Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 258 Trivia

The next week, everyone went to class as usual. The little wizards who had not yet recovered from the holiday syndrome sighed and shuttled between classrooms, and faced the much heavier after-school homework since the beginning of school.

During breakfast, Brian received a letter from Hermione. In fact, Brian and Hermione only communicated occasionally, and most of the time they were exchanging knowledge.

In the letter, Hermione was worried about the bottle of elixir in Potions class. She thought it should belong to Brian, at least her own level of Potions was not as good as Brian's.

Brian had no choice but to express in the letter that she had indeed made a mistake in class, and that she deserved the bottle of elixir.

But even so, Hermione was still obsessed with this matter, thinking that Brian had let her do it on purpose, and she wished she could find a time to put the bottle of Felixir into Brian's hand, just like the little bottle of magic potion. What a scourge.

In the end, the owl delivered the bottle of elixir to Brian, leaving Brian dumbfounded. Hermione, on the other hand, burst out with all her energy, struggled to express herself in all classes, and worked hard to catch up.

In the end, Brian could only temporarily put away the bottle of Felixir and put it together with his own bottle.

Life in Hogwarts is peaceful and peaceful, not as chaotic as the outside world.

The Daily Prophet will bring yesterday's news every morning. Dementors have caused several more attacks, werewolves are rampaging in a certain village, Death Eaters have tortured a few more Muggles, and traces of the Inferi have been found in the south. wait.

Cornelius Fudge was so concerned with his own security that he appeared less and less in public, preferring to have his secretary carry the message. And during the limited appearances, he was always surrounded by a large number of Aurors.

All the chaotic events were happening around me, but in Hogwarts, they felt far away.

In school, the instant candy invented by the Weasley twins quickly became famous and was welcomed by the little wizards. In every History of Magic class or Arithmancy class, there are always a few people whose noses bleed or vomit.

Their approach paid off, and the professor had to let them go to the school hospital. After watching those guys walk out of the classroom happily and triumphantly, the quick-acting truant candy became more and more popular, and the Weasley twins also made a lot of money. Changed his outfit.

However, their great cause soon suffered setbacks. The professors discovered that something was wrong. Professor McGonagall placed more than a dozen bottles of medicine in front of the podium. If anyone had a problem, he would make them drink medicine on the spot and put them in solitary confinement several times.

Professor Flitwick is the most relaxed. He can always quickly cure the little wizards with magic spells, allowing them to continue their lessons happily. Not to mention Slughorn is the Potions Master.

The potion developed by Madam Pomfrey was sent to every classroom. It became increasingly difficult for young wizards to take leave. Even those who were really sick were cured by the potion and could only stay in the classroom obediently. Attend class.

Professor Grubblan, who taught in Hagrid's place, was very popular, and students rarely skipped her classes. Those interesting magical animals, such as unicorns and bowtruckles, were indeed loved. The students lamented that this was the Care of Magical Creatures class, and that Hagrid was teaching the Care of Monsters class.

As for Defense Against the Dark Arts, no one dared to ask for leave from Snape's class. Some poor guy trying it for the first time learned a hard lesson and his confinement probably won't end until Christmas.

Of course, most students would not take time off from Defense Against the Dark Arts classes, because Snape was really teaching them how to protect themselves. Although Snape's words challenged the fragile nerves of the students every time, and there were so many homework assignments that people wanted to faint on the spot, it was undeniable that the students were willing to learn these spells.

In the Triwizard Tournament last semester, the warriors showed superb skills, which greatly increased the enthusiasm of the young wizards for Defense Against the Dark Arts. In this class, the students were both painful and happy.

They had learned and practiced the Disarming and Obstacle Charms, and were now learning the Stunning Charm.

At the same time, what the Weasley twins were doing was exposed by Draco, who was the prefect. Under the questioning of the professors, although the brothers argued that they did not instigate students to skip classes and were just selling gadgets they invented, the livid Professor McGonagall still put them in solitary confinement.

