"That guy with Obito, did you finally let Nagato use the Reincarnation Innate Art to revive me? No, no, this feeling is, the art of rebirth of dirt?

Madara muttered suspiciously.

After looking around, he sighed again: "Is this the base where I stayed in my old age?" What the hell happened, that guy with the soil... Could it be that the plan has already begun?

As he was speaking, he suddenly heard Zhuma shouting excitedly: "Madara, it's really you, I can't imagine that you have also been reborn in filthy soil!" "

It's obviously a pleasure to see my best friend again.

"Hahashrama, why are you?"

Madara turned his head to look at the pillars who were also puzzled, but he was very puzzled in his heart, what the hell is this soil doing?

Not only did he not use the reincarnation innate technique to resurrect himself, but even the pillars were resurrected.

This is not in line with his expected plan.

And, more importantly, there were inexplicably a few more people in this room.

He looked at Sasuke and secretly said in his heart, "That boy, why does it give me a familiar feeling?" Pillar

also looked at Naruto who was held by Jiu Shinnai's hand and spoke, and the same familiarity rose in his heart.

It seems that they have some connection.


Zhujian coughed lightly, interrupting several people who were talking, and wondered: "That, I want to ask, what is this place?" The

words between the pillars suddenly focused the attention of several people on him and Madara.

Especially Fugaku, when he saw the pillar with red armor and an unkind face, and the pillar next to him, who was also dressed but smiled, his expression immediately became frightened.

These two people are, the legendary ...

He trembled and walked up to the two and asked in a low voice, "First Hokage-sama, and... Madara-sama, is it really you?

Madara turned his head and glanced at Fugaku, and immediately frightened Fugaku's head with cold sweat.

"Who are you and do I know you?"

Madara's icy voice sounded.

Mikoto and Kushina looked at each other and both saw each other's shock.

Jiu Xingna stepped forward, looked at the pillars, and respectfully said: "The first Hokage-sama, the younger Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai, has seen the pillars-sama."

Mikoto also stepped forward and said respectfully, "Uchiha Mikoto, I have seen the original Hokage-sama.

"You are..."

Pillar looked at the two with some doubt.

Kushina explained, "We are all your juniors, and your wife, Mito-sama, is the aunt and grandmother of the junior. "

Descendants of Mito?" Red hair, really like her. The pillars sighed in admiration, and his tone was much softer.

Beside him, Madara noticed Mikoto's self-pronouncement just now. Especially Mikoto's surname, Uchiha. It immediately caught Madara's attention.

He looked at Mikoto and said coldly, "Just now you said that your name is Mikoto Uchiha, right?"

Mikoto was suddenly shocked, and said in a trembling voice: "If you go back to the ancestor, the junior is indeed called Uchiha Mikoto."

Fugaku hurriedly explained: "Mikoto is the wife of the junior, if the ancestor has anything to say, ask me."

"Ask you?"

Madara sneered and said disdainfully: "Okay, then let me ask you, who is in charge of Konoha's Uchiha now?"

Fugaku was a little embarrassed, and said with a guilty face: "If you go back to the ancestor, a few years ago, the patriarch of Uchiha was me. And now, the Uchiha clan..."

Fugaku didn't say any more.

Sasuke, who had listened for a long time, stepped forward and said loudly: "Madara, let me tell you, the current Uchiha clan, except for me, the rest of the people, have been exterminated."

And it was the high-ranking people of Konoha Village who destroyed the Uchiha clan. A disciple of the second Hokage, Sarutobi Hinata and Shimura Danzo.

As soon as these words came out, Madara was stunned at first.

Then sneered: "A group of descendants who betrayed my clan were exterminated by Konoha's clan, what should I say?" It's really sad! There

was a hint of melancholy in his tone.

Fugaku's face was full of shame.

He did not dare to say to Lao Zu that the murderer who destroyed the clan was his eldest son, Uchiha Itachi.

What's more, Madara was right, it was indeed the Uchiha clan who betrayed the patriarch of Madara and forced him to leave Konoha Village.

As the patriarch, he knew all these old things.

Madara continued to look at Sasuke, looking at the face that resembled his brother, he couldn't help but be curious: "What's your name?"

"Sasuke Uchiha."

Sasuke looked at Kamimada curiously, without the slightest fear in his eyes.

"You're good."

Madara sighed, turned his head to look at Naruto on the side, and asked, "Boy, is my psychic beast Nine Tails inside you?" Also, did you and Sasuke one of us summon us?

"Sure enough, that Madara-guy is as annoying as ever."

In Naruto's body, the Nine Lamas began to complain.

Naruto laughed secretly, looked at Madara and said confidently, "It was you who summoned you with the Dirt Rebirth Technique, how about it, thank me."

Madara smiled disdainfully, his eyes were cold, and his tone was domineering: "Boy, didn't the teacher of the ninja school tell you?" Forbidden techniques cannot be abused.

Once the person who is summoned knows the solution of this technique, then the psychic contract with the caster can be automatically resolved. In other words, your Dirt Rebirth Technique can't control me at all. "

Say, he will seal his hands and untie the shackles of the art of soil rebirth.

For his arrogance, Naruto just smiled faintly.

Calmly said, "Is it? So you can try? With

both hands tied vertically, Naruto directly used the intercolumnar cells to strengthen the control of the spot.

Madara wanted to move, but found that he couldn't move at all.

Seeing this, the pillars did not panic. Just patted Madara's shoulder and smiled: "Madara, you're anxious, haven't you felt it yet?" The sacrifice He summoned us to use was full of my cells.


Madara froze.

He really didn't expect that.

Naruto looked at the deflated Madara and said with a smile: "Both of them are troubled times, and I don't want to think about it, I'm such a little devil who doesn't have hair." If you don't have some means, dare to summon you two great gods?

"Boy, don't be proud!"

Madara struggled angrily, his eyes closed, and when he opened them again, he still became the eye of reincarnation.

He didn't believe it, and with the blessing of the power of the eye of reincarnation, he would not be able to break free from the shackles of a little teenager.

Naruto saw that Madara was still not convinced, and his eyes were also closed, and he opened them again, and the nine jade reincarnation eyes appeared in Naruto's eyes.

"I forgot to tell you that in this world, you are not the only one who opens the eye of reincarnation."

This spot is completely broken.

What's going on with this TM?

How come he has only been dead for more than ten years, and the whole world has become like this?

The nine-tailed human pillar force, when can he open the eye of reincarnation, how did he not know?

"Why? Why do you, the yellow-haired nine-tailed human pillar force, have the reincarnation eyes of my Uchiha clan?

Madara roared in shock.

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