The male lion snuggled up and flicked the silver tin staff in his hand as he spoke.

“Hmph! Grass is very powerful, don’t always speak to me in a praising tone, Grass is not a child! ”

Pu Cao pouted and said very unhappily.

“Yo, little girl praises you are still happy… So…… I…… Had…… I’ve taught you a good lesson…”

The male lion kept saying to Kabuku in a kabuki tone.

“You guy, you talk slowly, you really hate to die!”

Pu Cao crossed his hands at his waist, angrily pointed at the male lion and said.

“I don’t have time to sing with you here! Go to hell! ”

As he spoke, his hands had turned into dinner knives and his feet into pulleys, entered the dining car mode, and rushed towards the lion snuggle.

“What a faux pas, to say that my beautiful kabuki singing voice is singing! I want you to pay for it! ”

Saying that, the male lion also waved the tin staff in his hand and rushed towards the grass.


Pucao’s dinner knife and the tin cane taken by the male lion collided together, erupting with a huge impact, instantly shocking both of them to take a step back and fall to the ground.

“Arashi foot, potential!”

The male lion snuggled and waved the tin staff in his hand, and although he used Arashi foot, he swung it out with the tin staff in his hand.

Because among these strong people in CP9, their powerful cultivation and comprehension, the six-style move is not a simple move for them.

Instead, they can create their own moves based on their own understanding.

At this moment, this is the move created by the male lion based on his understanding of the six styles.

As the male lion snuggled and waved the tin staff in his hand, a silver blade of light shot towards the grass.

“Watch me beat your attack back!”

Pu Cao immediately turned his hands into a pan and swung it towards the flying air blade, but to Pu Cao’s surprise, the sharp air blade actually directly cut the pan in Pu Cao’s hand.


Pu Cao was taken aback, and immediately dodged with a bowed head, and the sharp air blade flew directly against Pu Cao’s face.

Looking at the frying pan that was cut open in his hand, Pu Cao couldn’t help but be shocked in his heart, and his body was cold, if he was cut by this air blade, I was afraid that his head would not be separated.

“Yo, little girl… Now you know how awesome I am! ”

The male lion said proudly.

“Yes, but the next step is to let you see how powerful the island owner is!”

With that, Kakusa turned his hands into a fork and rushed towards the male lion again.

The male lion was also undaunted, and the silver tin staff in his hand swung directly towards the grass, and the two fought together, fighting seven or eight times in a row.

Seeing that the male lion’s defense was airtight, Pu Cao immediately jumped up, and a pair of dinner forks in his hand rushed towards the male lion.

However, the male lion still used the tin staff in his hand to firmly parry the attack of the grass.

“Hey, hey! Watch me scorch you! ”

At this moment, Pu Cao smiled slightly, and the fork in his hand immediately changed into a barbecue flamethrower.

The inside of the flamethrower erupted from a hot flame, instantly drowning the lion.


Seeing this, the male lion immediately used his shaving and swept backwards, trying to avoid the attack of the grass flames.

However, Pu Cao had long expected that the male lion Snuggle would escape his flamethrow, and almost at the same time, Pu Cao entered the dining car mode, and a pair of pulleys under his feet turned at high speed, directly chasing towards the male lion Snuggle.

Before the male lion could react, Pucao’s right hand had turned into a rolling pin, and smashed hard towards the male lion’s face.

“Fly me!”

Pu Cao shouted loudly and directly waved the rolling pin in his hand vigorously.

The male lion flew out directly upside down, and the whole person flew out tens of meters, hitting the wall behind him hard.

“Boom!” With a bang, the male lion snuggled up his huge body on the wall and smashed into a huge depression.

“How could it be… The power of this little girl is actually so huge! Her Dao power value is at least five hundred or more! ”

The male lion couldn’t help but sigh, he never thought that the diminutive grass in front of him could burst out with such a huge power.

In fact, since joining the Demon Pirates, Pu Cao seems innocent and carefree, but he is still secretly studying his abilities and improving his strength.

She knew that the enemies she would face in the future were getting stronger and stronger, and if she couldn’t arm herself well, then… She will be a burden to the team.

And she, as a little loli, has never liked to be protected.

Therefore, at this moment, Pu Cao really revealed her strength.

“Little girl, I admit that you are indeed very strong, but… Next…… I’m going to get real too! ”

The male lion rubbed his injured face, stood up, and said.

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