Over the next few months, the Weasley brothers had to help the caretaker, Mr. Filch, with tasks such as sweeping corridors and cleaning toilets.

The result of this incident was that Filch cleverly ordered the two of them to do the most uncomfortable tasks for them, while the two brothers tried their best to cause trouble to Filch, such as throwing feces into the corridor and Filch. Qi's office, but many times the two brothers had to clean up the shit they threw out themselves. The two sides seemed to be competing with each other to see who would be pissed off first.

During this period, the twins' quick-acting truant candy was updated for several generations, and Madam Pomfrey's treatment potions were also constantly upgraded, like an invisible war. At the same time, other gadgets invented by the two brothers also came into everyone's sight and were welcomed by many people.

Of course, Mr. Filch almost became a nervous wreck because of this. He would jump up and yell at the slightest disturbance, scaring several first-year girls into hysteria.

As a prefect, Draco became Filch's right-hand man. He would take Crabbe and Goyle to patrol the castle every night, and caught many Gryffindor students with their faults.

Once he even caught Harry coming back from class alone at night. Draco couldn't listen to Harry's words and triumphantly tugged on Harry's sleeves to give him to Filch. Harry, who was angry with Snape, punched Draco. In the end, Draco got a black eye and Harry was imprisoned for a month.

Slughorn's Slug Club meetings had been held several times, but Brian had not attended any of them, and now he didn't want to waste his time there. Draco always complained that such gatherings were a waste of time, but he never missed them, probably because he liked the feeling of being popular.

The Quidditch team still insists on training, and it is said that Ron Weasley joined the Gryffindor team and became the goalkeeper. When Draco found out about this, he jumped up in anger and taunted Ron by saying, "He probably defended the wrong goal."

Blaise Chabini has become much more silent and mature. He no longer fusses over the things he likes, but spends more time on Defense Against the Dark Arts, and is currently making rapid progress.

Daphne also put in a lot of effort. She knew that she might not be able to catch up with Brian, but she was trying her best to close the distance and was improving by leaps and bounds.

As for Brian, he always used the fireplace in Snape's office to go to the Ministry of Magic several evenings a week and at weekends to study things that interested him in the Department of Mysteries.

Currently, he could only get to the Ministry via the fireplace in the professor's office, and apparently if Brian left via the fireplace in the common room, there might be a dozen or so little wizards doing the same the next day.

Moreover, under the current situation, the security work of Hogwarts has been strengthened as never before, including all secret passages leading to the Shrieking Shack and Honeydukes, etc., and the floo network is strictly controlled by the Ministry of Magic. Keep watch to prevent Death Eaters from breaking into Hogwarts through the fireplace.

Aurors patrol and guard Hogsmeade at all times, and students are under strict protection when they go to Hogsmeade on weekends.

In front of the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic, Brian would find someone guarding there every time he came over. He was probably wearing an invisibility cloak, but he couldn't escape Brian's detection.

Based on the information in Mr. Foley's letter, the Order alerted Fudge and told him that the Death Eaters were planning to break into the Department of Mysteries and seize some kind of weapon.

Fudge only warned the Department of Mysteries and had no intention of sending anyone to protect and guard it. In fact, the Ministry of Magic's manpower is already stretched thin, and he must send Aurors to more important positions, such as next to the Muggle Prime Minister.

As for the Department of Mysteries, Fudge can only trust the defense mechanism there and acquiesce in the Order of the Phoenix's people guarding it.

There is no doubt that Fudge is not very active in resisting the Death Eaters. He does not want to completely offend the Dark Lord. As a politician, he was used to leaving a way out for himself. If one day the Death Eaters gained the upper hand in the confrontation and captured the Ministry of Magic, he would definitely fall directly to the side of the Dark Lord.

In this turbulent and uneasy situation, time moves forward steadily.

Thank you book friend 20210428125944468 for the 100 starting coins~

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