Hokage: Destroy Uchiha

Chapter 114 Enlightenment (Ask For A Monthly Pass!)

Chapter 114 Enlightenment (Ask for a monthly pass!)

"Ape Mountain!"

Seeing the familiar figure walking out of the Bliss Box, the three elders of Kusunin Village all glared at him.

Cao Ninja Village has been arranged for the past few decades. I don’t know how many villagers have been sacrificed in the middle of the experiment. At this moment, all of them have become the wedding dresses of the elder Yuanshan.

But now that things have come to this point, the three grass ninja elders are powerless to change at this moment. They can only see whether Saruyama, who has obtained the power of the box of bliss, still remembers his ambition to revive the country of grass.

"Since you have obtained the wish of the Bliss Box, you will be the leader of our Grass Country from now on!"

Although the three Kusanagi elders felt aggrieved, everyone's eyes were full of submission at the moment. With such a terrifying aura, Saruyama was no longer something they could fight against.


At this moment, the three grass ninja elders had lost the acumen and vigilance that an elite ninja should have. Those who wanted to show their surrender and half knelt down did not see the viciousness and resentment hidden in the eyes of 'Elder Saruyama' at all.

Swish! Swish!

Elder Grass Ninja wearing a sheep's head mask suddenly felt a familiar shadow in front of him, and then suddenly felt a sharp pain coming from his chest.


Elder Kusanagi with the sheep's head mask looked down and saw that the right hand of 'Elder Saruyama' had been inserted into his chest, and the blood sprayed from the wound wet his eyes, making the picture in front of him even more blurred stand up.


Without any explanation, he just opened his hands as if stretching.

"My world doesn't need trash like you!"

'Elder Yuanshan' stuck out his tongue, licked the blood splashed on his face, showed a look of enjoyment, and his tone was full of contempt and mockery.

Throwing the remnant body in his hand into the deep passage behind him, the 'Elder Ape Mountain' immediately shifted his bloodthirsty eyes to the bull-headed and dog-headed elders with frightened faces.

"That's the taste, it's up to you guys!"

"You...you are not Saruyama..."

The bull head and dog head elders' eyes were full of shock, and they stared angrily at 'Elder Yuanshan'. Obviously, the box of bliss did not satisfy the wish that elder Yuanshan had just prayed for.

At this moment, what came out of the Bliss Box was not the elder Yuanshan who had just been swallowed, but a monster that looked exactly like the elder Yuanshan.

'Elder Yuanshan' smiled indifferently, with a strange hint of greed in his tone.

"I am Saruyama, but not all..."

"The Bliss Box..."

After hearing the answer from 'Elder Saruyama', the two Kusanagi elders realized at this moment.

In the past, I kept fighting for it, and I didn't hesitate to let countless people from my tribe do human experiments, and even took the lives of everyone in the village in the end. In the end, it was just a moon in the water, a flower in the mirror.

The cruel facts made the two grass ninja elders suffer a lot, but this kind of grief will not last long in the next moment.

"The taste of the soul!"

I saw the figure of 'Elder Yuanshan' appearing in front of the two of them like a ghost, and his two hands were like iron pincers pinching them tightly, and squeezed them hard without the slightest hesitation.

Throwing the corpse in his hand towards the Bliss Box behind him, the 'Elder Yuanshan' at this moment finally had the time to look at the attractive place exuding a sweet aura in the distance.

"Who is plundering the fruit that belongs to me!"


A fleshy wing suddenly spread out from behind the 'Elder Saruyama', and then burst into gusts of wind, flying towards the direction of Uchiha Jin at a speed that almost broke through the speed of sound.

But within a few breaths, the 'Elder Saruyama' had already seen the three Uchiha Jin who were in strange postures at this moment.

"Intense vitality...and this evil pupil power..."

The longing eyes of the 'Elder Saruyama' flashed a bit of dignity when they finally fell on Uchiha Jin from Xianglin's mother and daughter.

"what is this……"

Looking at the familiar face that suddenly appeared in front of her and the pair of terrifying huge fleshy wings, Xiao Xianglin couldn't help showing fear again in her eyes.

Uzumaki Yayoi couldn't speak at the moment, but his eyes were also full of fear.

The 'Elder Yuanshan' at this moment is completely different from the past. In the eyes of their strong perception, they are like terrifying monsters from the abyss.

However, while Xianglin's mother and daughter were horrified, Uchiha Jin complained with some disgust.

"It's ugly!"


It was just a simple sentence, but when the 'Elder Yuanshan' heard the words at this moment, his entire face twisted angrily.

If it is necessary to suppress the host's consciousness to deal with other people, but in the face of Uchiha Jin, the enemy and delicacy, the "Elder Saruyama" at this moment can even exert 100% to 120% of his ultimate strength.

"Damn it, I'm going to tear you apart!"


Accompanied by an angry hiss, the face that could still maintain its human shape suddenly twisted.

In an instant, the body of the 'Ape Mountain Elder' suddenly rose up and turned into a huge monster with fangs and a huge mouth, slender limbs, covered with sharp claws, and wings on its back.

And with the monster named 'Enlightenment' fully revealing its real body at this moment, the huge box of bliss also descended from the sky at this moment.

Almost at the same time.

Along with the huge box of bliss in the sky, the figure of 'Enlightenment' fell towards Uchiha Jin at the same time.

As the sky-shattering smoke dissipated, Uchiha Jin kept his original posture in accordance with the law of smoke without injury. At this moment, he has moved more than ten meters away, but at this moment he still maintains the posture of delivering Chakra to Uzumaki Yayoi.


At this moment, Wu, who missed a hit, was full of confusion in his eyes, as if wondering how he, who could see through people's hearts, could not have noticed Uchiha Jin's thoughts.

"How can there be such a person, facing him without the slightest fear!"

"Wu" who came to such a conclusion was even more angry, but as a wisdom body that draws conclusions from many consciousnesses, at this moment, he indeed keenly felt that something was wrong with Uchiha Jin's state at this moment through the thoughts of Xianglin's mother and daughter.

There is no way this guy can move at will!

'Wu', who came to this conclusion again, was filled with tyrannical joy, his figure suddenly swelled to more than double, and he swung his pitch-black sharp claws and smashed down.

But just when Uchiha Jin's sharp claws were about to attack Uchiha Jin, a cold aura suddenly emerged in front of Uchiha Jin.

Then the cold aura instantly became extremely hot, and then exuded an incomparably violent and wild aura, flashing like a violent sun.

Fire Style Great Fireball Technique!

Fire Style Great Fireball Technique!

Fire Style Great Fireball Technique!

Fire Style Great Fireball Technique!

The secrets of ninjutsu passed down from generation to generation by the Uchiha family are now fully displayed on these four huge fireballs, and in their violent and hot atmosphere, there is even a hint of coldness that is completely inconsistent with themselves.

"how so!"

'Enlightenment', who still hadn't absorbed the slightest fear, was instantly submerged by the huge fireball. Accompanied by the violent explosion and the roar of the flames, the huge monster-like body was suddenly blown away by more than tens of meters.

That is at this moment!

Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish!

On the empty ground in front of Uchiha Jin, four flowing feathers are grinning in the strong wind at this moment, and the shining Uchiha flame fan is as lifelike as a blazing flame!


catch up...

(end of this chapter)

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