In the huge void virtual space, only some were seen crying, some were laughing wildly, and a few ninjas with huge spiritual resistance were still resisting the interference of the virtual space on their spirits with painful expressions.

The virtual space creates a virtual illusion for the entrant, which will not bring any harm to the body, but it can interfere with the spirit, and Li Yuan took advantage of this moment.

All the ninjas were released into the examination space, and the ninjas suddenly entered the Dao examination space from the virtual illusion, and some people had already been forced to start the exam before they could react to what was going on.

In order to be on the safe side, Li Yuan chose the difficulty of the exam for them to be advanced, I believe that few people can pass, and it is better to let them suffer some hardship at that time.

Li Yuan put down the sweat-soaked clothes in his hands and sent a message to Aster and Hinata, who were still not far away, saying that he was safe, and let the two of them go back to their residence first, don’t worry about things like that.

Li Yuan was doing everything, comfortably leaning on the tree trunk to fake sleep to rest, but heard a cracking sound.

It seems to be… Your own exam space! What was going on, Li Yuan instantly sobered up, his eyes looking for a clear vision, no longer hazy just now.

Li Yuan sensed and probed into his space, but suddenly found that there was a huge status vibration in the space, and there was a lot of black qi constantly pouring in.

Li Yuan stretched out a hand and grabbed a wisp of black qi, and that black qi was unwilling to struggle and escape, but it was always tied to Li Yuan’s hand.

“This… It seems to be some kind of ominous aura with a violent atmosphere. Li Yuan muttered to himself in a low voice.

This is that I haven’t figured out what this is now, so let’s make up the space first! Li Yuan casually crumpled that wisp of black qi in the palm of his hand.

Then he concentrated on using a lot of space power to repair the gap just now, and after repairing ten thousand gaps, Li Yuan was already tired and sweating.

Just when he thought that everything had been settled, there was a sudden wail of pain among those who had passed the examination, and the voice faintly tended to expand.

“Damn it… What’s going on! Li was not in a hurry to recover, so he immediately began to look at the situation in the examination space, it turned out that the black qi that had just slipped in gathered together, forcibly pulled out the ninja in the exam, and then attacked his dream

He couldn’t tell whether it was reality or a dream, and it would make people bloodthirsty and cruel, Li Yuan looked at the situation of those ninjas, and knew that this was a nightmare!

This thing will awaken the most brutal thing in the ninja’s bloodline, causing the ninja to die in madness… If a ninja tries to resist with ninjutsu, it will only hasten death…

Ninjutsu is a fertile ground for its survival and expansion, and only those powerful ninjas can cope with it, but the process is also nine deaths.

Li Yuan saw it in his eyes, anxious in his heart, and wanted to try to expel that nightmare out of space, but found that the nightmare already had a certain intelligence, and he was very cunning.

And many ninjas can no longer stand the powerful ability of nightmares to erode people’s spirits, and they fall to the ground, and they can no longer get up…

More and more people fell, and this seemed to fuel the ability of the nightmare, and he continued to destroy those who were not harmed, absorbing their power, and Li Yuan also put a lot of effort into expelling the nightmare.

The nightmare saw that he had been powerless with the rest of the people, and Li Yuan was constantly interfering with him, so he decided to give up his plan to slip away, his color form can also be changed at will, and the speed is extremely fast, taking advantage of Li Yuan’s sweeping of the phantom he left on the other side to sneak out.

It’s just that when he broke through the junction between the examination space and reality, he suddenly found that the ability he had just absorbed was instantly reduced by half, and that Li Yuan seemed to have more of the ability he had lost!

Nightmare glanced at Li Yuan unwillingly, and left without looking back after several hesitations, he was not Li Yuan’s opponent now.

Li Yuan, who was still cleaning the “garbage” left by the nightmare in the space, suddenly felt that his body shook, as if his strength had strengthened again, and these powers still came from the abilities of those Yunyin Village ninjas that had just been absorbed by the nightmare!

Could it be that he had provided a place for the Nightmare to absorb power, and that he would give himself half of his ability when he left? Li Yuan guessed in his heart, but what he had to say was that Li Yuan had the truth, and this was the case…

This is a very chicken thing for Nightmares, but for the person who provides him with a place, Nightmare must pay his own price, because he has no entity and can only rely on the absorption capacity of the place provided by others.

In the end, the “garbage” in the space was cleaned up, and those living ninjas were released by Li Yuan in advance, and after they were released, they did not dare to say Li Yuan, after all, they had just seen his horror…

They couldn’t beat him … So I had to smash the grievances I received and swallow it in my stomach, but for those dead status ninjas, they were also full of sadness, which used to be their partners who fought side by side together!

Li Yuan is a person who eats soft rather than hard, and seeing them lose so many status ninjas, he also feels guilty in his heart, but he still explains the truth.

“Just now that was a nightmare, not me, he may have felt that there are many ninjas in a space attracted by abilities, coupled with your spiritual status resistance in the virtual illusion realm, he just saw this opportunity to hurt people…” Li Yuan finished speaking, but found that this time no one came to refute him, they were just immersed in the pain of losing their comrades.

So the guilt in my heart was even worse: “In any case, I have a certain responsibility, do you need any compensation?” Although I can give it, I will try to compensate you…”

The old ninja just now stood up at this moment, his face full of tiredness written with grief, shook his hand and said: “We don’t need any compensation, I just hope that the distinguished guests will not disturb the tranquility of our Yunyin Village…”

Where else could Li Yuan say no at the moment, so he hesitated for a while and nodded heavily: “I promise.” ”

And they understood at this moment that Li Yuan did not come to rob people, otherwise I would like to ask which person who came to rob things how good would the attitude be?

It was too late to know the truth about them, and they had already lost a lot of ninjas, but they could only blame themselves for all this.

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