Under the battle platform, Hao Yun looked at Wang Lin, who was not good-looking, and snorted.

"Ahem, it's just a joke, what kind of patent fee do you want..."

Wang Lin rolled his eyes and ignored Hao Yun, and continued: "There is another model.

"This mode is the complete opposite of the free battle I just mentioned, which is pure turn-based combat, but unlike before, each elf can only make one move per turn."

"The purpose of this rule is to familiarize those Pokémon who don't know how to stack moves to release battles."

"In the future, this rule may be used in low-level fields, and your usual battles will remain the same, and they will still be commandable and stackable battles."

After that, Wang Lin asked everyone to continue training first, and he went back to the background to rummage through the system store.

His elf coins have already saved hundreds of thousands, and so many elf coins will not appreciate if they are not spent, so Wang Lin decided to spend a wave of recklessness today.

And if the system doesn't deduct a portion every day, his elf coins will be more.

Wang Lin directly bought three trainers at the beginning, due to the lack of training in his Pokémon.

He has a lot to do, and he is only able to occasionally train the active ape and Zoroa in his spare time.

Kirbymon didn't need to be trained, and young Kiras had already evolved into Shakiras.

Because young Kiras learned self-discipline a long time ago, while training himself, he also had Meow as a sparring partner.

At night, I was able to relax in the soft bed of Kirbymon, which was soon upgraded to Shakiras.

But it's still hard to evolve to Bankiras, there's no way, it's too difficult, a full 55 levels!

Level 55 doesn't mean that you can go up just by going up, I'm afraid that no Pokémon in the outside world can be upgraded to level 40 right now.

Not to mention the late-to-late blooming of Bankiras.

Therefore, Wang Lin now has all his hopes on the overactive ape, which is the only hope in the whole village, after all, only the overactive ape evolved the leave king can make Wang Lin have a strong confidence in his hands.

Kirbymon serves as the strongest defense for his men.

Then the Leave King will be the most powerful sledgehammer under his command.

At that time, Wang Lin was the real peace of mind, and now... Lu Yi's flame bird can make him tremble, which is still a bit rare.

In addition to the three trainers, Wang Lin also bought some energy cubes that could increase the Pokémon is attributes.

Unlike previous potions, energy cubes work better and are more expensive.

Wang Lin had gotten it a long time ago, but there wasn't much money at the time, so he put it on hold.

They are four energy cubes: Might, Speed, and Rock.

They represent strength, speed, and defense.

Compared to a previous race-boosting potion, this power cube is more inclined to improve a certain constitution.

For example, increase defense, increase strength, increase agility, and so on.

Soon, Wang Lin bought a large number of things and put them on the shelves again, the price of these things was relatively expensive, compared to the previous things.

It is indeed a lot more expensive, and any energy cube will sell for more than 100,000 yuan.

Buying seven or eight is enough for a human flesh to ache for a while.

Wang Lin didn't feel distressed, and directly refilled all the Pokémon, except for Meow, because he was not a battle-type Pokémon.

Instead of spending a lot of money on a bunch of useless things, it would be a good deal to spend a few hundred elf coins to give him a whole bunch of gems.

Meow Meow didn't know the value of these two, but after seeing that the things Wang Lin gave them were a bunch of energy cubes, and his own were all gems, he couldn't help but start to admire in his heart.

It's still Wang Lin who said, the things they gave themselves are so awesome, what kind of useless things are they, they still eat them, and they don't have their own gems at first glance.

Thinking of this, Meow Meow's supervision work has been done more seriously.

Poor Meow Meow didn't know that the value of his gems was not as good as a square for others to eat, but the most important thing was to feel good in his heart.

There were still a large number of elf coins in his hand that could not be spent, and Wang Lin felt for the first time that he had money.

There are no things in the mall that you can't afford, and the things that can be bought are either useless or already available.

It's a lonely feeling.

"System, is there anything more awesome, or can you still study some other functions of this elf coin?"

Wang Lin asked about the system in his heart, and then received an affirmative answer from the system.

【Drop! Yes, the system is currently being updated in the background, and more purchasable goods and system sections can be unlocked after the update is completed. With

that, the system went silent.

Wang Lin was confused, if you have any questions, please keep your questions?

Co-authoring is to have doubts and have to stand up, and you can only ask after the system update is completed, right?

Shook his head helplessly, since the system is not available, he can't force the system.

And just then, an unfamiliar phone number called.


"Hello? Who is it?

As soon as the words fell, a familiar and unfamiliar voice came from the other side.

"It's me, our boss wants to ask you how the elves are preparing?"

Wang Lin suddenly realized that it was someone from the monster market who came to Wang Lin to ask for an elf.

After all, Wang Lin had pretended to cooperate with them in order to get close to them.

But Wang Lin didn't want to give the elf to the other party at all, so he directly began to brainstorm and wanted to make up a suitable reason.

"Let's wait for a while, it will take some time, the business of elves is not good now, and the number of elves appearing in the wild has greatly decreased." Wang Lin pretended to be very distressed and said.

The result was echoed by the opposite.

"It's true that there are fewer and fewer elves that we have been able to capture recently, so we have to ask you for help, so forget it."

Wang Lin didn't suspect that he was a little surprised when he heard that the other party was a little surprised, and then said, "Okay, I'll tell you when the situation on my side improves." With

that, Wang Lin hung up the phone directly.

Obviously, the other party also thought that Wang Lin's Pokémon were all from the wild, because of Wang Lin's elf secret realm, this place was regarded as artificial by outsiders, not another world and the wild, but they didn't notice the size of the space.

So they all subconsciously thought that Wang Lin was a Pokémon obtained in the wild, and then transported them to the real wild environment simulated by themselves in the Elf House.

Although Wang Lin passed perfunctory this time, he still had a lot of thoughts in his heart, and he might not have such good luck next time.

If you don't take out the elves all the time, the other party will definitely be able to discover your flaws sooner or later.

Just as Wang Lin was thinking about it, the prompt sound of the system made Wang Lin happy in his heart.

【Ding! The system has been updated successfully! 】

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