Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 272 Experiment

Brian turned the pages of the book in his hand and suddenly raised his head. His eyes seemed to penetrate the barrier of the wall and looked at Harry and his group in the Brain Hall.

He felt that the little spell he had arranged was taking effect.

"Did you see it, Harry? The illusion I carefully prepared for you..." Brian closed the page with a smile, "Come on, let me see if you can change your original destiny."

His eyes were full of inquiry and anticipation.

Brian put the book back on the shelf and walked towards the door. He wanted to see how things would develop without his intervention.

He had no intention of saving Sirius Black himself, since they were not familiar with each other anyway.

Voldemort rushed out from behind the bookshelf, the angry red light in his eyes seemed to burst into flames. He roared impotently and furiously: "You let Potter and the others go! Again!"

"That's enough!" Brian said impatiently, "I'm not your subordinate, Voldemort. I have no obligation to help you catch your destined opponent..."

"I do doubt your ability. You can't even deal with a few ungraduated young wizards. You are so incompetent." Brian mocked mercilessly.

Voldemort raised his wand and pointed it at Brian, and a green light flew towards him.

Brian dodged and responded with a death curse, and Voldemort's figure transformed into black mist appeared on the other side.

The two people's wands were facing each other, and the atmosphere was so solemn that it seemed like it was about to freeze.

"It seems that you are really stupid and can only vent your anger on your allies." Brian said coldly, "It's not that I can't play with you..."

Voldemort did not speak. He waved his wand, and countless snakes composed of black mist emerged from beside him, their red eyes shining with evil light.

Harry took Ron's arm, Hermione and Luna followed him, and opened the door at the end of the Brain Hall.

They found themselves standing in a large room, sunken in the middle and surrounded by rows of stepped stone benches.

Harry stared blankly at the stone arch in the center of the pit. His body acted before his thoughts. He quickly jumped off the rows of stone benches and walked slowly towards the high platform.

His footsteps echoed hollowly around him, but Harry couldn't care less. He was close to the stone arch and watched the curtains above gently swaying, as if someone was murmuring inside.

Harry swallowed hard, he was familiar with this place, it was exactly the same as the hallucination that had just appeared in his mind! In the hallucination, it was here that Sirius fell, never to come back...

"Sirius?" Harry whispered. He was afraid that the hallucinations he saw were things that had happened before.

He felt that this stone arch had a strange beauty of its own, and the slightly swaying curtains fascinated him. It seemed that Sirius was behind the curtains, waiting for him and urging him to pass through.

"Harry, let's get out of here, okay?" Hermione looked at the stone archway with deep fear in her voice. She grabbed Harry's sleeve.

"Okay..." Harry said, one foot involuntarily stepping onto the high platform.

"Brother, don't go there, it's very evil here!" Ron said with a pale face, grabbing Harry's arm and pulling him down, "We are still busy escaping!"

Harry forced himself to look away from the curtain. On the other side, Luna was also staring blankly at the curtain, as if she was fascinated. Hermione grabbed Luna's arm and shielded her eyes.

They leaned behind the high stone platform, hiding their figures. Hermione whispered: "Stop looking at that door, it is very evil... I felt like you were about to rush in just now."

"It's fascinating, isn't it?" said Harry. Luna nodded along.

"How could it be? I just think it's scary." Ron said. Hermione agreed.

"I feel like my mother is calling me at the door... maybe it represents death." Luna said in a dazed tone, "It's very charming, but also very dangerous."

"Death..." Harry licked his dry lips. He thought again of the hallucination he saw before he came in. It was so real. It didn't feel like the past, but more like what was going to happen...

"Sirius...will die?" Harry felt his heart throb. He couldn't wait to tell Sirius not to come.

However, Harry was a little self-deprecating. He didn't think he suddenly had the ability to predict, but what exactly was what he just saw?

While Harry was worrying about gains and losses, Hermione whispered: "We can't stay here forever, they will come here sooner or later... We have to find a way out!"

