Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 262 Quidditch Match

"What were you doing at Malfoy Manor that day?"

Snape said in a low voice on the way to the headmaster's office.

"Huh?" Brian tilted his head and glanced at him.

"If you accept any mission, I can help you." Snape said without changing his expression, "I know that Draco also received the mission from him."

"I'm just going to join in the fun." Brian replied with a smile, "You know, he can't boss me around."

Snape frowned and said nothing. The two people walked to the door of the principal's office in silence.

When they entered the principal's office, Dumbledore was leaning on a chair and taking a nap. After seeing two people come in, he pushed up his glasses with his good hand.

"Oh, good evening, I can't think of anything that would bring you two here together." Dumbledore said gently, "I hope it's a good thing..."

"It should be a good thing." Brian took out the castle model.

Dumbledore's blue eyes looked at this exquisite little model intently, as if he was seeing an interesting toy.

"A very superb and ancient skill, it can be said to be the crystallization of wisdom." Dumbledore sighed.

"This is the source of the curse," said Snape, "the curse that has remained traceless and unfounded."

"Yes, yes, I saw it. It is inextricably linked to the real Hogwarts. I think this should be something left by the Big Four, right?"

"Did you find this, Brian?" Dumbledore said calmly.

"Yeah, I've been thinking about this curse..." Brian said, "But there are some things beyond the scope of my knowledge."

"Yes, it's very complicated and difficult. It's Voldemort's method." Dumbledore looked at Brian gently, "Do you have any ideas?"

Brian curled his lips and spoke out several solutions he had thought of. Dumbledore nodded repeatedly and offered some insights from time to time. Snape looked a little surprised, as if he was meeting Brian for the first time.

The discussion about the curse lasted for an hour, with Brian and Dumbledore discussing and arguing, but most of the time it was Brian who was convinced. Snape was almost completely relegated to the role of spectator, and could only interrupt occasionally.

After the two said goodbye to Dumbledore, Snape's eyes were rare and blank. He may have felt that he was the student among the three.

"Actually, I just have a good memory." Brian said, "I have read more books and covered a wider range of fields, so I can naturally understand some things..."

As he spoke, he put away the small model and continued to refine the solution he discussed with Dumbledore in his mind.

Snape's eyes looked a little strange. He nodded silently and went back to his office.

Brian walked towards the common room and heard singing coming from the common room in the distance. As he walked into the wet stone wall, noisy singing came to him, and there were people laughing next to him.

"That silly little Weasley, he can't block a ball, the Slytherins sing loudly, Weasley is our king..."

Brian looked at Draco with some strange eyes as he enthusiastically taught a group of girls to sing. It was a very simple tune that made people sing after listening to it once. The lyrics were catchy, and it was a bit like a brainwashing song.

Daphne was sitting on the side with a complicated look on her face, while Astoria laughed so hard that she covered her mouth in embarrassment.

Crabbe and Goyle were laughing so hard that they looked silly. This school year, they went through...well, arduous selection, and finally joined Slytherin's Quidditch team and became beaters. As the original captain Flint graduated, the current captain was replaced by Montague.

Montague was a huge supporter of Draco, just like his father was of Lucius Malfoy. As for his choice of Crabbe and Goyle, maybe it was because of their strength?

No matter how you look at it, Crabbe and Goyle have a lot of strength. If someone is hit by the bludger they hit, they will definitely fall off the broomstick.

The singing is still going on, and the cheerleading girls headed by Pansy are rehearsing the song.

Only then did Brian think that the first Quidditch match of this school year was about to begin, between Slytherin and Gryffindor, and Draco and the others were obviously targeting Ron, Gryffindor's new goalkeeper.

The singing gradually stopped, and a group of girls laughed together, making as much noise as a hundred thousand ducks.

Draco was holding his stomach and laughing. It must be said that he was very talented in composing lyrics. Brian only listened to it for a while and felt like he could sing...

"Haha, you are finally back, Brian. Here, your badge." Draco handed a crown-shaped badge to Brian, which read: Weasley is our king.

"I think the most important thing is that you have to catch the Golden Snitch first." Brian shrugged and put the badge in his pocket.

"Oh, yes, yes..." Draco put on his clothes with a disgusted expression, "It's a pity that Montague didn't hit Potter and just sent Spinnet to the school hospital."

Obviously, as the date of the game approached, the two teams were at war with each other, and several friction incidents occurred.

By the time the game started, the weather had become very cold. The ground was covered with a thick layer of frost, and the cold wind cut people's hands and cheeks like a knife.

The students put on thick cloaks and dragon leather gloves and made a lot of noise in the auditorium. The Slytherin students all wore green and silver scarves and hats, and wore the badge. Gryffindor students wore gold and red hats and scarves, as well as rosettes, and the colors looked warm and enthusiastic.

Brian did not act out of his own way. He pinned the crown-shaped badge on his chest and blended in with the crowd to the Quidditch pitch.

On the Gryffindor side, Ron looked very sluggish, so nervous that he didn't know where to put his arms and legs. Brian smiled broadly when he saw Luna cheering them up.

Brian lowered his eyes and watched the team enter the field. After shaking hands, the captains of both sides flew into the sky after the whistle blew.

Lee Jordan's occasionally off-topic commentary echoed around the arena, and soon the Slytherin cheerleading team began to sing.

"...Weasley was born in a trash can. He always puts the ball into the goal. Weasley ensures that I win this game. Weasley is our king..."

Under the singing, Ron opened his arms and pounced on the incoming Quaffle. The ball flew under his arm and went straight into the ring.

The singing became louder, and Brian saw that Ron's eyes looked a little dull, and his face was so pale that he looked like he was about to fall off the broom.

Draco laughed in the air, looking at Harry defiantly and twirling around the pitch.

The Slytherin team quickly took the lead, Harry was flying around the field wildly looking for the Golden Snitch, and Pansy was energetically directing the cheerleaders to sing loudly.

"Ron Weasley, his mentality is going to collapse, isn't it?" Daphne said, holding her chin.

"Yeah, Draco found a good way to deal with him. He's good at it, but not confident enough..." Brian commented, "Draco is always good at discovering something... If he uses half of his intelligence If you use it for business, you won't always suffer from Harry."

"Yeah," Daphne laughed, "But this is probably him... not reliable enough, but very interesting."

"Yeah, very popular with little girls like Astoria." Brian shrugged.

"Don't even think about it!" Daphne's face turned dark, and she said with some teeth and claws.

"What?" Astoria heard her name and turned her head blankly.

"It's nothing...Draco that idiot..." Daphne whispered and glared at Brian fiercely. She felt that she was being amused.

Brian suppressed a laugh and turned his head to the other side.

Under the whistle of Ms. Hooch, the game finally ended with Harry catching the Golden Snitch. Draco unfortunately lost by a few centimeters, and Slytherin still lost.

Draco's face was extremely ugly. He turned pale with anger, but there was a stubborn hint of ridicule in the corner of his mouth.

Players from both sides were jostling each other on the court, and it soon developed into a group fight. Crabbe and Gower swung their bats vigorously, and one hit George in the mouth. Someone raised a wand, and several people were under the spell.

Ms. Hooch and Professor McGonagall rushed to stop the conflict. The audience was shouting, and the Gryffindor and Slytherin students threw whatever they could find around them at each other...

"Confinement! Confinement for everyone!" Professor McGonagall's voice roared, and the riot was finally stopped.

"I knew it..." Sisters Brian and Daphne squeezed out from the excited crowd and sighed.

"So, unity and peaceful coexistence... is indeed a noble dream."

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