Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 245 Parting ways

"Dumbledore's hand is injured?"

Brian asked back expressionlessly, and there seemed to be a coldness and indifference flashing through his eyes that made Harry's heart palpitate.

When Harry took a closer look, Brian still looked calm and gentle, as if he had an illusion.

Harry paused and nodded: "It should be. Although his right hand is wearing a glove, it seems that he can't control it..."

"Interesting." Brian said lightly and stood up straight in silence.

There were still chaotic sounds coming from outside the door. Harry looked around at the twelve identical doors on the wall, but couldn't tell which door it was coming from.

"Brian, this is..." In this dark environment, Harry couldn't help but lower his voice.

"In the rotunda of the Department of Mysteries, these twelve doors lead to different places." Brian said, "As a barrier for the Department of Mysteries, the doors here cannot be marked, so that you cannot tell where you are from. Come in."

Harry nodded and asked curiously: "So, how do you tell the difference?"

"After becoming a member of the Department of Mysteries, you can naturally tell the difference." Brian smiled without a smile, "Some of these doors lead to very dangerous places, and even the Silent People dare not enter casually... "

After Brian finished speaking, there was silence between the two. Harry began to pace impatiently, looking at each black door from time to time, holding his wand tightly in his hand.

When the commotion outside gradually subsided, Brian pushed open the entrance door again, and there was no one in the corridor outside. There were no more sounds of fighting coming from the gap leading to the ground next to it.

"Is it over?" Harry breathed a sigh of relief, but felt worried in his heart.

"Go up." Brian pointed in the direction of the elevator, "They must be anxious because they didn't find you."

Harry ran towards the elevator in a hurry, pressing the buttons randomly, waiting for the elevator to come down. Brian followed slowly, and the two of them entered the elevator together.

"Main hall." The elevator slowly rose and then stopped, an indifferent female voice said.

The elevator gate slowly opened, and a burst of noise came like a tsunami. The main hall was crowded with wizards, and the scene was chaotic.

Some people gathered together and chatted, some were injured and lying on the ground, a group of people were busy trying to rescue, some were screaming, trying to escape through the fireplace. Aurors were coming in and out, barely keeping order. Cornelius Fudge looked pale and was arguing anxiously with an old-fashioned witch.

"Oh, Harry, you are here!" Mr. Weasley squeezed through the crowd. His face was pale and frightened, but now he showed an expression of relief, "You don't know, we couldn't find it anywhere just now. You...we thought..."

"I'm fine, Mr. Weasley, Brian took me and hid in the rotunda," Harry said.

"I hope you're fine." Mr. Weasley looked at Brian and nodded distantly at him.

"The Death Eaters have infiltrated the Wizengamot. We don't know yet whether those people betrayed or were replaced..." Mr. Weasley explained to Harry quickly, "The Dementors have completely rebelled. , not only the ones in the Ministry of Magic, but also the ones in Azkaban..."

"We just got the news that the Dementors released several Death Eaters captured in the theater last time, as well as many dark wizards imprisoned in Azkaban... The result was not good, and they left Azkaban collectively. Class." Mr. Weasley frowned, "The Ministry of Magic is currently short of manpower."

"Where are those Death Eaters that sneaked in?" Harry asked.

"Almost all of them were caught," Mr. Weasley said slightly relaxedly. "You know, Dumbledore did a great job and he is still busy now. Kingsley rushed to deal with the Azkaban matter. I I'm looking for you here like a headless fly..."

"Where's Barty Crouch Jr.?" Harry asked.

"He's dead," Mr. Weasley said solemnly. "The dementors didn't kill him, but he was hit by a crushing spell in the chaos. We don't know whose spell it was."

Brian listened with open ears, thinking that the Ministry of Magic had achieved their goal without losing all face.

At this time, Dumbledore strode over, his blue eyes shining brightly under his half-moon spectacles, and his steps were so vigorous that he didn't look like an old man.

"How is it, Dumbledore?" Mr. Weasley said.

Dumbledore shook his head and said: "Those intruders are not Death Eaters, they are all controlled by the Imperius Curse. I think today the Death Eaters achieved their goal and emptied Azkaban as they wished. ."

Fudge organized everyone there to leave the main hall and return to their respective offices. The members of the Wizengamot, except for the senior officials of the Ministry of Magic, all left the Ministry of Magic early from the fireplace, as if they would be involved in the battle with the Dark Lord if they left too late.

