Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 259 Monday Night

It was another Monday evening, and the common room was quiet except for the sound of quills scratching on parchment.

Draco was chewing hard on a large ancient magic script translation dictionary, his eyebrows furrowed deeply. He is working hard on the Dark Lord's mission.

Under Brian's nose, what Draco was doing couldn't be hidden from him at all. One day Brian found the disappearing cabinet that Draco was repairing, sitting in an inconspicuous utility room. He somehow discovered the connection between the disappearing cabinet and the outside world and planned to fix it.

However, it is obvious that Draco's current level of alchemy is not good enough. This semester, he has finally calmed down and worked hard to learn ancient magic texts and alchemy knowledge. Although it is a bit difficult, his talent is good and he is making rapid progress.

Brian closed the book in his hand and looked at the invitations tied with purple ribbons on the table in front of him. Draco and Blaise also had one in their hands. This was an invitation to Slughorn's small party.

"Aren't you going tonight?" Seeing Brian about to get up and leave, Draco raised his head and asked.

"I have something to do tonight. I'm going to do an internship." Brian smiled.

"That's a shame, I mean, it's so boring." Draco shrugged, "I can only talk to Blaise, who are the others, Granger, and that rude guy?" of McLaggen…”

"Then you don't have to go, Draco." Daphne poked her head out of a pile of books.

"I just think we should give him some face," Draco said casually, "It would be better if he gave us less homework."

Brian smiled, said "see you later" casually, and then slowly walked out of the stone wall and walked towards Snape's office.

On the way, he thought about the big dog of the Death Sect that represented "ominous". This secret was not kept in the Hall of Silence, and Brian could only think about the rationale on his own.

"Let's study the Door of Death tonight." Brian made up his mind. Ever since he was almost tempted to throw himself through the door in the Death Hall during the summer vacation, he had become even more afraid of that door, and he had never stepped in it again these days.

However, it is obviously impossible to gain anything without getting close there.

After gaining a deeper understanding of the research content of the Death Hall, Brian was about to start his own research.

There were slow footsteps coming from behind the corner, and Brian turned his head to look, and Harry's figure slowly emerged.

Harry's expression was filled with repulsion and resistance, and his steps were very slow, as if he was carrying a heavy thing, as if he was rushing to the execution ground.

"Good evening, Harry." Brian greeted, pulling Harry out of his distracted state.

"Good evening, Brian." Harry said with a serious expression.

"Are you going to Professor Snape's office too?" Brian said easily.

"Ah, yes, yes, make-up lessons..." Harry said vaguely.

"I don't think you need to make up for your Defense Against the Dark Arts class." Brian said with a smile, "However, it is indeed very important to learn to protect your brain, and it is okay to classify it as Defense Against the Dark Arts..."

"You know?" Harry looked at Brian with strange and wary eyes, "Did Snape tell you?"

"Why can't it be Dumbledore?" Brian asked.

Harry fell silent. He felt that Dumbledore should not tell Brian, but he could not think of a rebuttal.

"But, so what?" Harry thought of the humiliation he was about to suffer at the hands of Snape, and no longer had any intention of getting to the bottom of it.

"Occlumency is very important to you, Harry." Brian said calmly, "Protecting your brain is also protecting the people you care about... You should understand in advance that when your memory is manipulated by others, you will What a terrible thing happened, you are not the only one who was hurt."

"You know Occlumency?" Harry raised his eyebrows. But obviously, he didn't take Brian's words to heart very much. In fact, to some extent, he felt that this connection could be exploited, and maybe he could get a glimpse of what Voldemort was planning...

Brian saw Harry's thoughts and didn't say anything more. He said in a calm tone: "That's right, as long as you know how to hide your thoughts or empty your brain... In fact, people who are good at hiding and lying are better Easy to learn Occlumency.”

He glanced at Harry: "At least, Draco has been practicing this recently, and the results are very good."

Thinking of Malfoy's hateful pointed face, Harry frowned, unwilling to admit that he was worse than him. However, he was also glad that he was not as good at lying as Malfoy.

"There are about three people in Hogwarts who are best at Occlumency. Professor Dumbledore and Professor Snape are both masters in this field," Brian said.

"Who's the one left?" Harry asked.

