Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 261 Research

Brian wore special protective glasses and earplugs and stood in front of the shaky-looking stone arch. The temptation emanating from the arch has been reduced a lot after being protected, and it can no longer affect Brian's mind.

The tattered black curtain looked like it was being blown by the breeze, and there seemed to be endless treasures hidden inside.

A thin and long golden thread came out from the tip of the wand in Brian's hand, which was connected to a small badge. When Brian gently threw the badge behind the curtain, the golden thread broke silently. , floating randomly in the air.

The badge had disappeared behind the curtain. Brian gently pressed the other badge in his hand, but nothing happened.

"Sure enough, it failed again." Brian frowned, looking a little troubled. Anything that enters behind the curtain cannot come back, so there is no way to study it.

The Death Hall once conducted an experiment using death row prisoners. If a piece of clothing was placed inside the door, the piece of clothing would disappear behind the door as if it had been cut by a sharp blade. If you put a hand in, the condemned prisoner will be sucked directly into the door. Even if you try your best to save him, that person is already dead, and the hand will disappear behind the door unknowingly.

Therefore, every researcher in the Hall of Death believes that what is behind the door represents death itself, and that once touched, one will die.

But no one could obtain relevant research materials, so the research reached a deadlock.

Brian couldn't figure out anything himself.

He once asked Elijah, the director of the Department of Mysteries, about the "ominous" big black dog. This might be a breakthrough, but the facts disappointed Brian.

"In fact, Serbulus was just an accident of an experiment." Elijah said. "It was originally an actual, ordinary big black dog, with no other special features except its larger size."

"It was an old dog suffering from a terminal illness. Before it died painfully, its owner decided to let it be euthanized here. The death theology sect also regarded it as a normal death experiment."

"However, there was a little accident in that experiment." Elijah said without concealment. "After the researchers painted some death runes on the dog, something went wrong with one of the instruments. After all the researchers came back, God came, the dog had hit the stone door and died, and its blood dyed a small piece of the stone pillar red."

"It didn't actually enter the door. Its soul may have been attached to it, and it has since inhabited a certain crack in the stone arch, and established a mysterious connection with it."

"It has also gained mysterious power. No one can escape the life locked by it, unless it can travel through time. Similarly, it is connected to this door and can bring the human soul into this door of death, like Like the messenger of death..."

"However, every time it uses this ability, it must go back to sleep for ten years before it can continue to appear in the world."

"The Death God Sect originally thought this was a major breakthrough, but researchers soon discovered that this experiment could not be replicated again. The connection between the 'ominous' and the door was also difficult to understand, and the research stalled again."

"Later, Tanat became the leader of the Death God sect, called it Serbrus, and began to use it for his own benefit..."

Elijah's words went through Brian's mind again, and now it seemed that only after obtaining the Death Rune could there be any hope of continuing research.

"But..." Brian took out an old book, which was the only incomplete Death Rune left by the Death Sect that Borgin had given him in return.

"Don't worry, we haven't gathered it yet..." Brian put the rune book back again. He has not forgotten the side effects of the Death Rune. Once he starts studying the Death Rune, he will be irreversibly summoned by death and his lifespan will be greatly reduced.

Brian pondered and walked out of the Death Hall, the walls of the rotunda rumbling and spinning. He opened the door, placed a book back in the Hall of Silence, and left the Department of Mysteries.

There are still invisible people guarding the door. During this time, several more people have broken into the Department of Mysteries. One unlucky guy even broke into the Space Hall and got lost inside.

Brian was a little strange about this. Since Voldemort wanted to get the prophecy ball, why didn't he come in and get it himself. He should have known that no one else could get the prophecy ball except Harry and himself. As for Voldemort, no matter how tight the guards here are, he can easily break in and leave smoothly.

"He doesn't think that Dumbledore is squatting behind a shelf in the Prophecy Hall all day long, waiting for him?" A funny idea came to Brian's mind.

Maybe he was planning something, or waiting for an opportunity.

Brian was a little unhappy about this, because Voldemort didn't take what Brian said to heart at all, and openly interfered in the Ministry of Magic again and again.

Brian made no apology for the good deeds he would do to Voldemort in the future.

He returned to Hogwarts through the fireplace. Snape was sitting behind the desk, flipping through a book, and lazily raised his eyelids when he saw Brian coming back.

Brian used a cleaning spell to clean away the ashes on his body and the floor, and greeted Snape with a smile.

"Sir, why do you want to take up the position of Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts?" Brian suddenly asked before leaving.

"Obviously, this position is very special, and it's what I want." Snape said smoothly.

"However, you should know that this position has been cursed by the Dark Lord, and this is not groundless." Brian said softly.

"So, I will only serve for one year." Snape said lazily.

"But the curse is real, making everyone who has been in this position more vulnerable to harm... In other words, since the curse exists, it will not have no impact, even if you escape after a year." Brian said.

Look at what happened to those who once held this position in the original book.

Quirrell died on the job, and Lockhart lost all his memory and had to live in St. Mungo's ever since. Lupine, Moody and Snape died in the seventh year, and Barty Jr. died that year. Umbridge was also unlucky during her tenure, and will probably spend the rest of her life in Azkaban after Voldemort's death. Even Carrow, a seventh-year Death Eater, was caught.

Snape was silent for a moment and said smoothly: "That is an unfounded statement."

"Actually, I have been studying this." Brian said softly, "A very complicated curse... I found the source."

"What?" Snape's eyes were fixed on Brian, his eyes looking sharp.

Brian took out the Hogwarts model from his bag and placed it on Snape's desk.

"This is..." Snape looked at the model with a strange expression, as if he was looking at something incomprehensible.

"You should look here and here..." Brian pointed to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom and now this office. In the model, there are two little people in the office, exactly like Brian and Snape.

Among them, Snape is wrapped in an ominous black and red fog, looking evil and terrifying. Brian doesn't think the fog will completely lift once he steps down from the position.

"I think this is the medium of the curse." Brian said.

Snape narrowed his eyes and stared at the little man in the model.

"This is something left by the Big Four, and it has a mysterious connection with the entire Hogwarts," Brian said with a smile, "That's why the Dark Lord can curse a position based on this."

Snape took out his wand and chanted a spell at the model, but his expression became more and more solemn.

"Where did you find it?" he asked softly.

"A hiding place inside Hogwarts." Brian shrugged. "There's always something to gain from wandering around the castle, right?"

"This curse is very complicated." Snape's frown deepened.

"Yes, I have been researching for a long time, but I only have a few vague ideas. I am not sure whether it will succeed, or even whether there will be backlash and more terrifying situations." Brian's voice was relaxed and pleasant, "Just rely on For me, it will probably be difficult to get it done within this year, so I found you, professor, and maybe asked Professor Dumbledore."

Snape stared at Brian for a long time, then nodded, his empty eyes becoming more profound.

"Perhaps, you should also ask Dumbledore." He said, "No matter how complicated and terrifying it is, as long as the source is found, it can be solved."

"Of course, you can choose the time." Brian said.

"Now." Snape stood up and stared at the model, seemingly impatient.

"Okay, as you wish." Brian didn't object. He put the model away and the two of them walked towards the principal's office.

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