So, soon the father and son each served a cup of tea.

He took a sip casually and felt the aroma of green tea jump on the tip of his tongue.

For the first time, Itachi felt that it was good to be alive.

Finally, the familiar palate returns.

As he sighed, Fugaku, who was on the side, looked at him and instructed, "By the way, Itachi-sama, this time Naruto-sama arranged for you to be the leader of the Sand Hidden Village, you must do it well."

Don't let you down, Naruto-sama's trust in you, understand?


Itachi nodded in reply, indicating that he would definitely remember it.

And it was the conversation between the two that made Sasuke next to Itachi suddenly a little confused.

"What's going on? Weasel, weren't you appointed Deputy Secretary of Police by Uncle Watergate? How did he suddenly become the leader of Shayin Village?

"That's right..."

Itachi sighed softly, then explaining to Sasuke the decision at this morning's meeting. By the way, I told him about Watergate sending them and Naruto and others to various places to disarm.

After saying that, Sasuke figured out the ins and outs of the matter.

Danglian said, "If this is the case, then I will go to Shayin Village with you to complete the disarmament."

"That's what I meant." Fugaku said, "When you brothers are together, you can also take care of each other."

I'll propose this to Naruto-sama tomorrow.

Itachi: "That couldn't be better." "

I was able to go to the village of Sunahide with Sasuke, although their respective purposes were different. But after all, there is finally space for the two brothers to be alone.

This is undoubtedly a great opportunity for Itachi to improve his relationship with Sasuke.


On the other side, outside the City of Fire, a newly built residential area.

In a wooden villa.

This is Sakura's home, the newly assigned new home.

At home, Sakura at this moment, just had breakfast with her parents.

Then I heard my mother's shrill voice outside the door.

"Sakura, dad and mom go out, you stay at home, look after the home!"

"Yes, yes, yes..."

Inside, Sakura stood in the doorway, looking at her parents who were telling her, and couldn't help but complain, "Really, I'll do it even if I don't say it, okay?" Mom is really... I can't change my nagging stinky problem.

Although she said this, the girl slowly came to the kitchen. Looking at the bowl pool, a large pile of dirty dishes that had not been washed and frowned.

Then he skillfully rolled up his sleeves and began to wash the dishes.

While washing, Sakura complained from time to time: "Hey, this time at home is really boring!" I don't know, when will we have new tasks?

Sighing helplessly, the girl said again: "If you think about it, our seventh class has not performed a task for a long time."

"Well, anyway, let's do the right thing first." Finish the housework as soon as possible, and then start cultivating.

Sakura thought so, and then her hands suddenly took the seal: "Ninfa. Shadow Doppelganger! "


With several white smoke rising, in an instant, there were suddenly five more Sakura shadow doppelgangers in the room.

At this time, Sakura didn't wash the dishes either.

After entrusting the housework to her shadow doppelganger, her body came to a clearing outside the house.

She began to practice the fighting skills that Tsunade had taught her.

And just when she was practicing hard.

In the City of Fire, on the central street.

The pillar of the original Hokage, together with his granddaughter Tsunade, walked out of a gambling hall on the side of the street.

At the same time, he came out, and followed the two, holding the piglet and dolphin, with an embarrassed silent face.

As he walked, Zhuma kept complaining to Tsunade next to him: "I said Ozuna, your gambling skills are really bad enough."

"I didn't expect that the money I just won would be lost by you all of a sudden."

Tsunade said with a bitter look: "Grandpa, don't say it, it's all my fault, blame me for my bad luck!"

Zhujian gave her a blank look and complained: "Blame me, I have to believe you." But seriously, your luck is really bad enough.

The last hand just now, compared with the dealer rolling the dice, is the size of points.

The biggest of the bookmakers is only one two four seven points, you are good, directly throw out a one, two, three six points. I really convinced you!

Shizune mended on the side, "That, First Lord, actually, Tsunade-sama has always been like this, you don't need to be too surprised."

"What do you mean?"

Since today is the first day and granddaughter into the casino.

The pillars still didn't understand why Shizune said that.

On the other hand, Tsunade, where is the bitterness before.

That look at Shizune's icy eyes.

As if to say: You are a smelly girl, if you dare to ruin the reputation of the old lady in front of your grandfather, believe it or not, I will wash you!

Despite this, Shizune stiffened and was not afraid to threaten: "That... In fact, Tsunade-sama has always had a legendary title in the industry. "

What is the name?"

Listening to Muzune, the pillars were instantly more interested!

Shizune said, "That is, the legendary fat sheep!"

"What outrageous name is that?" The columns are still puzzled.

Shizune explained in a low voice: "It means that Tsunade-sama will lose every gamble, and after gambling for so many years, she has rarely been able to win." "

Huh?! This is what you mean by the legendary fat sheep? The

pillars were stunned.

I never expected that my granddaughter would be so showy.

So he turned his head to look at Tsunade and asked, "Tsuna, is what Shizune said true?" Really, you never won a gamble?

Tsunade nodded with shame, "This... It seems to be... That is true.

Makuma: "Listening to you say this, I seem to understand why Ozuna is still single until now."

After a pause, he pointed at Tsunade and said abruptly, "It must be that you are just like me, addicted to gambling." If you have a bad temper, you will make people disliked, right?

Tsunade: "..."

She also thought that her grandfather had guessed that she had lost the entire inheritance of the Thousand Hands clan.

Fortunately, it was just a false alarm.

But it's not right to say that she is aroused.

At this point, Tsunade, who is the princess of Konoha, said that he must make a name for himself.

So she righteously retorted: "Grandpa, though, what you said is not unreasonable. But there is one point I must clarify. That is, your granddaughter, although I am addicted to gambling and lose nine out of ten, but I am not disliked!

"So?" Zhujian still looked at her with disgust.

"You're in your fifties, you've become an old woman, and you still don't plan to marry yourself off?"

"I..." Tsunade choked.

For the words between the pillars, she wanted to refute, but she didn't know how to speak for a while.

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