Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 271 Hallucination

Harry moved his legs as hard as he could and crossed the threshold in front of him. He tripped and fell into the gleaming rectangle of the room, its glass bell still gleaming.

"Come on, Harry!" Hermione gasped, looking behind her in horror.

Ron was floating weakly in the air, like a piece of light parchment. Hermione's other hand was gripping Ron's wrist tightly, her fingernails digging into his skin.

Harry was horrified to see a deep circular wound on Ron's chest, blood was pouring out, and his face was as pale as Mr. Weasley.

"How is he, Ron?" Harry grabbed Ron's other wrist and dragged him quickly toward the exit in front.

"He's been hit by a spell..." Hermione sobbed.

"Where are the others?" Harry gasped, speaking with difficulty. Just now he had no way of understanding other people's situations.

"We ran away..." Hermione whispered with a look of horror, "But before the thick fog appeared, I saw Cedric dueling with a Death Eater... I didn't see where Luna went. "

Harry felt like his blood had frozen, and self-blame and guilt were gnawing at his heart.

But he soon had no time to think about it. Footsteps and shouts came from behind them. Someone was yelling: "Hurry! Leave the injured person alone! They may have gone through the front door to the hall to block the fire." Live them..."

"Find Harry Potter, he is mine!" Voldemort's cold, high-pitched voice came closer and closer.

What frightened Harry and the others even more was that there were rapid footsteps in the door in front of them. A burly Death Eater got in from the front door and shouted in surprise after seeing Harry and the others. Shouting: "I've found Potter!"


A red beam of light flew out from behind the Death Eater and hit him on the head, causing him to fall softly to the ground.

Luna slipped out from under the table behind the Death Eaters and waved at them. Harry was surprised and delighted. He quickened his pace and followed Luna out of the front door, closing it with a bang.

Before the door closed, Harry caught a glimpse of Voldemort's face emerging from the door at the end of the Hall of Time out of the corner of his eye, roaring angrily at him.

They were standing in the rotunda again, and the doors on the wall were rotating rumblingly. When the rotation stopped, Luna pushed open one of the black doors, and Harry and the others rushed in without choosing a way, "Bang" The door slammed shut with a bang.

In front of him was a room that was even wider than the Prophecy Hall, like a giant library, with endless bright stars shining on the ceiling. It was the Hall of Silence.

Harry and the four of them quickly rushed into the countless bookshelves next to them, going deeper and deeper inside.

"I think we can hide here for a while," Luna whispered. Her sleepy voice seemed even more ethereal in the empty room.

They hid among the bookshelves, and there was no movement on the other side of the door. They could finally stop and catch their breath.

Harry and Hermione made Ron lie flat on the ground. Hermione raised her wand and said "heal quickly" to the wound on Ron's chest, and the wound slowly stopped bleeding.

Ron groaned, slowly opened his eyes, and gasped weakly: "We escaped?"

"Not even close." Harry didn't dare to look into Ron's eyes. He failed to save Mr. Weasley. He gasped: "Where is this?"

"It's a place where secrets are hidden. We won't be easily discovered by them here, but we won't be able to hide for long." Luna said in an erratic tone.

"Do you understand this place?" Harry raised his head and looked at her.

"They suddenly appeared in my mind." Luna pointed to her head, "Just like when I escaped from the Death Eaters, someone was guiding me to escape..."

"Is there anyone helping us?" Harry asked.

"Well, that thick fog didn't appear on its own, right?" Luna nodded, with a bit of joy in her tone, "When I ran out, he also helped me knock out the Death Eater who caught me. Disciple. I think Brian must have arrived."

"Brian? Why do you think it's him?"

"My feeling." Luna said with certainty.

"Okay..." Harry didn't want to talk to Luna anymore, "Has anyone seen Cedric?"

Everyone shook their heads. Harry clenched his fists, took a deep breath and said, "We have to find a way out."

"Yeah, you can't hide here for long." Luna glanced at the drops of blood on the ground. That was Ron's blood, dripping all the way.

