Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 244 Chaos at the Ministry of Magic

"Harry Potter's trial was squeezed into the same day as Barty Crouch Jr.'s execution, wasn't it?"

Mr. Foley put his hand in and said, "Maybe it would be easier, you know, so those people don't have to go to the Ministry of Magic twice."

"Maybe." Brian shrugged and pushed the letter aside.

Time flew by to August 12th. Brian arrived at the Ministry of Magic through the fireplace as usual, and stepped onto the elevator with the crowded flow of people.

As the elevator gradually approached the ninth floor underground, only Brian and another Silent Man were left inside. He had seen him several times in the Department of Mysteries in the past few days, but did not know his name.

"Good morning, I'm Brian Foley." Brian said politely.

"Good morning, I'm Broderick Bode, you can call me Bode." The silent man said with a sad face.

"Mr. Bode." Brian nodded and glanced at him as if unintentionally.

"Is something wrong?" Bode said keenly.

"It's nothing, I just think the Ministry of Magic will not be peaceful today, right?" Brian looked away and changed the topic lightly.

"Yes, today's horoscope tells me that my luck will be very bad." Bode said in a melancholy and deep voice.

The elevator stopped, and the two of them walked out and walked along the quiet corridor. The elevator behind him clattered and slowly went up. They walked into the rotunda, Bode entered the office area, and Brian walked towards the Hall of Silence.

"No doubt found, I don't know if he was controlled..." Brian murmured in a low voice, walked along countless bookshelves, and finally stopped in front of bookshelf No. 151 marked with gold, and walked in In the aisle between the bookshelves.

He skillfully took out a book about the Loyalty Curse from the books, turned around and walked towards the office area.

The Red Loyalty Spell is a magic that hides a secret in a person's soul. It has the same purpose as the secret-keeping power of the Hall of Silence, and is very valuable for comparative study.

However, the Hall of Silence hides its secrets in the hall. Both methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. The Secret Loyalty Curse is more confidential, but the secret keeper may die or betray. The Hall of Silence is safer and more reliable, but it is difficult for outsiders to use it. The oath of keeping secrets can only be kept in the Hall of Silence, which in itself It's not confidential enough.

Brian tried to find a way to connect with the secret-keeping power of the Hall of Silence in the outside world, so that he could let a group of people keep secrets, just like the oath of the Silent people.

He returned to his small office leisurely, reading the research records in his hand, various inspirations flashing through his mind, and soon he forgot everything about the outside world.

Brian had no intention of watching Harry's trial. Only the Wizengamot group could enter the trial room to observe, and Brian had no intention of intervening.

It would be too tiring if you had to have a hand in everything.

Brian passed the time in silence until a violent sound broke the silence of the Ministry of Magic. The screams from the floors below could be clearly heard here.

"Sure enough, something happened..." Brian frowned, feeling unhappy that his train of thought was interrupted. He closed the book in his hand, stood up and walked out of the office.

The corridors were already crowded with people. Brian had never seen so many people in the Department of Mysteries. The silent people who were immersed in research were all startled. Some of the embarrassed guys were cursing. It was obvious that there was an accident in the experiment.

The silent people communicated with each other, and soon most people retreated into their offices without interest. There was a sound of closing and slamming doors in the corridor.

The screaming outside continued, and the sound gradually reached this level, and the loud explosion shook the ground slightly.

Brian entered the rotunda. No one came in here. He opened the black door of the entrance, and as expected saw a large group of people screaming and crowding in front of the elevator. Most of them were wearing purple robes, with a delicate silver "W" embroidered on the left chest, representing their Wizenga. The identity of the members of Morocco.

From time to time, thick smoke came out of the small door leading to the tenth floor underground, and the sounds of chaotic fighting continued to be heard. The crowd was shouting and crowded, and Brian couldn't help but sigh at the quality of the wizards.

