On the battle platform, Hao Yun looked at Li Jiahao opposite with a solemn face.

For no other reason, the main reason is that the race value is too high, and Coco Dora's chances of winning against him are not high.

And Coco Dora is a steel + rock attribute, which is a disadvantage to pigs with fire + fighting attributes.

Because of the double restraint of steel properties.

This battle is still without the command of a trainer, and Fried Pig is the first to attack with a slight advantage in his speed.

It was directly a charge of flame attack and blasted out.

A circle of terrifying flames was wrapped around his entire body, and then he accumulated a wave of his own strength and greatly increased his speed.

With a slam it flew out of Cocodora.

Coco Dora didn't dodge or dodge, he chose to be tough and tough.

Although he is restrained, Coco Dora is not a vegetarian, after all, his defense is as high as 100, and his own characteristics are also heavy metals, which is very perverted.

Because the heavy metal characteristic is that the weight is doubled, but the body shape remains the same.

And Coco Dora's body is made of steel.

This means that the density of the steel has been compressed, and it has become very heavy and extremely hard.

's attack on his body only caused 100 points of physical damage, which can be said to be a little painless.

The next round came to Coco Dora's attack, but Coco Dora did not choose to attack, and Fried Pig did not intend to wait for him to the next round.

Because there is no such thing as a round in free brawl.

Coco Dora used hardening, so that her defense and hardness have risen to a level again, not to mention the fried pig with an attack power of only 93, even if the big jaw ant with an attack power of 100 comes, it can't bite.

That wasn't the end of it, but Cocodora begged for rain again, let out a long howl, and then it began to rain in the sky.

And I hate this kind of environmental weather, because the water attribute move will increase the damage on a rainy day, and correspondingly, the damage of the fire attribute will be reduced.

The fried pig rushed out again, and the two pig's trotters in his hand slammed out towards Cocodora.

This move is called a thrust, and it is a fighting attribute move that can deal 15 damage and will attack 2-5 times randomly.

And the fried pig doesn't seem to intend to make him random, it seems that he just wants to keep pushing Coco Dora, and Coco Dora has been shrinking in her body and not moving.

The steel body still has some immunity in the face of the fleshy pig's trotters.

After a few back and forth, the fried pig only stopped after five or six palms of Cocodora, after all, it hurt very much when his flesh palm hit the steel.

It was the reaction force that had to stop the fried pig, and it did not take advantage of its own characteristics at all.

The characteristic of stir-fried pig is thick fat, and it stands to reason that it should only be able to receive the smallest impact, but this is not the case, and the impact is not small at all.

At this time, Coco Dora struck again, this time instead of improving her defense, she chose to attack.

Coco Dora shrunk into a moving steel ball.

Jumping into the air, and then smashing downward, the whole ground was directly smashed into a large hole, taking advantage of this opportunity, Coco Dora took two small paws and threw it towards the fried pig.

This move is a rock blockade, and the damage is not high, but it can reduce the opponent's speed.

After being hit by a boulder, he did not flinch, but chose to rush straight ahead, without waiting for Coco Dora to throw it out.

Fried Pig rushed directly in front of him, and then used his already short and thick pig's feet to attack Coco Dora's next plate.

Coco Dora's lower plate is more stable than the fried pig imagined.

After all, Coco Dora is on all fours, and her legs are shorter and her weight reaches a staggering 240 kilograms.

Doubling is not as heavy as Cocoa Dora.

However, fortunately, the kick in the next game reduced Cocodora's speed, making his already slow speed drop again.

Wang Lin was a little sleepy, the battle between these two Pokémon was two examples that were completely opposite to the two just now.

The previous two were very aggressive offenses, and basically didn't use non-attack skills.

The fire monkey even took the initiative to bump into the body of the Luck cat to use a hard brace.

On the other hand, one of these two goods is a stable turtle brother Cocolado.

It's just not going to go, it's to reduce your speed, occasionally improve your defense, and get beaten when you get beaten.

On the other side, too, it's not in a hurry, if I can storm you, I won't attack, and I will consume you little by little.

Not only did Wang Lin have a headache when he saw it, but even Li Jiahao and Hao Yun themselves had a headache when they saw it, and they couldn't help but command.

If the trainer had been allowed to command, the two would have ended the fight long ago.

It's a pity that this is for training Pokémon, and the commander still forgets it, if it is a command, this battle will not make much sense.

It took about another twenty minutes for the battle to be won by a narrow margin.

The reason is that the physical strength is much higher, and Coco Dora's attack is not weak, and the defense is very high, but the other attributes are a lot weaker.

Losing to Belong was expected by everyone, but it was really unexpected by everyone to be able to play for such a long time.

But there is no big problem, after all, today's victory, as the victorious side of Li Jiahao can still be a little happy.

It can be seen that although the elves are fighting freely, it is the race value that can determine the key victory.

Race values do seem to be more important at the moment.

The Luck Cat has a race value of more than 380 people, while the Fire Monkey has a race value of more than 400 people.

Coco Dora was only three hundred and three, and he was also in his early four hundred, but he was more than ten points higher than the fierce fire monkey.

Therefore, it is more difficult for the fierce fire monkey to win, and although the advantage is not large, his victory is indeed inevitable.

After all, if you lose to Coco Dora, you can quit the group, and if you lose nearly a hundred races, will you play?

After the battle, Wang Lin called them all together.

"After watching your battles, I decided to open a new mode."

Wang Lin said to everyone with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was happy, this dare is good, he just fought casually, and he was able to bring new inspiration to Boss Wang.

"What battle mode?" Hao Yun said curiously.

Wang Lin smiled, "Just like you just did, but a little wilder."

"I'm going to introduce a free-for-all combat mode where trainers can only watch the battle, not command."

"At the same time, there is no such thing as a round, and the Pokémon will compete on their own."

As soon as the words fell, Li Jiahao suddenly realized.

It turned out that I came up with this model after seeing that they didn't have a command.

Wang Lin then said: "I don't know if you have found it, this kind of battle can allow Pokémon to comprehend some skills earlier."

"For example, the move stacking release is like this."

Ye Qiu nodded, his luck cat was like this, it did superimpose and release skills, and his slippery head boy had trained for a lot of time before.

At this time, Hao Yun pretended to nod his head.

"Hmm... Yes, yes, but I want to charge royalties, the price is not expensive, Boss Wang will give us 1/10 of the income of the elf house.

Wang Lin's face was black, "Divide your uncle!" "

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