
The huge blood-colored beam of light is mighty, and spreads rapidly. Wherever it goes, everything is annihilated, there is no vitality, and everything is reduced to nothing.

The entire final battlefield, hundreds of thousands of miles of territory, has been completely turned into Netherland, and no one can withstand this extreme force of destruction.

The Star World side is fine, with Feng Jiuxuan and Mu Weier guarded by two half-step masters of the God Realm, and with a wave of their hands, they teleport in a super-wide range of space, taking everyone away for refuge.

However, the Realm Demons reacted a little slower. They waited until the bloody beam of light devoured a large number of the Realm Demons without distinguishing between enemy and friend, and then they reacted in horror.

"Run away..."

There are a large number of world demons, but most of them are ordinary world demons with five senses or lower. At this time, facing such a devastating attack, they can't run very far.

"Damn it!"

The blood demon king and other leaders and the world demon kings were also scared to death, and they only had time to roll up a large number of relatively close-distance world demons and escape through the space.

They didn't dare to touch the bloody beam of light, for fear of being wiped out directly.

Hundreds of world demon kings fled far away with countless hundreds of thousands of top-level world demons, while the remaining hundreds of millions of ordinary world demons could only resign themselves to their fate.


The bloody beam of light came slowly, obliterating everything on the battlefield.

I don't know how many world demons were affected, and they disappeared in an instant without even screaming.

With such power, it is a bit underestimated to say that it will destroy the world, it is simply unimaginable!

And this is just the result of the deliberate control of Feng Zichen and the Demon Emperor, most of the power has already been transmitted to the sky.

One can imagine how serious the consequences would be if this force really erupted on the surface of the Star World.

Not to mention gossip, and after talking for a long time, this huge blood-colored beam of light gradually stopped expanding, and the indescribable aura of destruction gradually dissipated.

A shocking scene was revealed——

The entire final battlefield has completely disappeared at this time, and only a vast and deep black hole appears in front of everyone.

Feng Zichen's last Zi Qilin and the ghost king body of the ghost emperor desperately exploded with unimaginable power, which directly wiped out the entire earth.


In the sky far away, the strong human beings who were transferred away by Feng Jiuxuan and Mu Weier were all stunned at this moment, looking at the razed battlefield stupidly.

They all gasped!

If Lord Feng Jiuxuan and His Highness the Saintess hadn't made a move, I'm afraid all of them would have died in this collision.

Even the peak god-king realms don't have a chance of survival!

"This time, I'm afraid it will really be the final collision..."

"I don't know who will win between Feng Zichen and that devil..."

Feng Jiuxuan and other top powerhouses in the human world were worried and looked at everything in front of them. I felt anxious for a while.

Leng Ruobinglan, Ke'er and other daughters are even more heartbroken. What they care about is not the life and death of this world, but the situation of the person they care about...


After a long silence, a slight gasp suddenly came from above the huge black hole.

A black shadow quietly floated above the void, its whole body has been cracked, and its face, body, and even every part exudes a rotten coke-like aura.

It was Feng Zichen!

At this time, Feng Zichen's situation is definitely not good. Ziqilin is the strongest physical attack he has comprehended after he opened the eight-door Dunjia Formation.

Burning all his vitality and blood, he was even more reckless than Ye Kai.

Logically speaking, no matter what the result is, Feng Zichen who released this move would have died completely, and he has no chance to stay in this world.

But his immortal body is the most powerful physique after all, no one in the Lord God Realm can kill him!

So at this time, he could barely survive and did not die immediately.

But this is the limit, Feng Zichen will still die in a few minutes.

His indestructible body can only help him win the last few minutes of life.

He wanted to confirm the life and death of the Demon Emperor!

Otherwise, I would definitely not be reconciled to ending like this...

"If none of this trick works..."

Feng Zichen's heart was heavy, and regardless of the vitality that was about to be exhausted, he stared at the thick fog on the other side.

"Then there is really nothing to do!"

