At this time Orochimaru also looked at Fugaku's Susanoo quietly, and he knew that Fugaku had a fierce title. It should be that his eyes can amplify his own killing aura, causing people to fall into the boundless hell, and the other eye can control the death aura and consume the enemy's vitality.

This is why Fugaku's Susanoo's weapon is a Shinigami sickle.



Itachi and Naruto yelled separately, while Eight Tails and Nine Tails both yelled palpitations to the person in front of them.

At this time, both Uchiha Fugaku and Itachi took back Susanoo. At this time, Fugaku stepped forward and patted Itachi on the shoulder and said, "My child, you did a great job!"

Itachi was a little excited for the first time in so many years. He has a lot to say. But his thoughts were interrupted by Orochimaru, and he heard Orochimaru say: "What's so good? Back then, a child in the 14th Five-Year Plan period thought he had done the right thing. For so many years, I don’t know if he regretted it. So did you, back then. Did I do it in vain? You still choose the old way."

"Orochimaru, where did you take Sasuke!" Naruto yelled at Orochimaru again.

"What are you shouting? Sasuke will go wherever he wants. Do you still need your permission? Just like that guy, you always demand others with your own moral code. It would be nice if your strength can overwhelm everything. But, your ideas are much higher than your strengths, and you always want to do something beyond your ability. You are far worse than your father, and look at what you have learned over the years, compared to that The Killer Bee on the side is also much worse. If it weren’t for Nine Tails in your body, you wouldn’t have known how many times you had died!” It’s strange to say that Orochimaru is a bit uncomfortable with Uchiha Itachi and Uzumaki Naruto, this time both of them Let him meet, and his tone was very cold for a while.

It is undeniable that in the eyes of many people, even most people, these two people are people who can be admired or are willing to get close to. Simply put, people who can sacrifice everything for Konoha.

Itachi, in particular, not only sacrificed himself, but even his parents and families can sacrifice. In the eyes of a bystander, he is of course very great.

But if you are a member of the Uchiha clan, maybe you are still an ignorant and ignorant child, and you have become the object of sacrifice without knowing it. Among them are your parents, brothers and sisters. I think you were not at that time. I would think so.

As for Naruto, he feels that he can help those who have hated and bullied themselves, and make them recognize themselves by working hard. He felt that others should do the same, even to prevent Sasuke from avenging Konoha. Why, people who did something wrong didn't need to pay the price, but they wanted the victims to grieve, swallow their stomachs, and pretend not to exist.

I am willing to let go, that is my generosity, I don't want to let go, you have no reason to stop. Perhaps these are the reasons why he doesn't like these two people too much.

Orochimaru's words made Fugaku a little embarrassed. I didn't expect the teacher to have such a big opinion on the child he was optimistic about.

Naruto was also a little angry, Itachi's expression was still as calm as ever, as for Killer Bee, he didn't say anything for the first time.

"Senior Orochimaru, thank you for taking care of Sasuke over the years!" Uchiha Itachi still saluted Orochimaru and thanked him.

"Okay, no need to do this, you just did this thing pretty well, you should treat your brother like this when you are a big brother, let's talk, I'll go now!" Orochimaru finished speaking, and disappeared.

Afterwards, Itachi chatted with Fugaku. He also knew the reason for his father’s resurrection. He didn’t expect to have his own uncle, and some of the children who were in Dream Ninja Village. The guilt in his heart was much easier, and he didn’t beg for too much. Many other things.

Finally Fugaku patted Itachi on the shoulder and said, "You did a great job! Do whatever you want, I support you!"

Uchiha Itachi was just moved and said nothing. When Fugaku left, Uchiha Itachi also parted ways with Eight Tails and Nine Tails. He wanted to find the envoy to disarm Impure World Reincarnation. As for Naruto, relying on Nine Tails’ infinite chakra, he splits up countless clones and rushes to each other. battlefield.

On the other battlefield, the sun was shining brightly and the rocks were rugged. A man with a bandage walked slowly down the road, and in the distance was the five-nation coalition led by Gaara and Onoki.

It was Second Tsuchikage who came here. There was no hand-printing, a few wooden coffins appeared, and a few figures walked out, Second Raikage Ai, Second Mizukage Ghost Lantern Moon, and Fourth Kazekage Luosha.

It's just that Ghost Lantern Huanyue started quarreling with Wu Wu as soon as it came out, because the two of them died together back then.

As for Second Raikage, he has a big beard, looks rough, but it is delicate, and he is very friendly to juniors. He is the developer of Cloud Shinobi Village swordsmanship, ninjutsu and Lightning Style Chakra Mode, so his endurance defense power may be Not as good as Third Raikage, but his overall strength is definitely not much worse than Third Raikage. The reason why he died that year was the sneak attack of the golden horn and silver horn, coupled with the two Nine Tails Chakra and Six Paths cutting tools.

So he asked Luo Sha next to him, after all, they are each other, and Luo Sha is considered a newcomer. They should know a little bit more. When they heard that Luosha had died, it had been decades after their death, and they were a little silent for a while.

The few of them came from various villages, and they were just behind Hokage. They were all super-minded people, and coupled with their keen perception, they were able to guess something more or less.

Yakushi Kabuto summoned a few people and didn't have more control, because for some people, it was more able to exert their strength.

And when Wu, summoned a few people out, Gaara and Onoki invariably stopped, because they both felt a familiar breath.

This is something they will never forget, one is Ohnoki's teacher and the other is Gaara's father. At this time Luo Sha controlled an Eye of Sand, and saw a group of people coming here from a distance, and he said lightly: "We are about to start."

After speaking, he pressed his palm on the ground: "Magnetic shield·Placer gold!" I saw Luo Sha pouring Chakra into the ground continuously, and the ground was like a fountain, continuously pouring out gold placer, after a while. Kung Fu, a group of golden oceans appeared in front of them.

At this time, Gaara and Onoki led the army to a few people.

"It seems that our opponent should be them!" Second Raikage said lightly. He was a little excited after not doing it for many years.

"Yes, it seems we have to choose our opponents separately!" Second Tsuchikage Wuya said lightly.

"I look down on you who feel good about yourself!" Second Mizukage said lightly, stroking his moustache. As for Luo Sha, he didn't say anything, but quietly looked at the figure in front of him, able to lead so many people, thinking that his own child has grown up.

No matter what, fighting is inevitable, so let him, as a father, put his children to the test!

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