Hokage: Destroy Uchiha

Chapter 113 Who Hasn't Wished For World Nuclear Peace!

Chapter 113 Who Hasn't Wished For World Nuclear Peace!

"What is this Hokage Murong Fu!"

Although the evil aura in the distance became more violent and vast, Uchiha Jin was not in a hurry at the moment, but was still watching the development of the situation calmly.

Although the Country of Grass is just a shabby settlement struggling to survive the confrontation between the five great powers, it also had the title of the strongest ninja country in the distant history. This point is even recorded in the question bank of the Chūnin exam.


The country of grass that once ruled has long since perished, and the present "country of weeds" was probably built up bit by bit on the dilapidated ruins by the survivors of a certain country of grass.

Just like thinking about the past glory of his ancestors, Murong Fu, who always reminds himself to restore the country and become the emperor, looks chic and elegant on the surface, but there is a kind of pervert inferiority complex hidden in his bones.

In the official talks with the five major powers, he acted submissively as a wall swaying with the wind, but secretly he used all means to squeeze his companions and Xianglin's mother and daughter, so as to make up for the shortfall caused by the low-price plundering mission.

There must be something pitiful for a hateful person, and there must be something hateful for a poor person!


All causes and effects originate from the unrealistic wishes of the Kingdom of Grass, and are born with the most unforgivable original sin in the world.


Face it because they have no way to face up to their own weakness, and pin their hopes on this kind of evil that they cannot control, and finally they will end up in such an abyss that will never be restored!

At this moment, Uchiha Jin could even feel the pervert smiles behind the masks of the Kusanagi village elders.

It's just unclear whether the regret in their hearts will make them doubt life when they find that the final result is completely different from what they imagined after the box of bliss is opened.

As for Uchiha Jin?

Although he experienced the fun of fighting for the first time in Konoha, Uchiha Jin is not yet a pervert combat madman like Hisoka in the full-time hunter.

if necessary.

Erase the existence that is not good for oneself in advance, this is what the final winner should look like.

Uchiha Madara is just because he is too simple, otherwise it is really hard to say what the ninja world will be like now!

"Even if there are still living people in Caoyin Village, there are no more than two hands!"

According to Uchiha Jin's initial thought, although he doesn't pride himself on being upright, he doesn't mind destroying all the ninjas in Caoyin Village because of the disgust in his heart.


Uchiha Jin also doesn't think he is a murderous maniac, and he is not crazy enough to kill ordinary people to plunder souls to support the underworld.

However, these ninjas in Caoyin Village are more determined than Uchiha Jin imagined, and they seem to have planned to tear the seal of the Box of Elysium in the very long past.

And obviously at this moment, the sealing circle that absorbs vitality and Chakra is the last resort hidden by Caoyin Village for the Jedi's counterattack.

Although the number of thousands of ninjas is far more than that of an ordinary small country, in villages and towns like the Country of Grass where the quality of ninjas is not outstanding, the existence of ordinary farmers is the real norm.

Although the individual soul power is not very strong, the souls of nearly 20,000 ordinary people and thousands of ninjas make Uchiha Jin's immature underworld suddenly feel overwhelmed.

The Underworld Nether World, which was only about a thousand meters in size, suddenly expanded by a factor of several times.

There are confused souls wandering around in it, and their chaotic soul power is now wantonly impacting the surroundings, causing this nascent space to suddenly fall into huge turmoil.


Uchiha Jin not only needs to observe the movement of the Bliss Box, but also needs to use medical ninjutsu to deal with Uzumaki Yayoi. The most important thing is to deal with the underworld that is undergoing earth-shaking changes at this moment.

Uchiha's pupil power incarnation is like a firefighter, rampaging in the space of the underworld, knocking down the bewildered souls and bodies, and by the way, letting his four newborn ghosts breathe.

no way!

Even Huang Quanyoushi feels like it's about to burst at this moment, but Uchiha Jin can't let go of this big cake that reaches his mouth.

Everyone in Caoyin Village is dead!

Instead of taking advantage of the Sage of Six Paths hiding in the pure land world, it is better to become the nourishment for Uchiha Jin's newborn Huangquan secluded world.

If it is possible to truly create a world of underworld that reflects the heavens, it might be possible to create a tranquil world of eternal peace.


Who doesn't have a wish for world nuclear peace!

Every big villain can come up with a sentence or two, and now Uchiha Jin feels that he is also qualified to hum a sentence or two.

By comparison, the monster in the Bliss Box?



"Open it, Box of Bliss!"

Looking at the ferocious and distorted face on the box, the eyes of the four grass ninja village elders were all flickering with madness.

As the four elders who control the inheritance of the Ninja Kingdom, it is their lifelong wish to revive the Ninja Ninja and dominate the ninja world, and in this increasingly terrifying ninja world, opening the Box of Bliss is their only hope.


The endless vitality and Chakra, through the absorption of the sealing circle, are continuously gathered on the masks on the four sides of the Bliss Box.

Click! Click! Click! Click!

Accompanied by the cacophony of sounds coming from the top of the Bliss Box, the painful roars that hit the soul one after another, and the whispers that aroused desire, grabbed the hearts of the four grass ninja elders like deceptive devils.

"Let's make our wishes come true!"

There is no Wuwei who only wants to save his son like in the original book. At this moment, the four grass ninja elders finally feel that this long-cherished wish that has been achieved after nearly a hundred years of hard work will finally be fulfilled in their own hands.

Even if the price is very heavy...

But for the village!

"The box of bliss, let the country of grass once again..."

But just as the three grass ninja village elders wearing sheep's head, bull's head, and dog's head hoods became more and more excited and crazy, Cao Ninja Zhanglai who was wearing a monkey's head hood suddenly took a step forward at this moment.

"Bliss Box, let me become the master of the ninja world!"


"How dare you betray the village!"

The other three grass ninja village elders were extremely frightened, and they never expected the change at this moment anyway.

The village has already paid such a heavy price, and is waiting painfully for the changes here so that no one will find out. Who would have thought that it would still be defeated at the last step.

And the one who betrayed them was the monkey-headed elder who was with them day and night!


Another burst of sharp mourning came out from the Bliss Box, followed by a dark ray of light suddenly swept forward, swallowing the monkey-headed elder in an instant.

Before the other three Kusanagi Elders could react, the embossed face suddenly peeled off continuously on the strange face representing 'Le' at this moment, revealing one distorted face after another under the strange light...

at last.

A beast-like face opened its mouth wide, revealing the darkness and profundity hidden in the box, and a malice so thick that it almost condensed into substance continued to escape.

It was at this moment that a voice that was extremely familiar to the three Kusanagi elders came out staggeringly as if drunk.

"Ape Mountain!"


(end of this chapter)

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