“Less bragging! I see you can’t do it anymore! Just let the grass solve you in one breath! ”

Saying that, the pulley under the foot of the grass turned rapidly again, and his hands turned into dinner knives, and he rushed towards the male lion.

“Yo huh… Unexpectedly, I was underestimated by the little girl… It’s a shame on me… I was supposed to commit suicide by seppuku but… I’m going to finish you off before I seppuku!” Girl! Life is returned! ”

I saw the male lion snuggling and striking on the ground with the tin staff in his hand.


I saw that the male lion’s body began to shrink rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into a thin man.

“Absorption! Rehabilitation! ”

His body then swelled again at a speed visible to the naked eye and returned to its original state.

However, this change completely disappeared the injuries he had suffered before, and he returned to the most perfect state.

And at this moment, the grass rushed forward, and the male lion snuggled firmly holding the tin staff in his hand and snorted coldly.

Life returns to the “hair binding technique”!

At this moment, the hair behind the male lion began to scatter, and it rose up on its own like a living creature, constantly twisting behind the male lion.

“What’s going on?”

The grass was taken aback, and at this moment, the hair behind the male lion flew like an octopus’s foot, instantly wrapping the jumping grass firmly.


After finding herself bound by her hair, she couldn’t move at all.

“Little girl! Now you know how awesome I am! ”

Saying that, the male lion smiled slightly, raised the tin staff in his hand and aimed it at the grass.

“Finger gun· Q! ”

The tin staff instantly became as sharp as a bullet, directly penetrating Pu Cao’s body.


Pu Cao screamed, the damage caused to her by this blow was not small.

At this moment, the battle between Sarith and Kalifa is also continuing.

Salith’s figure was fast at this moment, like a white afterimage, quickly walking around Kalifa.

“Oh, I can’t imagine that there are still people who can’t reach such a fast speed without the Six Style!”

Kalifa pushed her glasses with some surprise and said.

“Go and die!”

Sally suddenly flashed behind Kalifa’s back, and a claw strike with lightning bolts swung directly towards Kalifa’s back.

And Kalifa smiled slightly, did not even turn her head, and then her figure quickly disappeared in place.

Salith’s attack flew out, and at this time, Kalifa appeared behind Sarith in the same way, as if again, I am faster than you.

As a member of the fur family, speed has always been Sarith’s advantage.

In doing so, Kalifa is tantamount to declaring war on Salith.

Therefore, Salith’s unyielding character is stimulated again.

She kept walking, one rolled over and jumped back, directly dodging Kalifa’s attack.

“Oh! Not bad…”

Kalifa missed her move, smiled slightly, and used the shaving again to disappear in place.

And Sally landed on the ground, took advantage of the force, and rushed directly towards Kalifa in midair.

Unexpectedly, Kalifa, who was in mid-air, actually used the moon step, stepped in the air, forcibly changed direction, and avoided the rushing Salith.

“How stupid!”

Kalifa smiled slightly and swung it directly from Sarith’s back.

“Arashi foot!”

A sharp air blade flew out from between Kalifa’s legs and flew towards Sarith.

Sally immediately rushed forward, rebounded against the wall, and then jumped upwards, dodging the flying Arashi foot.

However, Carifa seemed to have anticipated Salith’s move, and she once again used the moon step to shuttle in mid-air and came directly above Kalifa.

“Moon Step Thorn Road!”

Kalifa galloped quickly, leaving a long whip of thorns full of spikes on her trajectory, as if a thorn array trapped Sally inside.


Seeing this, Sally immediately shuttled straight through the gap of the thorns, and then rebounded at the top and rushed directly down.

Immediately, Sally once again used her soft and flexible body to shuttle through the thorn array.

“Oh… It’s a good fit, but… It’s not about playing! ”

Kalifa smiled slightly, and once again used her shaving to quickly walk towards Sarith, who had just rushed down.

“Finger gun!”

The finger gun as sharp as a bullet stabbed towards Salith, and when Sally saw this, she immediately flicked her furry tail behind her.

The huge and dense fox tail instantly blocked in front of Kalifa, and Kalifa’s finger spear stabbed in it without touching Sarith’s entity at all.

Instead, Sally struck out with a roundhouse kick that hit Kalifa’s abdomen directly, kicking Kalifa out.

Kalifa rolled over and landed on the ground, and said with a smile:

“Not bad, it was able to hit me! So next… I’m going to wash you properly!” ”

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