There was the sound of running footsteps on the steps of the side door next to him. Brian raised the wand in his hand, only to see Harry Potter running up. He was a bit gray and his round spectacles were covered with dust.

"Oh, Brian!" Harry exclaimed, a little anxiously, "Quickly, it's very dangerous here!"

"Then you have to be able to leave." Brian shrugged and glanced at the huddled wizards at the end of the corridor.

"Oops..." Harry breathed out, glancing down the stairs worriedly from time to time, clutching the wand in his hand tightly.

"Maybe we can hide inside." Brian pushed open the black door leading to the rotunda.

"Hmm...I guess, isn't this a top-secret department?" Harry said hesitantly, but his emerald green eyes kept looking in curiously.

"It's no problem if you just enter the rotunda." Brian smiled slightly and stepped across the threshold. Harry glanced at the stairs again and walked in.

The black door slammed shut behind them, the walls rumbled and spun, and then gradually fell into silence.

There were only two of them in the rotunda, and the surroundings were extremely dark. Only the faint blue candle flames flickered slightly, making the person's face pale.

"Why are you here, Brian?" Harry breathed, put down the wand in his hand slightly, and looked at the twelve black doors around him.

"I'm an intern in the Department of Mysteries." Brian said.

"An internship again?" Harry couldn't help blurting out. He remembered that Brian had interned at Knockturn Alley before.

"Yeah, what happened, Harry?" Brian asked.

"The Death Eaters have sneaked in, and the Dementors have rebelled." Harry said in a hoarse voice.

Before Brian could continue to ask, Harry briefly told what happened this morning.

This morning, Harry followed Mr. Weasley to the Ministry of Magic for trial in a nervous mood. Even when he was at 12 Grimmauld Place, his friends and everyone in the Order reassured him that nothing would happen to him, but he still couldn't stop his wild thoughts. He was afraid that after today he would be expelled from Hogwarts, have his wand cut off, and return to the Dursleys in despair.

However, somewhat surprisingly, the people from the Ministry of Magic did not seem aggressive. Fudge smiled kindly at him, as if the conflict last semester had never happened. Most of the members of the Wizengamot looked at him curiously and kindly. Only the fat woman who looked like a pink toad showed malice towards him.

The development of the matter quickly left Harry stunned, and the trial quickly shifted from discussing whether Harry was guilty to arguing whether the dementors had betrayed the Ministry of Magic.

Harry, the defendant, was left aside, and Umbridge became the center of the argument with a confused and aggrieved look on her face. Fudge and Dumbledore quarreled again and again. In the end, Umbridge was dismissed from the investigation for allegedly abetting the dementors to attack Harry. The dementors were voted down by the members of the Wizengamot.

Although Dumbledore was very angry, he stayed to watch the execution of Barty Crouch Jr. Harry was told to wait in a small room at the back, and Dumbledore did not allow him to watch the Dementor's kiss.

However, Harry still looked inside quietly through the crack in the door. Fudge announced a series of charges against Little Crouch, and two dementors took Little Crouch up. At that time, Crouch Jr. was still laughing wildly and saying, "You are all going to die, and the Dark Lord will rule everything."

Just before the execution, there was a commotion among the bystanders, and some Aurors began to sneak attack their teammates. The Death Eaters got inside and started messing up the scene like crazy. The dementors rebelled and attacked the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic. The sound of explosions and fighting was chaotic. The trial room was filled with smoke and dust, and only the flash of the spell could be seen.

Next, the onlookers began to flee outside. Kingsley Shacklebolt escorted Harry to the stairs, warned him to leave quickly, and then rushed into the courtroom to fight the Death Eaters.

Although Harry was unwilling to do so, he had no choice but to leave first.

After listening to Harry's story, Brian smiled and comforted: "Dumbledore is here, there will be no big problem."

Harry nodded like a chicken pecking rice and said: "Yes, he is the only person Voldemort is afraid of..."

"However, Dumbledore's hand seems to be injured." Harry frowned and said worriedly.

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