Just when several Kage-level powerhouses appeared, a clone of Naruto had already sensed it, adjusted its direction and rushed here, and when the battle was about to start, he shouted, let me deal with one.

Gaara naturally agreed, so Onoki met Second Tsuchikage, Gaara met her father, Fourth Kazekage Rosa, Naruto met Second Raikage, and the large group met Second Mizukage.

Second Tsuchikage and Onoki's fight is the dust escape, and the battle is dazzling, but in fact it is extremely dangerous. And Luosha and Gaara are also duels between placer gold and sand, with a grand scene and a wide range. As for Naruto when facing Raikage, he only had to fist to the flesh. He used the spiral shuriken to attack, but unfortunately it could only cause slight damage. For the Impure World Reincarnation body, he didn't need to care at all.

The last is the battle between Second Mizukage and the army, which is just like a child's play. Second Mizukage is explaining how they defeated themselves, but the coalition forces are like elm bumps that don't know how to understand.

The fierce fighting here is not something Orochimaru needs to care about. Now, after returning to Dream Ninja Village, he began to arrange Impure World Reincarnation ninjas around the village to resist the White Zetsu army.

I saw Orochimaru summoned the early encounters with Third Mizukage, Third Raikage, Third Kazekage, Water Without Moon Sky, Water Without Moon White, Peach Ground No More Cut, Demigod Hanzo, Kaguya Rat Shark, and Nagato.

Orochimaru didn't restrain their consciousness, just let them guard the village around the village. At this time, Sasuke met Fugaku on the way towards Yumenin Village, which made him a little unbelievable for a while.

When he learned what he really wanted, he was ready to do something for his brother. Since his brother wanted to stop the war and was looking for the controller of Impure World Reincarnation, he also looked for it.

Sasuke has some knowledge of Orochimaru in his mind, so he also has some understanding of the position of the controller of Impure World Reincarnation, and now he is heading in a certain direction.

On the other hand, Orochimaru himself went to the mask of the Uzumaki clan Natang. He wanted to retrieve his sealed arms. Anyway, they were also part of the body and soul, which could increase part of the soul.

When Orochimaru retrieved his arm, he also reincarnated the Second Generation Third Generation Fourth Hokage.

"Orochimaru, I didn't expect you to be able to release the ghoul!" The first sentence after Sarutobi Hiruzen came out turned out to be a sigh of Orochimaru. In fact, he really has to admire himself as a disciple in his heart.

Orochimaru also smiled, and Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato was as polite as ever, and was the first to salute Orochimaru.

When they learned that Namikaze Minato died for Konoha, Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama were very pleased.

Orochimaru said: "Minato doesn’t need to be so restrained. You are one of the few young people I am optimistic about. What you do can be within your strength, and you are indeed doing very well, but your children are better than you. Far away, he actually has the same naive ideas as First Hokage."

After hearing Orochimaru's words, a few people were speechless for a while. How could there be any harm in front of others, and that person was still a senior.

"Hey, hey, why am I naive?" Senju Hashirama was naturally dissatisfied.

Orochimaru looked at him and said: "Back then, you thought of scoring the tail beasts, but you thought it out. Because of your intentions, the other countries have become stronger. In just a few decades, they have besieged Konoha three times. As long as there are different countries, there will be different interests. Wars are naturally unavoidable. Only by unifying the entire Ninja Realm can a slightly longer peace be achieved."

Actually Senju Tobirama agrees with Orochimaru, but he respects his elder brother. He hasn't said it until now, but is checking his own situation and realizing that his strength has maintained more than 80% of his strength, which is much stronger than the last time, which is unbelievable.

"Orochimaru, you are such a genius. The ability to perfect my unfinished technique to such an extent has exceeded my expectations." Senju Tobirama exclaimed.

"Teacher, you don't know how many human bodies he used for the experiment, because of this, I didn't choose him to do Fourth Hokage back then!" Sarutobi Hiruzen was naturally a little angry.

"Teacher, don’t you tell me that you and Danzo didn’t use human bodies for experiments? And the human bodies I used were enemies, and how could you guess that I was the one who made people let out the wind and was sitting on the human body for experimentation. Just for you to give me a reason to leave Konoha."

Orochimaru ignored Sarutobi Hiruzen’s astonishment. Instead, he said to Senju Tobirama, “I’m nothing in front of you, and you are the only one I admire in this world. Sage of Six Paths is just relying on blood. And you. The single-attribute Water Style was brought into full play and won the title of Water God.

From the various systems that have been in use until now, the school education system, the development of ninjutsu, illusion, and Forbidden Technique, as well as some far-sighted arrangements, are really admirable! "

Orochimaru's words make Senju Tobirama a little embarrassed, because no one has ever said that to him.

At this time, a slight ground shaking came. The reason for this was that Killer Bee and Naruto were blocked by Obito. And the reason for such a big battle is that Obito turned Jinchūriki, who had been summoned by Yakushi Kabuto, into Rinnegan's outlaws.

In addition, one eye for Rinnegan has the ability to share vision, one eye for Sharingan to capture movement, and the ability to recover on its own after being injured.

Killer Bee and Naruto fell into a bitter battle. In the end, Killer Bee revealed the Eight Tails real body, used the tail beast tornado, and directly cleared the surrounding woods, and the aftermath of the battle was passed to Orochimaru.

At this time, Senju Tobirama tapped a finger on the ground, and suddenly various Chakra fluctuations appeared.

So he stood up and asked Orochimaru, "What happened?"

"The Fourth War of Ninja World has begun. The reason is that a guy who claims to be Uchiha Madara is preparing to drop Infinite Tsukuyomi on the moon, so that there will be no war in the whole world." Orochimaru simply said the whole thing. Again.

"Isn't Uchiha Madara dead? I saw his body with my own eyes!" Senju Hashirama was puzzled.

"This one is indeed not Uchiha Madara, but he did not die back then, because the Uchiha clan has a Forbidden Technique, that is Izanagi.

Izanagi is a Sharingan who is permanently blinded with more than one three-hook jade, and all the negative factors including death are transformed into factors that are beneficial to him! So Uchiha Madara must have not died back then. Orochimaru said calmly.

After hearing this, Senju Hashirama was thoughtful. At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen said, "Orochimaru, why did you call us?"

Orochimaru replied steadily and forcefully: "I am going to take the opportunity of the Fourth World War to unify the entire Ninja World. I can only make sure that it is headed by the Fire Country. As for Konoha, I am not sure, and I will let you see it. , What is true peace!"

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