work. The current situation was completely different from the original work. Umbridge should not have sent dementors to attack Harry according to the original idea. right……

"Wait, Dolores Umbridge..." Brian murmured, "Dad, do you know what Umbridge did a few days ago?"

"That pink toad?" Mr. Foley frowned, looking a little disgusted. "She didn't do anything extraordinary. Except that she seemed to be targeting Harry Potter now, she was just in the period when Fudge was about to lose power. He took the time to do what any normal politician would do - show favor to the new minister who was 'popular'."

"That's it..." Brian raised his lips slightly, "The fact that Fudge has reached cooperation with us is a secret... and Umbridge has always regarded herself as Fudge's most trusted subordinate."

"Perhaps Fudge has seen clearly a few days ago that this subordinate he has always had high hopes for is actually not that loyal. He even abandoned him without hesitation and wanted to find a new home when he was in crisis..." Brian tapped the letter paper placed on the table gently, "Fudge will definitely not let her sit comfortably in the position of senior deputy minister again."

"Then what does this have to do with the Dementors attacking Harry Potter?" Mr. Foley raised his eyebrows.

Brian smiled, knowing that this was the crushing of intelligence. Mr. Foley has not read the original story, so no matter how smart he is, there are limitations.

"I think Fudge may have conveyed the wrong policy to Umbridge, making her think that she would still suppress Harry Potter and turn him into a clown who wants to impress people." Brian's eyes were clear and clear. Calm, "Umbridge knows that she has done something wrong, so she will definitely suppress Harry Potter severely to restore her impression in Fudge's mind and stabilize her position as Fudge's number one loyal dog."

"In this way, she will definitely make enemies of a large number of people in the Ministry of Magic who have a good impression of Harry and those who support Dumbledore. At the same time, she will also lose the trust of a large number of wizards." Brian said softly, "When the time comes, Fudge can justifiably throw the blame on Umbridge, fire her from her job, and show kindness to Harry..."

"...It makes sense." Mr. Foley muttered.

"However, I'm afraid Fudge didn't expect that Umbridge would dare to instigate the Dementors to attack Harry Potter." Brian smiled a little coldly, "Maybe other people wouldn't be so extreme, but with Umbridge's character It can definitely be done.”

"Do you dare to say that you know the character of his subordinates better than Fudge?" Mr. Foley curled his lips.

"I just have a special source of information." Brian said with a smile, watching Mr. Foley tilt his head in pretended disdain.

"I'm afraid Fudge is very worried now." Brian added, "This trial will be very complicated. I think Harry Potter will be fine. The result will be that Umbridge will be removed from the review, or... …”

"What is it?" Mr. Foley pricked up his ears.

"The dementors have surrendered to Voldemort... I think some people in the Ministry of Magic should have suspicions, but there is no evidence." Brian said slowly, "If Umbridge is ignored, this can be regarded as a dementor. Evidence of mutiny..."

"The attack on the Boy-Who-Lived, such strong evidence... can justifiably remove the Dementor from his position as Azkaban's warden and place him under centralized supervision."

"As for which result it will be, it depends on whether those people have the determination." Brian said leisurely, "After all, being a turtle is also Fudge's specialty."

"Moreover, the time of this trial is also very intriguing..." Brian murmured softly.

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