The ninjas of Yunyin Village talked to Li Yuan, and they all left one after another, what they didn’t know was that at this moment, Li Yuan had obtained some of their ninjutsu that died, including those of their current alive.

And all this was seen by Kirabi, who was hiding behind the trees, but at the moment he couldn’t do anything to Li Yuan, because he had just seen Li Yuan’s power.

“Damn it… How did he get this perverted ability! Kibila, hiding behind a tree, thought hatefully.

Li Yuan naturally knew that Kirabi and his disciples did not leave, but had been hiding to watch his battle with those ninjas.

So after the ninjas of Yunyin Village left, Li Yuan said in the direction where Kirabi was hiding: “Come out, don’t hide.” ”

Hearing Li Yuan say this, Chirabi knew that his position was naturally exposed, and he couldn’t help but regret a little in his heart, he should have slipped away just now while they were fighting, and now it fell into his hands again.

What a misstep! Although Chirabi was also unwilling in his heart, he still came out from behind: “You are really a perverted and super strong person, I have to obey you!” ”

Li Yuan listened to Chirabi’s complimenting but unwilling words, and did not feel angry, but said lightly: “Any strong person, strong, there must be something strong about him.” ”

“Hmph.” Answering Li Yuan was Kirabi’s cold snort.

Li Yuan didn’t say anything, he planned to leave, but he was blocked by the trees that fell during the fight just now, and Li Yuan used the ability he had just acquired as a ninja in the Cloud Shadow Village to remove those trees.

“Stop!” Kirabi roared from behind.

Li Yuan was confused: “What do you want to do again?” I don’t want to fight you now. ”

“Did you just capture those ninjas’ ninjutsu again?” Chirabi’s voice was full of disbelief.

“Yes and how? Isn’t it what? Didn’t you see them all? Why ask me? Li Yuan did not intend to continue to entangle with Chirabi, and replied perfunctorily.

Hearing Li Yuan say so, Chirabi burst out: “You are really a despicable and shameless villain!” Take someone else’s ninjutsu! You are shameless! ”

No one likes others to insult themselves, and Li Yuan is too: “Then you are planning to fight me today?” ”

Chirabi’s chest rose and fell violently because of his anger: “Yes, I want to teach you a good lesson today, you kid who doesn’t know the height of the sky!” ”

“Then let the horses come.” Although Li Yuan didn’t want to fight, he wasn’t bullied arbitrarily by people with a bun temper.

Kirabi knew that Li Yuan’s ability could not be underestimated, so he had planned to tail beast in advance, and after his tail beast, he would definitely not be able to beat himself compared to that kid.

At this moment, in Yunyin Village, Lei Ying looked at the ninjas who were supporting each other from in front of him, and felt very puzzled, so he pulled a ninja and asked, “What’s wrong with you guys?” ”

The ninja’s face was a little pale: “Don’t say, we met a stranger with perverted abilities, we fought a battle, and a lot of ninjas died because of this…”

After the young ninja finished speaking, the look of grief on his face deepened, and he sighed.

Leiying was saddened by what they had experienced, and comforted a few words, and was also curious about the perverted stranger with the ability that the young ninja mouthed, so he asked where they had just fought, intending to rush over to take a look.

Because Li Yuan and Kirabi had already fought at this time, and the action of the two fighting was not small, Lei Ying quickly found the place where they were fighting, and quickly rushed over.

When Lei Ying arrived, he only saw Chirabi, who was defeated, and he naturally knew about Chirabi, so when he saw the two people fighting, the balance in his heart naturally tilted towards Chirabi.

“Stop!” Lei Ying shouted, and moved to a place not far from the two people in an instant.

When Chirabi saw Thunder Shadow, he knew that his opportunity had come, “Thunder Shadow, you came just right!” This kid really doesn’t know the height of the sky, he bullied the ninjas of Yunyin Village, not to mention, and now he plans to seize my ninjutsu! Come and help me! ”

After Kirabi finished speaking, Lei Ying’s brows frowned, looked at Li Yuan, and asked with a displeased face: “Young man, is what he said true?” ”

Li Yuan was impatient with their attitude, in his opinion, anyway, in the end, no matter what, the two of them would join forces, what to waste so much time for.

“Don’t talk nonsense, let’s go up together.” Li Yuan’s face was full of impatience.

Lei Ying is also a super capable strong person, naturally he has not been so despised before, but now he is despised by a young man who seems to be younger than himself, and the anger in his heart can be imagined.

But he still maintained a peaceful appearance, but the anger in his voice could not be hidden: “Young man, I advise you not to make a big fuss, this will be a loss!” ”

“I don’t care.” Li Yuan said, having released a ninjutsu and strengthened the ability to seal the seal.

Lei Ying could still cope with it now, he released Lei Dun to resist Li Yuan’s attack, “Whew… Such a strong ninjutsu. ”

Although Lei Ying had resisted Li Yuan’s first round of attacks, after the current temptation, the young man in front of him was not a character to mess with.

So he planned to negotiate peacefully first: “Young man, I am a ninja who guards Yunyin Village, is it a little unspeakable that you hurt the ninja of our Yunyin Village?” ”

Li Yuan knew that he was talking about the fact that he had just injured and killed some ninjas: “I said, I will compensate. ”

“Having said that, it’s also an untrue fact that you injured the ninja of our Yunyin Village.” Lei Ying said.

“So?” Li Yuan said indifferently.

Lei Ying narrowed his eyes dangerously: “So? So I’m going to make you pay! Saying that, the color of Lei Ying’s pupils has changed.

Kira is even more excited in his heart, these are good, Thunder Shadow is also going to be tailed beast, even if that kid’s ability is perverted, so what, can he withstand the attack of two tailed beast-like powerhouses?

Answering Chibila’s inner thoughts was that Li Yuan released his examination space and took advantage of the moment of the beastification of the Thunder Shadow Tail to take it in, and Kibila looked at all this and knew that Li Yuan wanted to repeat the old trick and wanted to escape.

But no matter how fast he was, how could he be faster than Li Yuan’s speed, and in just one moment, he was also accepted into the examination space by Li Yuan like Lei Ying.

Lei Ying was entering the examination space for the first time, and he still wanted to resist, and he constantly attacked the seemingly invisible space wall that would be stopped back every time.

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