Seeing this, Gabra immediately retracted his fingers.

At this time, Claude stretched out his right hand, and the great sword flew back into his hand.

“Oh? What a strange weapon…”

Seeing this, Gabra couldn’t help but sigh.

“Aren’t you also able to pour Devil Fruit into weapons? However, unlike you, I use my demonic power to condense directly into the weapon. ”

Claude waved the long sword in his hand and said.

At this moment, Ryosuke Sato then rushed upwards, and at this time, two blue rays of light flew in, and Ryosuke Sato had to jump back to dodge.

These two slashes flew out, directly cutting off the walls on the side.

“Oh, good observation, in this case you can dodge my attacks…”

At this time, Kaku carried a bamboo knife on his back and landed in front of Ryosuke Sato and said.

“Damn, the successive appearances are really annoying!”

Seeing this, Ryosuke Sato clenched his hands into fists and prepared to fight Kaku.

“Ryosuke, don’t forget our plan, this guy will be handed over to me!”

At this time, Dusty jumped up, came to Ryosuke Sato, and said.

“Okay, then you have to catch up quickly!”

Ryosuke Sato said, and ran directly upwards.

“Are you in such a hurry to find death? That’s it, Lucy will kill that guy…”

Seeing the departing Ryosuke Sato, Kaku shrugged helplessly, saying that he would not chase after Ryosuke Sato, but set his target on Dusty in front of him.

“Little girl, I heard that you seem to have betrayed from the navy and became a pirate…”

Kaku looked at Dusty and said.

“That kind of thing doesn’t matter at all…”

Dusty pulled out Shi Yu from her waist, held it in her hand, and looked at Kaku in front of her very alertly.

She had heard of CP9’s reputation for a long time, and she knew that this guy in front of her was definitely not an ordinary person.

Therefore, Dusty decided to pick up his twelve-point spirit and concentrate on dealing with the guy in front of him.

“Of course it’s important, now the old man’s mood is very bad… Just kill you, this traitor, out of anger … After all…… For traitors, the navy is deeply hated! ”

Kaku said with a sneer.

“Don’t talk nonsense, let the horses come!”

Dusty said as he held the blade.

At this moment, Spandam escorted Karina to a heavy iron gate, and Rob Luckey followed behind them.

Spandam walked to the machine on the side, inserted the key on his body, and entered a series of codes before the door slowly opened.

“Open the door!”

Spandam smiled slightly, and the door of the multi-channel combination opened.

“Hehe, as long as you enter this door, those guys can’t catch up no matter how good they are.”

Spandam said with a wicked smile.

“This… What the hell is this place! ”

Karina saw that the situation was not good, and immediately asked.

“Haha! Well, let me tell you mercifully, this passage is the secret passage that leads directly to the gate of justice. And this door is made of ten tons of heavy steel, even if the cannon hits it, even if it is hit, even the crack will not be left. ”

“Haha! One point in, and those of your partners will have no way to catch up again! ”

Spandam said with a laugh.


Seeing this, Karina immediately wanted to flee towards the rear, but as soon as she turned around, a black figure stopped in front of her.

This person was Rob Luqi, who looked at Karina and said coldly:

“I advise you to be honest and obedient, so that you can suffer less…”

As Luki spoke, a powerful murderous aura emanated from his body, which frightened Karina and sat directly on the ground, trembling all over.

“All right! It’s time to go! But…… Maybe those guys won’t get here at all. ”

With that, Spandham walked towards the passage.


Looking at Luqi’s terrifying eyes, Karina had to stand up helplessly and slowly followed Spandam.

After that, the three entered the passage, and the heavy door was closed.

“What’s going on? After entering the door, there is no trace of Karina! ”

At this time, Ryosuke Sato had already observed all this with his white eyes.

However, the heavy door blocked Ryosuke Sato’s white eyes, making it impossible to see through the situation inside.

“However, it doesn’t matter at this time… Since you know that they are in, it is good to chase directly inside! ”

Saying that, Ryosuke Sato jumped up and quickly chased in the direction where the gate was.

Meanwhile, inside the Inquisition, every few floors apart, there are members of the Demon Pirates and CP9 who are fighting.

At the bottom is the grass and the male lion.

“Lower girl… I really have the courage…”

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