Sasuke slowly came to Naruto's side, looked at the army of white abates, and asked: Naruto, so many white abates, how should we deal with them? "

Huh... So much whiteness, but it's a good thing.

Naruto said with a smile as he stared at Bai Jue below, his eyes revealing a thick ambition.

"We want to unify the ninja world and launch the fourth ninja world war, these white absolutes are the best ordinary combat power. Therefore, their existence, for us, is indisadvantageous.

Sasuke said in a deep voice, "Understood." But is it really going to start a ninja war? In that case, wouldn't a lot of people die?

Although he supported Naruto's idea of unification, he couldn't bear to think that the Shinobi War would soon resume, and that it would be a matter of misery at that time.

"Is there really no other choice?"

Naruto sighed and said faintly, "In order to end this endless war, it is inevitable to start the fourth Shinobi World War.

However, it is guaranteed that this war is aimed at reunification. As long as anyone who chooses to surrender to our country, its people will not be harmed. Therefore, this will be a war unlike any other than before.

After listening to Naruto's words, Sasuke nodded in understanding.

Then he focused on the problem of the resurrection spot and the intercolumn.

He continued, "Then about Uchiha and Senjukuma, shall we resurrect these two now?"

Naruto smiled and said confidently, "That's nature, there are so many white absolutes here, it can just be used as a sacrifice to resurrect the two."

Sasuke paused, with a hint of anticipation in his eyes, and said lightly: "Then can I also resurrect my parents and them?" It's been a long time since they left me. That's my only request, please, Naruto!

Naruto naturally understood what he meant, patted him on the shoulder, and said softly: "Not only your parents were reborn from the dirt, but also my mother, I also want to take advantage of this opportunity to reunite the family."

"Really? You think so too! There

was a look of joy in Sasuke's eyes.

Just do what you say.

The two soon got to action.

On this side, Naruto turned on the nine-tailed chakra mode again, and the orange chakra turned into two huge arms and grabbed several white people in the pit.

However, strangely, Bai Jue, who left the deep pit, seemed to come to life all of a sudden, and began to struggle in the hands of Naruto Chakra. But in the end, his arm could not twist his thigh, and Bai Jue's resistance was quickly suppressed.

It can only be like a wilted eggplant, at Naruto's mercy.

And Sasuke was not idle, probing the surrounding stone walls, and finally found the mechanism to open the stone door in the groove of the stone wall on the side.

Twisting the mechanism, the stone door was finally opened.

In this way, the two arrested five Bai Jue in a row and came to the underground room where Madara lived before his death.

Put all the unconscious whites side by side.

Naruto took a scroll from his ninja bag and spread it on the ground, bit his finger, and began to write the name to be reborn on the scroll.

Uchiha Madara, Senjukuma, Uzumaki Kushina, Uchiha Fugaku, Uchiha Mikoto.

After writing it, Naruto's face became extremely serious.

The hands began to form.

"Yin, 巳, 戊, Tatsumi... Ninfa. The art of rebirth of dirt! After

finishing the last seal, Naruto gulped and slapped his hands the underground scroll.

I saw that on the scroll that was originally full of blood, many black dense marks suddenly appeared. Connecting the names of the deceased, he began to yearn outward until he climbed on Bai Jue's body.

Gradually, Bai Jue's face began to become distorted, and thick white smoke rose from their bodies.

Sasuke's heart was pounding, staring intently at everything in front of him, afraid to miss the slightest change.

Bai Jue's body is still constantly changing, gradually transforming into the appearance of the deceased before his death.

And Naruto also began to feel that his chakra was constantly consuming. As the Great Snake Pill said, the biggest drawback of his upgraded version of the Dirt Rebirth Technique is that it consumes a huge amount of Chakra.

Finally, after a few minutes of changes, Madara, Madara Madara , Kushina , Mikoto , Fugaku , these familiar faces, finally returned to the world again.

"Dad, Mom... You guys, you're finally back!

Sasuke looked at his parents who had returned again, and the tears in the corners of his eyes had begun to fall continuously.

He waited so long, and with Naruto's help, he finally saw his parents again.

What an excitement was that?

Ending the summoning of the Dirt Rebirth Technique, Naruto slowly got up. It took a few deep breaths before he could stabilize his figure.

"Are you all right? Naruto!

Despite his excitement, Sasuke did not forget to care about Naruto after seeing Naruto's pale face.

"It's okay, just slow down a little."

Naruto waved his hand, but his gaze was on the two who had been reincarnated.

The five slowly opened their eyes, and the first to feel the warmth was Mikoto.

Before she could see what was happening, she saw Sasuke, who was already crying like a tearful man, rushing up and hugging her body tightly without saying a word.

After half a year of growth and training, the two of them have grown a lot taller than when they graduated.

In Mikoto's surprised gaze, Sasuke hugged his mother and said excitedly: "Mom, I finally see you again, I miss you and my father so much, I think so much, I want to think so much!" "

Zor... Sasuke? Is that you?

Mikoto couldn't believe her eyes.

Looking down at the boy who threw himself in his arms, he said in surprise.

Sasuke raised his head and laughed while crying, "It's me, I'm Sasuke, your child."

Mikoto's black pupils first widened, then shocked.

"Are you really my Sasuke? Is it already this big?

Sasuke wiped the tears from his face and said excitedly, "Of course, seven years have passed since you left this world.

Fugaku also looked at Sasuke in front of him in disbelief, and said in shock, "Sasuke? Come and let Dad take a good look, you are already this old.

Sasuke walked over to his father again and asked him to take a closer look at how he had changed over the years.

Naruto took in it all. In addition to sighing, one did not pay attention, and was tightly hugged by Jiu Xinnai's warm embrace.

Being hugged tightly by the comer, Naruto's brain was stunned all of a sudden!

Then, Jiu Shinnai's gentle words sounded in his ears: "Naruto, my good boy, we finally meet again!" Mom misses you so much.

Jiu Xinnai was so excited that two lines of tears fell from his eyes.

After waiting for so long, she finally saw Naruto again, took Naruto's hand, and began the non-stop nagging mode. Naruto only felt incomparably warm and happy about this, and did not get bored at all.

On the side, the pillars were confused about everything strange in front of them.

He was wondering who had summoned him again. When he turned his head, he saw a man he would never forget in his life.

Madara, was he actually summoned by the Dirt Rebirth?

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