"But, Hermione, we can only go out through the rotunda, but we can't tell which door is the exit. The chance is 1 in 12 every time..." Ron said with an ugly face, "More Not to mention that those Death Eaters are probably still guarding outside..."

"Then, we can only delay for time and wait for rescue." Hermione took a deep breath, "I hope Ginny and Qiu will spread the news to the professors soon..."

"There is another way, go to Brian." Luna said in an erratic tone.

The three Harrys looked at each other and fell silent. After they heard Brian's conversation with Voldemort, they could no longer regard him as their former classmate.

"Perhaps what Brian said, that he is one of the most advanced Occlumency masters at Hogwarts, is not a lie." Harry thought inexplicably, "No one knows which one is the real him."

Luna seemed to have guessed what they were thinking, and she said in a relaxed tone: "But he has been helping us, right?"

"Yeah..." Harry sighed, "But we don't dare to go back there again. Voldemort might still be in that room."

They waited uneasily in the room, surrounded by silence. Finally, with the sound of the door opening, a group of Death Eaters rushed in.

"Look carefully to see if Potter and the others are inside!" a Death Eater ordered.

"No need for your instructions, Lucius." A rough female voice said. She took the lead to step down the stone steps, and the hood on her head had been taken off, revealing her pale and haggard face, but her eyes were warm and crazy.

"Come out, come out, little baby Potter, you are here," Bellatrix called, imitating a baby's voice, as she walked around the stone platform.

Harry and the others moved carefully close to the high platform, but they would soon be unable to hide. Harry winked at Ron and Luna, and pointed in the direction of Bellatrix to Hermione, who nodded.

"Swoon!" Harry turned sideways and shouted towards Lucius Malfoy.

Lucius dodged preparedly, and the curse hit the stone bench behind him. Ron propped up his body and recited a barrier spell to the Death Eaters behind Lucius. Luna then added a stun spell and knocked out a Death Eater.

"Oh, Potter, you are indeed here!" Bellatrix screamed in ecstasy and came around from behind them. Hermione chanted a full body binding spell at her, but was dodged.

In the blink of an eye, all kinds of magic spells filled the room. Harry struggled against Lucius Malfoy, Luna faced off against Rookwood, Hermione cast spells on Bellatrix, and Ron was forced back by McNeil...

"Stop fighting, call everyone over!" Lucius shouted, "Go find the Dark Lord! We can't let them escape anymore..."

Harry looked anxious. He saw a Death Eater running towards the exit, but he was powerless to stop him.

"Ah -" Hermione screamed miserably. She was hit by one of Bellatrix's spells and was thrown high into the air. She fell softly on the ground like a rag doll. He stood still.

Bellatrix smiled triumphantly and pointed her wand at Luna on the other side.

At this time, the door high above opened with a bang, and four people rushed into the room. Sirius, Lupin, Tonks and Moody were all there. The Death Eater who was about to rush out to call for help fell down faster and fell to the ground without moving.

Lucius Malfoy turned to face Lupin, Moody cast a crushing spell on Rookwood, Tonks stopped McNeil who was about to kill Ron, and Sirius faced Bayley. Latrix.

Harry dodged a ray of red light, bent down and moved towards Hermione: "Hermione, wake up..."

Luna threw Harry to the ground in one fell swoop, and a spell exploded where Harry had been. They grabbed Hermione's hands and feet and dragged her behind the stone platform.

"What's wrong with Hermione?" Ron asked weakly with a bit of crying as one of his eyes was swollen into a purple-red bag.

"She was under a very powerful curse." Luna groped Hermione's wrist and said, "She is still alive and has a pulse..."

Harry breathed a sigh of relief and felt weak for a moment. He turned to look at the battle between the Order of the Phoenix and the Death Eaters, but instead of the joy of escaping, his eyes became increasingly horrified.

At some point, Sirius was standing on the high platform fighting with Bellatrix, laughing at her loudly.

"No! Sirius, come down!" Harry's mind went blank and he rushed towards the high platform.

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