Hokage System in Cultivation World

Chapter 892 You Should Be Beheaded!

The ghost emperor's shrill laughter stopped abruptly, as if choking fate by the throat.

The arm that came suddenly from behind even gave him a trance of interlaced time and space, as if he had seen this plot before...

That's right, at the beginning of my resurrection, didn't I just give the Heavenly Demon a hand to make him die with regret?

The ghost emperor stiffened his body, turned his head, and looked at the human who appeared behind him at some point and gave him a hand without hesitation, and an indescribable happy smile appeared on that delicate face.

If it wasn't Feng Zichen, then who?

"One hundred secrets and one sparse, after all, I found this flaw!"

Feng Zichen pierced the Demon Emperor's chest with one hand, and held his devil's heart. Although the paleness after the battle was faintly visible on his face, he still held the joy of victory more at this time.


The Demon King's lips trembled, and a pair of purple ghostly eyes projected sincere anger and unwillingness.

This scene was seen by everyone present, and they could hardly believe their eyes.

Obviously before Feng Zichen looked like he was exhausted and would soon fall, but in the next second he pierced through the heart of the Demon Emperor.

Hold the key to victory firmly in your hands!

This bizarre transformation made the human side dumbfounded, thinking that their brains were broken.

Moreover, the appearance of Feng Zichen at this time is exactly the same as that after devouring the ten tails. He is still wearing a white six-way windbreaker, with nine Dao-seeking jades on his back, and his whole body exudes eternal light.

There is no trace of the sequelae caused by the opening of the Eight Door Dunjia Formation before, as if everything before was just a dream.

The only difference is the Samsara Sharingan in the middle of Feng Zichen's forehead, which originally had nine hook jades, but now it has disappeared, leaving only a blood-red Samsara Eye!


It seemed that Feng Zichen had really caught the ghost emperor, his body was stiff, he didn't dare to move at all, his face was full of death, and he roared unwillingly.

"Why didn't you die? Just now..."

Feng Zichen remained silent, blood red was reflected in the bright sky blue reincarnated eyes, he pulled out his hand violently, and dug out the demon king's vital heart along the way.

Just like the methods used by the Demon Emperor against the Demon Emperor before!

"You have Zhang Liangji, I have a wall ladder..."

Having dug out the devil's heart of the ghost emperor, Feng Zichen breathed a sigh of relief. Hearing the dying cry of the ghost emperor, he smiled and said a common saying that everyone could not understand.

The Demon King is indeed extremely powerful, even Zi Qilin who opened the Eight-door Dunjia Formation did not completely destroy him.

Feng Zichen felt ashamed.

But he doesn't have much else, just a lot of cards!

Although the Eight Gates Dunjia Formation is fully opened, although it can gain dozens or even hundreds of times the power of before, the cost is life.

Before, everyone thought that Feng Zichen opened the eight-door Dunjia Formation. Although his strength crushed the audience, it was ultimately a life-forbidden technique. After this moment of brilliance, it was death!

Even the Demon Emperor subconsciously thought so.

But in fact, Feng Zichen still holds a trump card.


This ultimate pupil technique can reverse all factors that are unfavorable to Feng Zichen, including death.

It perfectly offset the sequelae of mortal death after opening the Eight Door Dunjia Formation, the price is only the complete blindness of one eye.

After Feng Zichen merged with the ten tails, he opened the most noble eyes-Samsara Sharingan!

Also known as the Jiugouyu reincarnation eye, when the pupil power reaches its peak, the duration of Izanaki's forbidden technique has also been greatly strengthened.

It is far from comparable to Danzo's short one minute!

Before Feng Zichen and Mu Weier were exiled outside the star world, they also used the eight-door Dunjia Formation in the face of the unstoppable Demon King of the Jiujue Realm, the Shadow Demon King.

It was through the use of Izanagi that he avoided death and was resurrected.

This time too!

The Demon Emperor thought that Feng Zichen had completely run out of energy, so he relaxed his carelessness, but unexpectedly, Feng Zichen untied Izanaki, transformed all his unfavorable factors into the dream, and returned his state to the previously recorded state. point in time.

The result of death was reversed, and the strength of the seventh heaven and a half-step main god realm was restored. Unexpectedly, he gave the ghost emperor a fatal attack!

All of this was within Feng Zichen's plan.

It's just that he didn't expect that the effect would be so good, the Demon King had no power to resist, and he dug out his devil's heart!

Everyone is happy.

Successfully ending the demon emperor and winning the final jihad that concerns the life and death of the entire star world, the price is nothing more than a reincarnation sharing eye.

This is really a bargain for Feng Zichen.

"And the Samsara Sharingan is the unique supreme pupil, even if Izanaki is used, it will not be completely blind..."

"It's just that all the nine gouyu have disappeared, and the pupil power has dropped to the bottom, and the ability to write sharing eyes is temporarily useless."

"Although it will take a long time to fully replenish the pupil power and return to the peak, it is not harmful."

Feng Zichen was thinking in his heart, and a joyful smile appeared on his face.

At this moment, the sluggish human powerhouses around finally came to their senses, looking at the dying ghost emperor whose demon heart was dug out by Feng Zichen.

We are...


Everyone had a dreamy look on their faces, and they couldn't believe it. Did they finally win the final jihad that cost them their lives?


The remaining world demons of the world demon clan are still endless, looking at the ghost emperor who seems to have completely failed high above the sky, I just feel that the sky is falling.

"I see, I didn't expect you to have such a terrifying resurrection technique..."

At this moment, the ghost emperor who had his demon heart dug out seemed to react and let out a miserable laugh.

Feng Zichen looked at the strongest opponent with cold eyes, without any sympathy.

"Facts have proved that you have lost, Demon King..."

Feng Zichen held the devil's heart in his hand, raised his head slightly, looked down at the ghost emperor, and said slowly.

The demon heart is where the power and source of the demon emperors of the world lie, and the foundation of all their strengths!

After being dug out of the devil's heart, the demon emperor has completely lost his power, just like the previous demon emperor.

So Feng Zichen is not afraid of him making any troubles again.

The Demon King clutched his chest, his body trembling, he seemed unable to hold on for long, gasped for breath, and said unwillingly:

"Your resurrection secret technique, I'm afraid you can only use it once in a short period of time?"

As the oldest emperor, the ghost emperor's observation ability is also top-notch. From Feng Zichen's physical condition at this time, and the change of the strange eye on his forehead, most of it can be guessed.

I'm afraid the price of resurrection is related to that eye!

But now, the pupil power permeated by Feng Zichen's eye is obviously on the verge of being exhausted and can no longer be used.

"So what?"

Feng Zichen frowned, looking at the ghost emperor at this time, a trace of uneasiness suddenly rose in his heart.


Feng Zichen made a decisive decision and directly squeezed the devil's heart in his hand, cutting off all future troubles!


The devil's heart was shattered, and the ghost emperor screamed, and the originally strong life breath suddenly fell to the bottom of the valley, almost dissipating.

"Do you have any last words?"

Seeing this situation, Feng Zichen finally felt relieved, and said with a light smile, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.


The ghost emperor's voice was inaudible, and he slowly raised his head, but a hint of mockery suddenly appeared on his pale face.

"You should be beheaded!"


A black light rose into the sky, and the sharp claws tore Feng Zichen's chest, grabbing out his heart!

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