Feng Zichen is not a god, he is just an ordinary cultivator, even if he has the destiny, even if he has a lot of cards, he will eventually run out one day.

In this final jihad, he fought fiercely with the Heavenly Demon Emperor and the Earth Demon Emperor one after another, and finally fought for a long time with the even more powerful and weird Demon Emperor. He had already exhausted his cards.

Now he can only pray that Zi Qilin can really seriously injure or even kill the Demon Emperor.

Not only Feng Zichen, but everyone in the world was staring at the thick fog where the Demon King was, and their hearts were tense.

They also saw that Feng Zichen's oil was exhausted at this time, and they were eager to know whether the ghost emperor was dead or not.

If this doesn't die...

"The Great World of Stars is completely over!"

Feng Jiuxuan's face was heavy, and he said words that made people feel desperate.

There was silence between the heaven and the earth, and an atmosphere so solemn that it was hard to breathe quietly enveloped everyone.


Time passed minute by minute, and just when everyone thought that the Demon King had really fallen completely, suddenly there were streaks of purple-black sticks flying out of it, piercing through the void at an extremely fast speed, and nailing directly to the surrounding ground.

"Nine Ghost Demon Eater Formation!"

The icy voice was like an evil ghost waking up, with absolute coldness, it spread across the sky fiercely.


The nine black magic wands suddenly burst into faint purple-black light, bursting out with huge fluctuations of ghost energy, turning into beams of light soaring into the sky.

Layers of purple-black light curtains suddenly unfolded and quickly connected together, forming an incomparably huge and strange enchantment, sealing everything within a radius of tens of thousands of miles.

Feng Zichen, Feng Jiuxuan, Mu Weier, and all the powerful people in the star world were all sealed inside.

Even the world demon clan is no exception, as long as all the creatures that appear around are blocked by this extremely weird magic circle.

"Jie Jie, do you think that the emperor is dead?"

The sudden change surprised everyone, and Feng Zichen's heart sank, feeling that something was wrong.

The Ghost Emperor's gloomy voice screamed, like all ghosts screaming together, mixed with greedy desires, echoing in everyone's ears.

Everyone looked in horror, but saw a tall specter slowly walking out of the cloud of mist.

The purple-black scale armor is covered with eerie ghost patterns, and the crown formed by nine half-curved horns shows his identity.

It is the Demon Emperor!

He didn't die! !

Immediately, everyone couldn't help feeling hopeless, even Feng Jiuxuan and the others trembled.


Feng Zichen, who was completely exhausted, had a cold expression on his face. Looking at the Demon Emperor who was slowly walking out, there was an inexplicable light in his eyes.

"Your situation doesn't look very good..."

He spoke suddenly, tilted his head, and looked directly at the Demon Emperor.

According to his perception, the ghost emperor's aura at this time is not as good as it was at its peak, and there seems to be no scars on his body, but it feels less terrifying than before.

It looks a bit strong outside...

The corners of the Demon King's mouth slightly lifted, revealing a cold and crazy smile, and the eyes that looked at Feng Zichen did not have any warmth, as if they were looking at a dead person.

"Indeed, but your situation is worse than mine..."

The Demon Emperor did not deny it, but admitted it generously, because he could clearly perceive that Feng Zichen was truly exhausted now.

The aura on his body is pitifully weak, and there is very little vitality left, and it is still passing away. I am afraid that he will die in a few minutes.

He didn't need to make a move at all.

So he laughed heartily, wantonly, and crazily.

After all, he won this battle!


Just when the Demon Emperor was laughing triumphantly, and everyone in the Star World was pale, a hand struck from behind, quickly and accurately piercing through the Demon Emperor's heart!

It's like rehearsing countless times!

"You seem to be too happy..."

Feng Zichen's voice was low and cold, faintly carrying a hint of excitement of a successful plan, and it sounded quietly.

The situation was reversed instantly!

Reverse reverse reverse! ! !

Unlimited reversals!

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