"We have to change places. We can go around from the bookshelf to the door..." Hermione also discovered blood drops on the ground.

Harry put Ron's arm around his shoulders, and Ron grinned weakly at him. His body was now light and airy under Hermione's spell.

When they walked around behind the bookshelf at the door, the door in front suddenly opened. The four people held their breath and backed away slowly, and saw the person who came in through the gap between the bookshelves.

It's Brian.

Just when Harry and the others were breathing a sigh of relief, the door was opened again, and Voldemort strode in, followed by the big snake behind him.

"Are you up to something?" Voldemort said aggressively, with anger about to explode in his tone.

"You seem to have ignored my advice and barged in here wantonly." Brian's tone was calm, and his attitude was definitely not like he was facing a frightening black devil. "Can I understand that you Are you provoking me?"

Harry and the others looked at each other, holding their breath with worry.

"I just want to get what only I can get." Voldemort said softly.

"Really? For a prophecy ball?" Brian said with a hint of sarcasm in his tone, "Sibyl Trelawney's prophecy?"

"You know?" Voldemort's tone became even colder.

"I know a lot of things..." Brian smiled, "You ended up like that because of a prophecy. To be honest, you are quite sad. However, fate itself is extremely magical, and fate can trick people..."

"Hmph, hand over Harry Potter." Voldemort said coldly, playing with his wand between his pale fingers.

"You guessed wrong, he's not here with me." Brian took out a book from the bookshelf, "You can find it yourself."

Voldemort's flashing red eyes looked at Brian with murderous intent. After a moment, he saw blood stains on the ground and followed the blood stains into the gap between the bookshelves. Nagini followed in leisurely, wagging her tail.

Brian looked down at the big snake and resisted the urge to kill it on the spot.

"We have to take the opportunity to rush out..." Harry tried his best not to think about what he just heard, or to think about the relationship between Brian and Voldemort. He moved his lips and said silently: "Voldemort will find this place soon."

Hermione and Luna nodded and gritted their teeth.

"Listen to me...run!" Harry whispered, and then the four of them spread their legs and ran towards the door, bursting out as fast as they could.

They rushed out of the bookshelf, and out of the corner of his eye, Harry saw Brian looking at them with a smile, his wand twirling nimbly between his fingers.

They didn't stop and rushed out of the door, which slammed shut behind them.

"Potter is here!" shouted the Death Eater remaining in the rotunda. The spells came over one after another.

"Armor!" Harry shouted. The spell bounced back in front of them.

They didn't dare to stay, so they pushed open a black door and rushed into the brain hall. There were many brains floating lazily in the glass water tank in the center of the room.

"Quickly imprisoned!" Hermione slammed the door with her backhand and locked it. The Death Eaters were cursing outside and could only watch helplessly as the wall spun and their traces were lost again.

"These are brains?" Hermione looked disgusted.

"Don't worry about what it is, we have to find a place..." Harry said urgently and suddenly covered his head.

He seemed to have seen a dream, but it was completely different from when he peeked into Voldemort's mind, real and false.

Harry saw himself standing in a huge dark room. In front of him was a high platform with a stone arch above it and tattered curtains fluttering gently on it.

Around him, members of the Order of the Phoenix were fighting Death Eaters, and Voldemort was facing off against Dumbledore... Then, Harry looked towards the high platform, where Sirius was dueling with a Death Eater... …

Harry saw Sirius being hit by a spell, his body bent into a graceful arc, and he fell behind the curtain, never to come back...

"No! Sirius!" Harry shouted. He suddenly found himself standing in the dark room again, with Hermione and the others looking at him worriedly.

"Are you dreaming again, Harry?" Hermione asked cautiously. The expression on Ron's face was very complicated, and Luna looked at him curiously.

"No, it's not...it's different." Harry shook his head blankly. He pressed his scar, but it didn't hurt. "Maybe I'm hallucinating...get out of here quickly."

"Well, I think, with so many brains here... it's definitely not a good place." Hermione said, "Maybe they made you see hallucinations."

They ran toward the end of the room, where another door stood.

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