"Why? That's not what you should know. All in all, the current two of you and the original Hokage can't break free from my shackles at all.

Naruto stared at the two with burning eyes and said domineeringly.

Madara still planned to continue struggling, but the pillars signaled him to be quiet. Looking at Naruto, he was curious: "That, yellow-haired boy, can you tell me what your name is?" "

Naruto Uzumaki."

Naruto replied lightly.

Pillar smiled and asked, "That Naruto, I have a question for you, is there something wrong with this use of ninjutsu to summon us out?"

He looked around, and at the same time summoned not only Madara, but also the Fugaku couple and Jiu Shinnai, who claimed to be a descendant of his wife Mito.

And he just heard that this teenager named Naruto Uzumaki called Jiu Shinnai his mother, doesn't that mean that this teenager is also a descendant of the Uzumaki clan?

Not only him, but even the rest of the people who were summoned, they were also curious, what was Naruto's purpose in summoning them out?

Naruto did not hide it either, and chuckled, "Summoning you out naturally has my purpose."

First of all, my mother, who was reborn in the dirt for the simple purpose of reuniting our family. This is followed by Uncle Fugaku and Aunt Mikoto, who are Sasuke's parents. The purpose is the same as mine.

"As for you two..."

Naruto paused and said domineeringly, "I summoned you out because I wanted you to join me in completing the great cause of dominating the ninja world."

After hearing this, several people opened their eyes wide, and their faces showed an incredulous expression.

Pillar took a deep breath and looked at Naruto with a confident look in front of him, and the boy's words made him feel extremely shocked.

Shen Shen said, "Naruto, are you sure that your ideal is really possible?" Unify the ninja world, doesn't that mean that you want to start a war again? As

a person who has experienced the Warring States Period, he knows well what consequences war will bring to ordinary people. As soon as the war begins, it means that many people will die in the following war.

What surprised him even more was that the words that wanted to unify the ninja world were actually from the mouth of a thirteen-year-old teenager.

Naruto looked him in the eye, nodded, and said seriously, "That's right, I'm just going to start a war." Unify this chaotic ninja world into one country. Draw a break to this ninja world where war is constantly smoked, and let the world achieve true peace.

Zhu Jian was still puzzled, and loudly defended: "But in that case, won't many people die?" Could it be said that in order to unify the ninja world, it is necessary to sacrifice so many innocent lives?

"One will achieve ten thousand bones!"

Naruto said domineeringly, "In order to end this endless war, sacrifice is inevitable." What's more, it was no one else who caused the chaos in the ninja world today, it was the original Hokage you.

"Me? How can it be? The

pillars were stunned.

And Naruto's words also completely aroused Madara's interest.

He began to wonder what kind of surprise words this teenager with reincarnation eyes like him would say.

Also shocked were the Jiu Shinna and Sasuke family.

They were all surprised that Naruto dared to accuse the legendary ninja god of the first Naruto-sama.

Jiu Shinna stepped forward and pulled Naruto's clothes, signaling him to stop talking.

Naruto turned back to his mother with a reassuring smile, turned his head to look at the pillars, and said loudly, "Exactly." Pillar

was a little confused, puzzled: "Naruto, since you said that I caused the situation in the ninja world today, can you tell me what I went wrong with?"

Naruto said in a deep voice, "First, as the god of ninjas, although you are extremely powerful, you have a fatal flaw, that is, you are too kind to the other four countries of that year, so that you raise tigers.

The second is that you are too naïve. Back then, you and Madara could have ruled the ninja world with their strength above everyone in the ninja world. And you naively think that countries can get along well with each other. "

The pillars are dumbfounded, is this also wrong?

He said stunned: "But the shadows of those countries back then were indeed very easy to get along with." In the more than ten years of my reign, none of them have been at war with the Fire Nation.

He glanced at Madara beside him with a displeased face and said with a smile, "Except for Madara who wanted to attack Konoha back then, everything is fine." He

still didn't understand why he had solved everything, but Naruto still refuted it.

"Indeed, as you said, when you were alive, the ninja world was peaceful.

However, it was the leaders of the other four countries at that time, and they were afraid of the strength of you and Madara, so they did not dare to act rashly. And one of the most wrong things you did was to give the captured tailed beasts to the four countries to increase their strength.

Madara: "Hahashrama, sure enough, you are still the same as when you were a child, so naïve, you would actually do such a stupid thing."


"But I'm still curious, Naruto, how did you know about these things?"

Naruto smiled, he couldn't tell them, in fact, I only found out after watching seven hundred and twenty episodes.

So he had to continue: "It doesn't matter how I know, what matters. After you died in the first generation, the first Ninja World War broke out, and the five great powers quickly fell into war.

Your successor, the second-generation Hokage-sama, Senjuma, was also ambushed and killed during negotiations with Yunyin Village after the end of the Shinobi War. Zhu

Ma slapped his brain and said in shock: "So is Tsuma so dead?" I said, when he died, he looked younger than me, it turned out to be because of the war.

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but sigh heavily.

After listening to Naruto's narration, Madara mocked, "Hahashrama, this is the price of your naivety. If I had listened to me and used force to solve other villages, where would there be so many troubles?

That's why I left the village because you and I disagreed. I want to force the other four countries to submit to Konoha by force, but you want to live in peace with them.

As a result, in order to protect the village you are committed to building, you have put the cart before the horse after all. Don't you know that the reason why the village exists is because of the existence of people, and the village becomes meaningful. You, on the other hand, in order to protect the village, shot at me, who was originally like-minded.

As a result, after my death, your kindness led to the three ninja world wars that followed. And your putting the cart before the horse also caused your successors to inherit your will to do anything for the sake of the village and destroy my Uchiha clan.

"Madara, I'm sorry, I was wrong." Zhu Ma looked at the disdainful spot, and his face was covered with guilt.

After Naruto and Madara told him about the destruction of the Uchiha clan by his descendants, he finally understood that he was also deeply ashamed of the person who first planted the seeds of Uchiha's destruction.

Madara was dismissive of his apology.

Sneered: "What is the use of saying this now? You and I can't go back, Hahashrama. "

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