Gabra stood up, sneered, and said.

“Is it? Who wins and who loses is not certain! ”

Claude said coldly.

At the same time, Dusty and Kaku are also confronting.

“Traitor, have you ever thought that one day you will be revenge by the World Government and the Navy?”

Kaku looked at Dusty and said with a sneer.

“Traitor? Less kidding, I’m just following my heart. When the justice of the Navy makes me unable to believe, did I betray the Navy, or did the Navy betray justice? ”

Dusty said while climbing Shi Yu on her waist with one hand.

“Oh? Justice? It looks like you’ve developed considerable doubts about the Navy…”

Kaku said.

“Yes, what the Navy has done is not just, and the so-called world government is nothing more than an outlaw in the garb of justice… As a spy for the world government, you won’t fail to eliminate this kind of thing. ”

Dusty said.

“Hahaha! Of course, the old man knows this kind of thing better than anyone. ”

Kaku said with a sneer.

“If that’s the case, why do you stay in the world government and work for them?”

Dusty asked rhetorically, puzzled.

“Because this is our justice… As long as it is not in the interests of the world government, it is contrary to justice, and this is our iron rule… But speaking of which, the old man is not interested in these either…”

“I entered CP9 simply because we can kill people freely inside CP9.”

Kaku said with a sneer, staring at Dusty with a pair of eyes as if he wanted to devour Dusty.

However, in the face of this level of murderous aura, Dusty was not afraid at all, and she directly pulled out Shi Yu in front of her, ready to fight Kaku at any time.

“Moon Step!”

Kaku jumped directly above Dusty with a relay step in the air, and then he did a 180-degree flip in mid-air, and then with a wave of his feet, two sharp slashes flew out from mid-air, shooting towards Dusty quickly.

“Arashi Foot White Thunder!”

“Fly out of the slash!”

Dusty was taken aback when she saw this, and she immediately calmed down in the face of the flying slash, and the Shi Yu in her hand was in front of her.

“Shiyu Mountain!”

Like a stable Tarzan, Dusty swung Shi Yu in front of him several times in a row, blocking all the slashes that flew and ejecting them.

The slash that was ejected flew out flew onto the wall on the side, and it directly cut the wall completely, which shows how sharp this Lan foot’s slash is.

“Oh, blocked it? Then let’s see how you block it! ”

Kaku smiled slightly, and then waved his feet continuously and quickly, and this time, almost a hundred sharp slashes flew chaotically towards Dusty below like a plummeting rainstorm.

“Arashi foot chaos!”

In the face of such a dense attack, if you want to resist, it is obviously a little difficult, but Dusty is not afraid, as a swordsman, it is necessary to see through the enemy’s attack.

Therefore, she looked sharply at Kaku’s rapidly swinging feet, judging the direction and trajectory of his Arashi foot slash, so as to block it.

“Shiyu Flower!”

Immediately, a pink velvet flower bloomed in front of Dusty, and then the petals gently spread out with the breeze, and these petals directly resisted all the slashes that flew in.

It turned out that these petals were slashes from Dusty, but the graceful sword strikes were as graceful as flowers blooming.

However, under this seemingly beautiful sword move, there was a powerful lethal power hidden, and several petal slashes scattered, blocking all the flying Lan foot slashes.

Then, a sword flew out from the position of the flower stamen, and flew directly towards Kaku in mid-air.

“Time rain wind!”

Like a howling wind, a wind-breaking slash also flew directly towards Kaku.

This was the first time that Dusty had used the sword qi of a long-range attack, and this sword qi seemed invisible, but it was actually cut by the wind.

If it weren’t for the sound of the howling wind, I’m afraid it would be difficult for ordinary people to discover Dusty’s slash.

However, Kaku, as the second person in CP9, is not an ordinary person at all, he saw through Dusty’s attack at a glance, and then used Moon Steps to dodge with a rebound shot in midair.

And Dusty’s slash hit the wall directly behind Kaku, directly cutting off the wall, and then continued to fly out, breaking the wall and continuing to fly towards the sky.

“Oh! Nice attack…”

This blow made Kaku can’t help but marvel.

“It seems that as a swordsman, his strength is indeed good… However, the old man also happens to be a swordsman. ”

Saying that, Kaku pulled out the two bamboo knives behind his back and held them firmly in his hands.

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