Zhu said indirectly: "Want me to say, I died so many years, you haven't found a boyfriend?"

"Of course not," Tsunade immediately retorted, "I just..."


didn't want to tell her grandfather that the reason she had been single for many years was because she didn't want to burden others.

She was an ominous person, and all the men she used to be close to, without exception, died.

Among them was her first love boyfriend.

So for the repeated questioning between the pillars, Tsunade was silent for a moment, then waved his hand and said, "Let's not talk about this topic first, let's talk about something else!"

"Just what you said you wanted to investigate, grandpa before, what happened?"

When Zhujian heard this, he patted his head and smiled: "Sorry, I haven't had time to send someone to investigate that matter."

"Sure enough, relying on grandfather is not reliable!" Tsunade secretly complained in his heart.

Immediately made up his mind to find out about Sakura's identity.

Thinking of this, she also lost the mind to talk to Pillar, and said, "In that case, I'd better investigate by myself, about Sakura's identity." "

Okay." Hearing Tsunade say this, Tsunama went with her.

So Tsunade did not hesitate, and after a simple farewell to the pillar, he went all the way to Sakura's house located outside the city.

Standing in the doorway, look inside through the iron fence.

Tsunade noticed that Sakura at the moment. In the courtyard of his home, he was practicing physical arts alone.

"Sakura!" Tsunade shouted at the girl.

Sakura heard someone call her and stopped her movements.

Turn your head to look in the direction where the sound is coming from.

Then she saw that not far from her, Tsunade was looking at her with a smile on his face.

"Master! Why are you here?

Sakura shouted excitedly, then ran to the door, opened the iron door, and let Tsunade in the doorway.

Tsunade looked at Sakura, one of his beloved disciples, and said, "I'm just idle and want to come and see you."

She said, looking around. But he didn't see Sakura's parents.

I couldn't help but wonder: "What about your parents?" Are they not at home?

Sakura said casually: "My parents and they went out, what, is the master looking for them?"

Tsunade shook his head, "No, it's okay, it's just a little curious."

"Oh, then, master, you come and sit first, and I'll pour you some water to drink."

With that, the girl greeted Tsunade into the living room and sat down.

Then he poured another cup of hot water and handed it to her.

Only then was he a little embarrassed and said: "Sorry, master, I didn't know you were coming, so the house is a bit messy, don't mind." "

Don't mind."

Tsunade casually glanced around the house, only to see that all parts and corners of the house were cleaned up by Sakura.

The good impression of Sakura in my heart couldn't help but add another point.

What a good girl, Tsunade thought.

Immediately, he looked at Sakura with a soft gaze and asked, "By the way, Sakura, there is something that the master wants to ask you." That is... How much do you know about your family's past?

"Master wants to ask about my family?" Sakura said in surprise.

After thinking about it, he replied: "This... All I know is that my family has lived in Konoha since I came out. The parents are just ordinary civilians, and there is nothing outstanding about them.

She looked at Tsunade curiously and said, "How?" Is the master very interested in my family's past?

Tsunade thought for a moment and replied with a smile, "It's just a little curious."

After a pause, she glanced at Sakura meaningfully and said, "Maybe, I mean maybe, Sakura, your parents may not be as simple as civilians?"

Sakura was stunned and said in shock, "How is that possible?" My parents can't be civilians aren't civilians?

She was puzzled why the master said that.

So he asked, "Master, why do you say that?"

Tsunade didn't intend to hide it from her, saying, "That's because, maybe Sakura, you've already noticed." During this time, your chakra, all of a sudden, grew rapidly.

Sakura nodded, still confused. I wonder what this has to do with the rapid growth of my Chakra?

Tsunade continued to explain, "Actually, there's a reason why your Chakra is growing so fast.

Saying that, she removed the green gemstone necklace she had been wearing for many years from her neck.

"See this gemstone necklace? It was a gift from my grandfather, the patriarch of the Senju clan, the original Hokage-sama. This contains a part of the Chakra sealed by the original adult.

"And now, this part of Chakra has actually been absorbed by you Sakura!"

"Huh?! When am I?

Sakura was stunned, she couldn't understand a word of what Tsunade-sama said.

Tsunade said, "Remember when I first took you out, I had a special training session for you and Kakashi?"


Sakura thought that it was her beginning, and Tsunade-sama disliked her for not working hard enough, so he specially gave her a separate training session.

Later, Xiangphos felt that she was biased and added it again.

Because of this, she still remembers that time, she was beaten all over her body.

Pass out directly.

Later, it was with the powerful medical ninjutsu of her master that she turned the corner.

Tsunade continued, "That was the time, when you were in a coma with serious injuries, that I used medical ninjutsu to heal your injuries.

"As a result, the chakra in your body suddenly gushed out of the body, echoing the chakra left by my grandfather in the necklace."

"In the end, you directly absorbed the chakra in the entire necklace."

"Really? Am I that powerful?

Sakura listened to her master's words and pointed her finger at herself in surprise.

"Of course." Tsunade said in a deep voice: "Chakra of the first generation, this is an existence that only our Senju clan can sense.

And Sakura, you can absorb it all.


Sakura wasn't stupid, and she immediately heard the meaning of Tsunade's words.

He said in shock: "Master, you mean, I may be a descendant of your Thousand Hands clan?"

Tsunade nodded seriously, "All in all, there is a great possibility that Sakura, your identity is the same as mine, a descendant of the Senju clan."

"But it can't be?"

Sakura frowned, "I've never heard my parents say that my family is a descendant of the Senju clan?"

"Besides, didn't the Senju clan all die for the victory of the village in the Ninja World War decades ago?"

This is what Iruka-sensei told us when he was teaching Konoha history when he was in school. "


After listening to Sakura's words, Tsunade cursed angrily, "This old man Sandaime, he must have called Iruka to say so."

It seems that I have not been in the village for so many years, but he is very good at distorting the facts. "

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