"It's stronger again..."

"Sure enough, you can't relax your vigilance for a moment!!"

A deep voice sounded, and Danzo, who had mobilized Izanaki unexpectedly, once again condensed his body behind Yu, and his hands quickly formed seals.

"Wind Style·Vacuum..."

Observation Haki perceives Danzo appearing out of thin air behind him, and perceives the Wind Style handprint on his hand. Yu's mouth is disdainful, and his domineering physique erupts instantly!

Armed Color Dragon Fang! !

The roar of the evil dragon tore through the dark underground world, and all the ninjas around opened their eyes wide in horror.

I only saw Yu turn around with a fierce kick, and directly blasted a roaring dragon-shaped air cannon from the air. It was covered with black Armament Haki, which completely formed the essence. Danzo blasted into a cloud of blood!

To perform ninjutsu requires jieyin. At such a close distance, it is difficult for general ninjutsu to keep up with the speed of physique. What's more, Danzo is facing a ninja whose physique has reached the level of transformation.

"There are nineteen more..."

"Counting Shisui's eyes, you have a total of nineteen Sharingan all over your body."

After the dragon’s teeth covered by Armament Haki blasted Danzo into a cloud of blood with a direct blow, Yu walked slowly in the surroundings of countless ninjas. "The ninjas of the Uchiha clan use Izanaki The maintenance time is three minutes, and the time limit for you to use Izanagi is sixty seconds..."

"A Sharingan can buy you sixty seconds, so you have less than twenty minutes left in this world..."

Looking at Danzo who reappeared in front of him, Yu sentenced him to death in a cold and indifferent tone, "Breathe the last air you can breathe in this world, Danzo."

Regarding Danzo who killed Ye Naoyu, Yu said that he must taste all the pain in this world before letting him die tragically, so he must put it into practice today anyway.

"Ha, ha ha ha ha... you want to kill me?!"

Facing Yu's murderous gaze that almost condensed the air, Danzo, who felt the terrifying power of the other party that was not what it used to be, used Izanaki to once again successfully turn the fact of his death into a dream, and let out a series of low laughter in Danzo's mouth.

"Then what about your companions and children in the orphanage? As long as I give an order, the ninja of the root will act immediately. I think even you can't guarantee their safety all the time? Don't you have the heart to turn your back on Nono Was Yu Lin entrusting you before he died?!"


It was just that Danzo's deep threatening words had just finished, and Yu in front of him let out a very ironic laugh, echoing in this dark underground world, it seemed so ear-piercing.

"why are you laughing?!"

Looking at Yu, who was completely out of his control, Danzo felt a strong anxiety for no reason.

"I laugh at you, it's really a dog can't change eating shit..."

"Want to threaten me with the lives of Ulusi and the others? Fortunately, I was prepared for a while..."

The laughter was gone, looking at Danzo in front of him, Yu's eyes seemed to look at a clumsy clown, "Since Master Danzo wants to see you so much, then come out and say hello to him, Urushi, Mayuna, Peach fragrance..."

Click! !

After speaking, with a crisp snap of Yu's fingers, the transparent and invisible air behind him opened the door of a different space, and Urusi and a group of children from the orphanage suddenly appeared in front of Danzo and the ninjas of the roots.

"This damn old man is the one who killed the dean's sister?!"

The voice of hatred sounded, and Ulusi, who appeared in the world king alien space, saw Danzo who was guarded by countless ninjas in front of him, and his angry eyes almost wished him to be broken into pieces.

That’s right, before planning to come here to kill Danzo, the first thing Yu did was to go to the Konoha Orphanage and place Urushi and them all in the world king’s different space, in order to prevent Danzo from resorting to it. This means of downloading.

"Yu, you must kill this guy to avenge the dean!!"

At the same time, Mayuna and Momoka, two grown-up girls standing next to Urushi, also wanted to eat the flesh and blood of Danzo, venting their hatred.

"This... these people are?!"

Although he had never seen Urusi and the others, how could Danzo not know their identities, and the expression of the shady bird suddenly collapsed, "Huh, did you put them in the space of time before coming here? , It seems that you came here today completely prepared..."

"So you don't have to struggle anymore..."

"From the moment the design killed Ye Naiyu, your ending is doomed."

The door to the different space of the realm king quietly closed. Looking at Danzo in front of him, Yu's eyes were very calm, as if he was looking at a dead person, "Last time I gave you a way to survive and let you struggle out of hell... …"

"The purpose is to let you see hope and then kill your hope, and let you know that White Zetsu Wang is the most painful torture in this world."

Crying Chidori! !

As Yu's voice fell, the cry of thousands of flying birds resounded throughout the dark underground world.

I only saw a group of fierce black thunder and lightning suddenly bloom in front of Yu's hands, and then Yu turned into a galloping light, and all the ninjas who protected Danzo along the way instantly turned into dust and disappeared!

"Damn it...block him!!"

Seeing Yuqi Gao's move to fully understand the plan in his heart, Danzo squeezed his pale hands tightly when facing the figure who instantly slaughtered a group of ninjas rushing towards his speed of light.

"Earth Style·Earth Style Wall!!"

"Water Style· Water Barrier!!"

After all, it is a well-trained root organization elite. Seeing countless companions die in Yu's hands in an instant, the masked ninjas standing in front of Danzo immediately became imprinted with their hands, releasing several defensive ninjutsu attempts. Protect yourself and Danzo.

"I want to stop my footsteps even with these rubbish?!"

Observation Haki locked in front of several high-level defensive ninjutsu quickly rising from the ground, and a deep disdain was drawn across the corner of the feather beak.

The galloping speed under his feet did not stop at all, and the black chidori in his hand penetrated all the ninjas and ninjutsu in front of him instantly, like cutting tofu.

Boom! !

The endless black thunder and lightning spread across the void, all the ninjas around were blown away by the terrible power in front of them, only to see the palm of the feather blooming with black electric current directly through Danzo's chest, lifting his whole person in the air. middle!

"Are there any tricks you haven't used? I'm looking forward to it, Danzo..."

The dark chidori current shattered every cell in Danzo's body. Seeing Danzo being killed by himself again but unable to resist, Yu's face was full of smiles.

Most of these root organization ninjas use C-level or B-level advanced defensive ninjutsu, which is two or three levels different from the super S-level Lightning Style ninjutsu crying Chidori, which can’t stop the delay. This comes from the death stab skills of the underworld.

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