This kind of physically powerful ninja is a pure Genin harvester. Compared to the ninjutsu type Jōnin, this type of taijutsu type ninja can make Genin despair just by virtue of his physical fitness.

Ninjutsu below B level will cause minimal damage to it. However, B level ninjutsu will take too long to form the seal for the current Taichi.

Before Taiyi could complete the seal, the masked man was already in front of him.

Only Rasengan can cause effective damage, but Rasengan is a close attack. The battle just now proved that approaching the masked man is seeking death.

For Taiyi and the others, the current situation can be described as a dead end. They can't run away and can't break the defense, so it's not a dead end.

Unless Taiyi turns on the semi-golden body mode, but how to explain it to Kakashi and Deer Man, this is another problem.

The masked man seemed to have had enough fun, or maybe he was injured because the mask couldn't be hung in the hands of the three brats. His feet suddenly exerted force, and the ground fell apart under the huge force. With the help of this huge rebound force, the masked man moved towards the Taiyi and three others rushed over.

"So fast!"

Deerman's white eyes only captured an afterimage, unable to see any movement at all.

"Bang" sound.

"Wow!" Along with the sound of broken bones, the deer man spit out a large mouthful of blood, flew backwards, and hit the big tree behind.

"Deer Man!"×2.

The figure of the masked man appeared in front of Taichi and Kakashi. Taichi looked at the strange posture and the masked man's right arm, which was thicker than before.

There was a look of horror in his eyes, and he lost his voice:

"Thunder Plow Hot Knife?!"


The masked man kicked the nearest Kakashi again.

Although Kakashi was in shock, he still reacted and raised his arms to block the kick.

However, the masked man had already started to get serious. The force of this kick was far greater than before. With the crisp sound of bones, Kakashi flew out again and hit the big tree hard.

Kakashi, who was hit hard again, could no longer hold on and fainted like Deer Man.

After kicking Kakashi away, the masked man heard Taichi's exclamation and stopped in surprise.

"I didn't expect that a Genin from Konoha actually knew about the Thunder Plow Hot Sword. It seems that Cloud Shinobi is more famous in the ninja world than Konoha! Hahaha!"

Taiyi didn't have time to pay attention to what the masked man was saying. Now Taiyi's mind was in chaos.

The person in front of me can actually use the Thunder Plow Hot Knife. Is this masked man the future Fourth Raikage? But why would he come personally for such a small task? Third Raikage is seriously injured and has not recovered. As a Raikage candidate, shouldn't he be in charge of the work in the village?

At this time, Taichi also suddenly remembered that Minato had already fought against the new AB group, but in Taichi's memory, when Killer Bee was selecting for the title of "Bee", Third Raikage already had scars on his body.

Doesn’t this mean that the timeline is messed up! Thinking about it this way, the Loulan incident happened earlier. It happened after Kakashi graduated at the same time.

What a mess! What a mess! It's all chaos!

Taiyi's CPU is almost burning. Does this little butterfly have such power? In less than two years since I came to this world, I have brought such a big change to this world!

While Taiyi was brainstorming, the masked man didn't give Taiyi more time. Although he didn't know why Taiyi stayed there, this was a good opportunity!

The masked man moved and punched Taiyi's door. If he was hit by this blow, it is no exaggeration to say that Taiyi's head would explode like a watermelon hit by a bullet!

With a "swish", a golden light flashed, and Taiyi disappeared in place the moment he was about to be hit by a fist.

Looking at Taiyi again, Ruoyouruowu's golden chakra coat covers his whole body, and his pupils turn into red vertical pupils.

It turns out that Nine Tails took over Taiyi's body at the critical moment, allowing Taiyi to escape.

"Hey! Kid! Being dazed during a battle can kill you!"

Nine Tails' voice sounded in Taiyi's mind, bringing Taiyi's thoughts back to reality.

"what happened?"

Taiyi hasn't figured out the situation yet, why he has entered the semi-golden body mode.

"Don't think too much, kid. The enemy is very strong. Although we are capable of fighting now, the semi-golden body mode can only last for thirty minutes. If the battle is fierce, it may only last ten minutes! So, find a chance to escape."

Nine Tails' voice came again.

Taiyi nodded solemnly. It was difficult to defeat this person who was suspected of being the Fourth Raikage. The only way was to find an opportunity to escape with Kakashi and Luto.

If this masked man is really the Fourth Raikage, then a part of the Chakra must be left for escape. After all, the future Fourth Raikage is the second fastest man in the ninja world!

"Oh?! What kind of ninjutsu is this? This chakra feels like a tailed beast. Are you the Nine Tails Jinchūriki of Konoha?"

The masked man looked at Taiyi in half-golden body mode in surprise.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that once I came out, I would meet the Jinchūriki of Konoha. If I take you back, Cloud Shinobi will have three Jinchūriki. Unifying the ninja world will not be a problem at all!"

The masked man's excitement was palpable.

"Are you Ai?"

Taiyi's sudden words made Ai, who was enjoying himself, freeze in place.

"How did you guess my identity?"

After saying that, he took off his mask and the clothes that covered his figure without waiting for Tai to speak.

A strong figure appeared in front of Taiyi, with light yellow hair, a light yellow goatee, and two golden armbands. This iconic image confirmed that the masked man's identity was really the future Fourth Raikage—— Ai!

"Your intelligence analysis ability is the best ninja I have ever seen. Coupled with your status as Jinchūriki, as long as I follow you back to Cloud Shinobi, I guarantee that you will gain the same status as Cloud Shinobi Jinchūriki. You must know that in Cloud Shinobi Jinchūriki is... A respected presence.”

It seemed that the restraint of the clothes made Ai very uncomfortable. After tearing off the clothes, Ai twisted his neck and moved his shoulders, extending an olive branch to Taiyi.

Of course, it could also be a warm-up. If Taiyi disagrees, Ai will definitely take action directly. After all, Jinchūriki is not easy to deal with.

Facing the olive branch offered by Ai, Taichi was really moved. Compared to Konoha's intrigues, right and wrong, Cloud Shinobi is really a peaceful place.

However, Taichi knew that even if he accepted Ai's olive branch, Ai would not be able to let go of Kakashi and Deer Man.

Moreover, the deer man was seriously injured. He was hit by a lightning plow hot knife in the front. Even if the deer man blocked most of the force with his arms, the deer man would not be able to hold on for long, so he had to fight quickly and find an opportunity to escape.

There is definitely no way to win. Even if Ai is not as strong as he was later, the time-limited half-golden body mode cannot be Ai's opponent.

Taiyi first determined the positions of Deer Man and Kakashi, and then his body sank slightly, ready to use force at any time.

Ai also noticed Taiyi's little movements and shook his head regretfully.

"It seems that you don't agree to go back to the village with me, so I'll have to beat you half to death and then take you back!"

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