Taiyi's accurate speculation shocked the masked man. He actually analyzed his mission to the letter without any information. This young brat couldn't let him stay!

Kakashi and Shikato were also very shocked. After all, judging from the performance of the masked man, Taichi's analysis was correct, which made the two of them look at Taichi with admiration.

The murderous aura on the masked man became more and more intense. Taiyi, who was thinking, was awakened by the sixth sense of frantically calling the police.

Now is not the time to be in a daze. Facing this kind of opponent, you must be alert.

It seems that Taichi has become the first target of the masked man. Compared to the children of big families like Kakashi and Shikato, Taichi is an unknown commoner.

The only thing you have to be careful about is the ninjutsu called "Rasengan". If you are hit, you will be seriously injured 100% of the time. It will be difficult to deal with the other three brats!

Having made up his mind, the masked man suddenly fired a cold arrow, and more than a dozen shurikens enveloped Taiyi and the others.

Facing the incoming shuriken, the three of them reacted very quickly. Deer Man quickly dodged and Kakashi waved his shuriken to deflect all the shurikens away.

At the same time, the figure of the masked man disappeared from the spot and suddenly appeared in front of Taiyi. When Taiyi's old strength was exhausted and new strength was not yet generated, he punched Taiyi's door with a powerful punch.

Facing the sudden attack, Taiyi had no time to resist, so he could only try his best to tilt his head and try to avoid the punch.

As the fist got closer and closer, there was a hint of fear in Taiyi's eyes. This was the first time Taiyi faced death head-on.

With a "whoosh" sound, a kunai came out of the air and hit the masked man's forearm hard from the side.

With a "ding" sound, the kunai did not pierce the masked man's forearm. Instead, it was bounced away after the collision.

However, the impact brought by the kunai also slightly deflected the masked man's attack. In addition, the distance of Taiyi's head was just enough to avoid the masked man's fist.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Taichi swung the Short Sword and struck directly at the right side of the masked man's ribs.

At the same time, the Deer Man also sprinted forward, pointing directly at the acupuncture point on the other side of the masked man's body. As long as the Deer Man hits it, the Chakra of the masked man will be disturbed, and the battle will become a little easier.

Facing the two-sided attack of Taiyi and Deer Man, the masked man reacted quickly, grabbing the Short Sword with his left hand, and directly grabbed Taiyi's shoulder with his right hand after the attack failed, in Taiyi's shocked eyes.

The masked man exerted force on his waist and suddenly rotated to the left. A huge force drove Taiyi's body and hit the deer man who was very close.

The deer man was knocked away by this sudden blow.

Taiyi was even more uncomfortable being used as a weapon. The collision directly made Taiyi dizzy.

The masked man didn't care about Taiyi's feelings. After knocking away the deer man, the masked man used his left hand to snatch the Short Sword from the dazed Taiyi's hand and thrust it directly into Taiyi's heart.

Facing this fatal blow, the dizzy Taiyi was unable to resist at all, and Deer Man could only watch helplessly.

At the critical moment, Kakashi's figure fell from the sky, holding a kunai in each hand, one stabbing the masked man's eyes, and the other stabbing the masked man's right hand holding Taichi.

Kakashi did not try to rescue Taiyi directly, but planned to surround Wei and rescue Zhao. Either everyone would die together, or everyone would return to the starting point.

Although the masked man was unwilling to die with Taiyi, he finally let Taiyi go and retracted his right hand to avoid a kunai. At the same time, the Short Sword in his left hand changed shape midway to block the kunai that stabbed his eyes.

Although the attack was blocked, Kakashi's goal was achieved.

Kakashi kicked Taichi in the chest in the air, and used skill to send Taichi away, away from the masked man.

At the same time, the other foot exerted force and kicked on the masked man. He avoided the masked man's attack and did a backflip in the air and landed on the ground.

Taichi also regained consciousness from the rolling. After getting up, he found that his Short Sword had fallen into the hands of the enemy. He could only take out his kunai and stared at the masked man with murderous intent.

The deer man took a stance at this time, with the three of them forming a triangle, surrounding the masked man in the middle.

The battle just took only ten seconds. The first trial was over. Kakashi knew in his heart that he had no advantage in physical skills, so he could only use ninjutsu.

The masked man surrounded in the middle did not panic at all. He held the Short Sword with his left hand and suddenly exerted force, throwing the Short Sword directly towards the treetop.

With a "whoosh" sound, the Short Sword pierced the tree trunk, half of the blade was submerged in the trunk, and the handle trembled slightly.

Taiyi glanced at the Short Sword stuck in the tree. Although he wanted to take it back, now was not a good time.

There are two reasons why the masked man discarded the Short Sword.

First, the masked man himself is not good at using knives, but is better at fists and kicks. Using knives will only reduce his combat effectiveness.

Secondly, the material of this Short Sword should be mixed with Chakra conductive metal, but the battle just now was too sudden and Taiyi did not have time to transport Chakra, otherwise the masked man would not be so relaxed.

Therefore, the masked man discarded the Short Sword. I can't use it, and you can't use it either.

After discarding the Short Sword, the masked man regained his stance, his eyes wandering. When the masked man's eyes were on Deer Man, Kakashi suddenly launched an attack.

Throwing out the kunai in his left hand to open the way, Kakashi followed closely behind.

Facing the kunai coming through the air, the masked man raised his hand and flicked the kunai away, then turned around and started fighting with Kakashi.

Although Kakashi's level of physical skills is not low, he is still no match for the masked man. He was caught in just three moves and hit the chest with a punch.

Kakashi groaned and flew out.

"Fire Style Great Fireball Technique!"

At the same time, a huge fireball, carrying intense heat, went straight towards the masked man.

The timing of the Great Fireball was perfect, just as Kakashi left the battlefield. The masked man's moves were too old and he couldn't form a seal, so he had to carry it hard.

"Boom" a violent explosion sounded, and the Great Fireball hit the masked man impartially.

In an instant, dust and smoke were everywhere. Taking advantage of this time, Taichi came to Kakashi.

"It's okay, Kakashi."

Kakashi coughed twice and shook his head.

"It's okay. I used my skills to relieve some of my strength. Otherwise, I would have lost my fighting power with this blow."

Deer Man also came to the two of them and handed the Short Sword to Taichi. At the same time, he observed the masked man with his white eyes. When the masked man was hit by the Great Fireball, Deer Man took off the Short Sword.

"Although the Great Fireball hit, the chakra reaction of the masked man did not weaken at all!"

"As expected, if he is really a ninja from Cloud Shinobi, it wouldn't be surprising if he has such a physique."

Kakashi stood up and looked at the dust and smoke that gradually dissipated, and the figure of the masked man gradually emerged.

A plume of white smoke floated from the masked man's body, and there were some burn marks on his body, but they were not serious.

"Tch! I didn't expect to get hurt at the hands of three brats. You really pissed me off!"

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