"Those people in the Wizengamot..." Mr. Weasley shook his head, "They still want to remain neutral or be a coward. However, I think today is the fastest time they have been slapped in the face."

They had just made a vote that the dementors were innocent, and the next moment they were ruthlessly betrayed by the dementors... They might not even have the shame to stay here.

The main hall was quickly cleared, and everyone returned to their posts honestly. Fudge was so busy dealing with the mess that he quickly got into the elevator.

Brian looked at Dumbledore's gloved right hand and felt an evil wave of dark magic. His expression became more and more indifferent.

"Ah, you are here too, Brian." Dumbledore greeted him easily, "I heard that you have joined the Department of Mysteries as you wished. Allow me to belatedly say congratulations..."

Mr. Weasley looked at Dumbledore and then at Brian in surprise, as if he didn't expect the two people to be so familiar.

Brian nodded and said softly: "Is your hand injured, Mr. Dumbledore?"

Dumbledore blinked, touched his gloved right hand, and said to Mr. Weasley: "Arthur, you and Harry go back first. Brian and I have something to talk about."

Mr. Weasley looked at Dumbledore's hand worriedly, and then pulled Harry toward the fountain. Harry kept looking back curiously.

When the two people reached the other end of the main hall, Brian said calmly: "It seems that you didn't take what I said to heart, Mr. Dumbledore."

Dumbledore gave a bitter smile. He stared blankly at the golden fountain in the center of the hall, and said in a low voice: "I did something stupid... The temptation is too great, Brian..."

"I originally thought that after experiencing the soul-departing dream, you would become a little more awake..." Brian pursed his lips tightly. He felt angry for no reason.

"As expected, you know that you have solved the Soul Leaving Syndrome..." Dumbledore did not show any surprise, as if he had expected it, "You also said that it was just a dream..."

Dumbledore slowly took off the glove on his right hand, revealing the blackened and withered hand, as if he was looking at an interesting antique.

"I know that they are all false, so I long for the truth even more... really see them and ask for forgiveness..." Dumbledore's blue eyes looked hazy for the first time, truly like an aging and tired old man. .

"I broke my promise, Brian. Only when I faced temptation did I realize that I was so impulsive... I overestimated my self-control. I have always been like this, unable to resist temptation... I have always been like this..." Dumbledore Lido murmured.

"You didn't ask me to accompany you there either..." Brian said in a sharp tone. Seeing Dumbledore like this, Brian became even more angry.

Harry and Harry at the other end of the main hall did not leave. Harry was looking over the golden fountain sculpture. But neither Brian paid attention to that side.

"Sorry, I thought I could handle it myself," Dumbledore sighed.

"Is this the trust you're talking about?" Brian mocked, "You keep saying you're willing to trust me, but in fact you don't take my words to heart at all, and you won't let me get involved in your affairs..."

"No..." Dumbledore frowned and looked at him, his blue eyes full of helplessness and loneliness.

"How long can you live?" Brian regained his expressionless expression and asked suddenly.

"About a year," Dumbledore said, seeming to feel insignificant.

"Very good, one year..." Brian gritted his teeth and grinned, "One year, nothing can be done! I thought..."

He took a quick breath, then turned back to the elevator and said indifferently: "Well, I wish you good luck, Mr. Dumbledore."

He closed his eyes and didn't look outside. The elevator descended slowly, and Brian suppressed the anger in his heart.

In this way, things are back to the way they were in the original. His plans were about to be overturned again.

"Sure enough, it's better to ask for help than to ask for help from yourself. It's the stupidest way to pin things on others." Brian muttered to himself expressionlessly, "Then just do it alone."

He walked silently into the dark corridor, his footsteps echoing hollowly.

In the main hall, Dumbledore watched Brian's figure disappear into the elevator, his expression tired and vicissitudes of life. He pinched the center of his brow with his good hand and walked towards the two Harrys.

Harry and Mr. Weasley coughed slightly. They didn't hear anything, but they still felt guilty.

"Sir?" Harry said cautiously. He saw two people arguing.

"Ah, I'm fine, Harry, Arthur." Dumbledore said with a bitter smile, "As you can see, I did a stupid thing..."

Harry nodded in understanding.

"Harry, I was wondering if you would be willing to help me do something tonight?" Dumbledore changed the subject, "Well, go meet an old friend of mine..."

"Of course, I am willing, sir." Harry's emerald green eyes lit up and he nodded.

Thank you for the reward of 500 starting coins~

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