Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 263 Slughorn’s Christmas Party

After the Quidditch match, Draco became much more low-key. He spent much less time in the common room, always with a hint of sarcasm on his lips.

According to Brian's observation, he seemed determined to repair the vanishing cabinet earlier and bring the Death Eaters into the school.

Ron Weasley lingered for a long time after the game, but as his Quidditch training became more and more demanding, he could no longer afford to be sentimental.

The Weasley twins developed more gadgets, and one day Montague swore that they had dropped a dung egg on his head, for which the two brothers' confinement was extended until the end of the term.

As Christmas drew closer, two feet of snow covered the entire property.

The dusk sunlight dyed the snow golden, and Filch was standing in the foyer, holding a long and thin metal detector in his hand, scanning the bodies of the little wizards returning from Hogsmeade. .

As the situation became increasingly chaotic, the security in the castle was continuously strengthened. Filch scrutinized everyone and every owl entering and leaving Hogwarts. He once confiscated a desiccated human head that Crabbe was carrying, a dark magic item he had obtained at Borgin's and Burke's.

The team moved forward so slowly that Filch wanted to take off everyone's clothes and inspect them. The little wizards lining up outside could only wait shivering in the ice and snow.

Brian rarely went to the Ministry of Magic, but went to Hogsmeade with Daphne for a whole day. There were Aurors patrolling the streets there, glaring at everyone fiercely, but the little wizards still had a great time.

They finally passed Filch's inspection and entered the warm auditorium. The candles suspended above the dining table gave off a warm glow that seemed to dispel some of the winter chill.

Slughorn's figure appeared at the Slytherin table, and he loudly said enthusiastically: "Finally found you! Brian, it's really frustrating that you always refuse my invitations."

"Sorry, Professor, I'm very busy this school year, you know." Brian said gently and politely.

"Yes, I know you have a small position in the Ministry of Magic, which is great!" Slughorn played with the tips of his walrus beard with his fingers and bulged his belly. "But I will hold a Christmas party before Christmas." The party, ah, there will be a lot of people coming...you must show off. There will also be Draco and Blaise."

Faced with Slughorn's warm invitation, Brian finally had no choice but to agree.

"Of course, you need to invite your female companions..." After receiving Brian's assurance, Slughorn walked towards the Gryffindor table with satisfaction, winking at them midway.

Brian nodded and saw Slughorn passing over to intercept Harry and Hermione.

The students ate some dinner without much appetite and walked sleepily towards the common room. In fact, their stomachs were already full of candies and snacks from Hogsmeade, as were their pockets.

As the Christmas party approaches, word spreads around the castle that Harry has invited Luna to the party. It's no wonder that Peeves sings "Silly baby falls in love with crazy girl" all day long in the castle, and people don't even know it.

"It's really special, isn't it? Apart from the ghost party you once attended with the crazy girl, I thought no one would invite the crazy girl." Draco said before going to the party, adjusting his robes.

"Maybe." Brian paused.

At eight o'clock in the evening, he and Daphne came to the foyer together. There were many girls wandering there, staring at Harry or Brian with somewhat resentful eyes, as if they hoped that they would be the ones invited.

The two men climbed the marble steps and entered Slughorn's office, greeted by laughter, music, and loud voices.

The office was bewitched and became much larger. The ceiling and walls were hung with emerald green, crimson and gold hangings. A golden lantern hung in the center of the ceiling, with real elves twinkling inside, and the surrounding ceiling was decorated with mistletoe.

There were already many people in the room, making it crowded and stuffy. A melodious and loud singing came from a far corner, a few old wizards were talking, and some house elves were walking between human legs carrying heavy silver trays.

Daphne looked elegant and beautiful in a light green dress. She was looking at Draco dissatisfied because he had invited Astoria and was holding her hand and whispering.

"Brian, you are finally here. Come, I think you must want to meet a lot of people..." Slughorn said enthusiastically, holding Brian's shoulders tightly with his palms, dragging him to a group of wizards .

