“The old man is a swordsman who uses the Four Sword Stream.”

“Four knife flow? Don’t you only have two knives? ”

Dusty asked puzzled.

And Dusty has four knives on her body, and when it comes to the four knife flow, she should be more in line. However, at present, Dusty did not delve into the sword art of multiple swordsmanship, but concentrated on focusing his strength on a knife in his hand.

At the same time, different attacks are carried out using the characteristics of different knives.

“Kaku’s feet can send out sharp slashes, which are definitely much stronger than ordinary knives, so with my feet, four knives are formed, which is the origin of the old man’s four knives flow!”

Kaku said with a sneer.

“I don’t care how many swords you have… In order to rescue Karina, I will defeat you as soon as possible now, and then go to support Ryosuke! ”

Saying that, Dusty rushed towards Kaku with Shi Yu in his hand.

“Oh? You actually chose to take the initiative to attack, it seems that you are very confident in your swordsmanship… But…… I’ll destroy your self-confidence soon! ”

Saying that, Kaku sneered and kicked one foot towards Dusty.

“Let’s take it! Arashi foot line! ”

Immediately, a straight line of violent sword qi cut through the ground and flew directly towards Dusty who rushed towards him.

“Soft Sword Technique, Time Rain, Fish!”

Like a fish wandering in the water, Dusty blocked the slash in front of him, parrying the flying slashes, and then wandered sideways, moving sideways on the ground for a distance like a carp, dodging Kaku’s attack.

Although this move looks unpretentious, it contains extremely clever sword skills, and there is the soft sword technique.

As a sword move, you can’t always use a straight attack routine, such a sword technique is doomed to fail and is destined to be recognized.

At this time, the soft sword technique appeared as a more high-end sword technique, which can make the originally straight and sharp long sword twist and use like a soft ribbon, which is an extremely advanced sword technique.

And this trick is also similar to the paper painting in the six styles.

Therefore, when he saw Daschi make this move, Kaku couldn’t help but exclaim:

“This is … Paper painting? ”

As a navyman, it is not unusual to be able to learn the Six Style, so Kaku is not surprised, but slightly surprised.

At this moment, Dusty had already rushed to Kaku with Shi Yu in his hand.

“Shiyu Bee!”

Like the spike of a bee’s tail needle, a quick and tricky stab sword move came towards Kaku.

Kaku, on the other hand, immediately blocked Dusty’s stabbing attack with his double knife parry in front of him.

Then the two knives swept away, and Dusty jumped to avoid Laikaku’s attack, and then swung Shi Yu from mid-air and slashed down.

Seeing this, Kaku did a backflip, and then fired the sword qi of Arashi’s feet with both feet, and flew towards Dusty who fell in mid-air, Dusty saw this and had to give up the attack, and then a backflip to avoid the flying attack.

Then, Kaku chases after him with two knives, and then fights with Dusty.

On the other side, the male lion used the ability to return his life to manipulate his hair to trap the grass, and then he said while firmly wrapping his hair around the grass:

“Do you want to know how my powerful ability to return life is done?”

At this moment, Pucao’s mouth was bound by hair, and he couldn’t speak, but he still cursed in his heart:

“I’m not interested in these things of yours!”

Then the male lion nodded his head but cared for himself, and said:

“Understood, since you want to know so much, I will tell you mercifully.”

And in the heart of the grass, there are 10,000 grass and mud horses galloping away.

“Hey! I don’t want to know at all! Feed! In other words, you are talking to yourself, asking and answering yourself! ”

Pu Cao cursed in his heart.

And at this moment, the male lion has already said to himself:

“A thousand years in the sea, a thousand years in the mountains, absorbing the spiritual energy of the wind, drinking the essence of dew, and cultivating like an immortal, just … Only…… It was practiced to return this life. ”

“From human hair to internal organs to the sweaty hair of the toes, as long as it is given consciousness, there is no place that cannot be manipulated!”

And the reason I was snuggled by the lion… It’s because of this lion-like hair! ”

When Pu Cao heard this, he constantly complained in his heart:

“Hey! You don’t have a thousand years of lifespan at all! How did you practice for so long! Are you the eighth king of a thousand years, a turtle of ten thousand years? And…… Your hair doesn’t look like a lion, but like octopus feet! ”

However, at this moment, the words that Pu Cao spit in his heart, the male lion could not hear it at all.

Moreover, he also intends to use these hairs to directly entangle the grass to death.

“That’s it, little girl! Here you go! ”

Immediately, the male lion raised the tin staff in his hand and aimed it at Pucao’s body.

“Finger gun Q!”

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