"Right in front of you." Brian smiled meaningfully.

Harry stared at Brian blankly until Brian knocked on the door of Snape's office, opened the door and walked in.

"Professor Snape, good evening, I'll borrow the fireplace." Brian said.

Snape nodded, his greasy black hair hanging down his face. On his desk was a shallow stone basin engraved with mysterious symbols. When looking at Harry behind Brian, his eyes turned to disgust and coldness.

Brian grabbed a handful of Floo powder and sprinkled it into the fireplace. Before disappearing, he mouthed "Good luck" to Harry.

Harry woke up with a start, looked into Snape's black drill-like eyes, and felt his stomach churn.

Seeing Snape extracting his own memories into the pensieve, Harry began to try to clear his mind, but all kinds of thoughts popped up uncontrollably. Finally, he thought: "Brian said that he is one of the three best people at Hogwarts in Occlumency. He is really bragging..."

At this time, Brian had already come out of the fireplace in the main hall of the Ministry of Magic. He walked towards the elevator without stopping, and another man came over from the other side.

"Still here so late, Bode?" Brian said with a smile.

The two people walked into the downward elevator, and the ladder sank with a clatter.

"Yes, today's horoscope tells me that I will have results tonight." Bode said in his melancholy and deep voice.

The elevator door opened, and the two men walked forward along the dim corridor. Brian was keenly aware of the figure wearing an invisibility cloak in front of the black door.

"You must have read the horoscope wrong, Bode." Brian said easily, "Today's horoscope seems to indicate that you will be unlucky."

Bode's face twitched strangely, and then he said expressionlessly: "Maybe I saw it wrong."

"No, actually I was joking just now." Brian said seriously.

Bode looked at Brian grimly and put his hand into his robe pocket.

"Ah, you just didn't look at the stars, right?" Brian shrugged and walked forward past Bode, "Everyone is lazy sometimes..."

Bode had already drawn his wand and pointed it at Brian's back. But someone was faster than him, and a beam of red light shot from in front of the black door and hit Bode.

"So, why are you in such a hurry? I didn't want to expose you..." Brian thought helplessly. It seems that I won't be able to study that door tonight.

A wizard pulled off the invisibility cloak, nodded warily to Brian, pointed the wand in his hand at the unconscious Baldur, and tied him up.

Brian also nodded and looked at Bode, who was obviously under the Imperius Curse. Brian felt something was not right just now, so he tried a few random words, but he didn't expect this guy to be so restless.

He waited until a few Aurors came and took Bald away, and answered a few random questions. Looking at the messy main hall, Brian sighed and walked into the flames of the fireplace.

"I want you to get rid of your distracting thoughts and feelings, Potter!"

"I tried my best! I said, it's hard for me to do it now!"

"A proud, emotional fool, easily exploited by the Dark Lord. Weak and vulnerable, Potter."

"I'm not weak!"

Brian had just come out of the fireplace when he saw Snape and Harry arguing angrily. Snape's expression was cold and fierce, and he was pointing his wand at Harry. Harry was furious and breathing rapidly.

At this time, the two men stared at Brian who emerged from the fireplace with flashing angry eyes.

"Sorry to interrupt your communication, I'm leaving first." Brian said innocently. He walked out and closed the door behind him.

Harry stared at Brian's back, and the scar suddenly felt hot and painful. Strong anger arose in his heart. This person had ruined his affairs. He wanted to point a wand at him and recite the Unforgivable Curse on him...

"Concentrate, Potter! Legilimency!"

Harry fell to the ground, clutching his forehead. Snape glared at him fiercely, seeming angrier than ever before, and he opened his mouth and roared: "What were you thinking just now, Potter?"

"I...that's not what I thought." Harry said without confidence.

"You don't work hard enough! You're lazy and sloppy..."

The two men faced each other again.

And Brian had already walked out of the office, and the angry quarrel was getting farther and farther away. He recited the Disillusionment Charm to himself, walked out of the castle, and walked toward the tallest tower.

Soon, he climbed to the top of the astronomical tower, where the stars at night were extremely bright. He walked around the top of the tower, took out some materials and tools, and began to carve complex runes on the ground.

The runes gradually disappeared into the stone floor, but Brian was still carving them carefully, extremely focused.

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