Brian resisted the urge to roll his eyes and nodded to the wizards one by one.

Fortunately, Harry's arrival relieved Brian. Slughorn immediately abandoned Brian and enthusiastically dragged Harry into the crowd. Brian took the opportunity to push his way back to Daphne.

"Hi, Brian!" Cedric's voice sounded next to him. With a hearty smile on his face, he held Qiu Zhang's hand and greeted him.

"You're here too, Cedric." Brian smiled.

"Yes, Professor Slughorn invited me...Oh, sorry, someone called me." Cedric waved his hand apologetically, and the two of them got into the crowd together.

"Let me just say that Professor Slughorn will not let a good warrior go." Brian shrugged.

A tall, thin man slowly moved toward Daphne. There were dark circles under his eyes, and he looked tired, but his eyes were shining with hunger.

"Xue Ni, don't go!" A wizard pulled the man back and gave him a piece of pie.

"Is that a vampire?" Daphne looked at it curiously, then politely looked away, "It was the first time I saw a vampire..."

They walked through the crowd and saw many familiar people. Hermione invited Ron, and at this time they and Harry gathered together to talk. Blaise disappeared without knowing where, leaving his female companion aside.

Trelawney was sitting at a table, drinking wine, and was already a little drunk. Luna was standing next to her in a silver sequined robe and talking, looking like a shining human-shaped luminous body under the light.

Brian and Daphne sat at a table in the corner and slowly ate their dinner. Astoria huffed and squeezed over to sit next to her because Draco had gone somewhere.

"Ah... there are always some very outstanding students... like Harry, and... oh, come here, Brian!" Slughorn was talking loudly to a group of people, and he looked around. circle and waved to Brian.

Brian smiled apologetically at Daphne, then walked over helplessly, following Slughorn around most of the office. Harry's arm was held by Slughorn, his expression showing resistance.

Later, when Slughorn seemed to pull Snape out of the air, the expression on Harry's face was no longer just resistance. The two looked at each other in disgust and turned their heads to the side.

When he finally got rid of Slughorn, Brian leaned against the window to get some air. The night outside the window is very quiet, but there are no stars.

"Hey, it's been a nice night, right, Brian?" A voice that sounded like a mantra in his sleep sounded in his ear.

Brian turned his head and smiled: "As long as you are happy, Luna."

"Well, it's really nice here, very lively." Luna said happily, looking like she was really happy.

"I'm glad you made a new friend." Brian said slowly.

Luna's light eyes lit up and looked even wider. She nodded her head and said happily: "Yes, it's amazing, right? Ever since we met on the train, we have felt very connected... When I was telling Harry about "The Quibbler", I was suddenly invited... …”

Brian listened with a smile, and the two of them slowly walked to the other side.

"I told them about the Thestrals and the Harassing Flies." Luna said in a daze, then stretched out her hand to pull Brian, "Be careful, don't walk under the mistletoe, there may be nanhoo hidden in it..."

"They are all very interesting people..." Luna said enthusiastically, like a child who got a favorite toy.

"Actually, the first time I saw you had other friends, I felt a little unhappy." Brian sighed, his eyes a little misty. Luna blinked blankly.

"However, I soon discovered that that was wrong." Brian shook his head with a smile, looked into her eyes seriously and said, "A good girl like you should have more friends..."

Luna tilted her head, her light-colored eyes were clear and pure, but seemed to be able to see through everything.

"Thank you for...praising me?" Luna raised her eyebrows, her voice empty and beautiful.

"Yeah, in my opinion, you are a person that I can never figure out. I'm thinking that what you do will always surprise me..." Brian's eyes were a little vacant, "It's like It’s like fireworks by the river, you can never guess what they will look like at the next moment.”

"So, I'm glad a few people, like me, have discovered how wonderful you are..." he said softly.

Luna's expression became gentle, and she smiled sincerely and said, "Thank you... I think, and I hope you can understand how good you are..."

They tacitly changed the subject, chatted about other things, and then parted ways.

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