"Master Danzo!!!"

Seeing that Danzo was killed by Yu again, the several root organizations on the side could no longer bear it anymore, countless shurikens and karma flew over, took out the weapon and used the instant technique to rush up.

"I can't help myself..."

Observation Haki perceives the few root tissue ninjas and countless flying shurikens nearby, and Yu doesn't even bother to blink his eyelids.

The palm of the black chidori was released from Danzo's body, and Danzo's body was thrown aside like trash, blocking all the shurikens and kunai flying in the air by the way.

Sage Art·Thousand Birds Broken! !

Immediately afterwards, the black thunder and lightning rays of the Chidori crying in his hand skyrocketed again, and he turned into a dark burst of light. The violent power directly smashed the root tissue ninja that rushed up next to him and the ground under his feet. The ashes!

"The strength of this guy..."

Seeing Danzo being killed by Yu again and again, as well as a few companions who were instantly wiped out after rushing up, around the scene, these root organization ninjas who usually have no emotions like a numbing machine, seem to be restrained by Yu's terrible power. NS.

"I used another Sharingan..."

"You have less and less time left, Danzo."

Ignoring all the trembling root tissue ninjas around, looking at Danzo, whose face was pale after being resurrected by Izanagi, Yu's face was lightly smiled, but his mouth tried to completely crush the opponent with cruel words. .

This is……

It's just that the words are just finished, feather brows frowned, and the ultimate Observation Haki, who has already practiced to the second stage, seems to have seen a trace of what will happen in the future.

Sure enough, I don't know when the twenty or so root organization ninjas in front of him have formed a special formation faintly surrounding him, and the surrounding air is already covered with mysterious black curse marks.

"Is it the seal of self-karma curse..."

Immediately after Yu found that his body could not move, the black thunderbolt on his hand dissipated, and even the movement of Chakra inside his body began to stagnate, and even mysterious black curses gradually appeared on the skin on the surface of his body.


"This is a self-karma curse formation that can be activated by dozens of ninjas together!!"

Perceiving the strange color on Yu's face, the gloomy Danzo finally laughed madly, "Not only can you seal your actions, but you can also seal your Chakra!!"

"I know you are very strong, maybe even the entire Konoha ninja together may not be your opponent, but a ninja without Chakra can do nothing. Now you are probably even using one of the most basic Body Replacement Techniques. Can’t get out?!"

The Array of Self-Karma Cursed Bound?

Ignoring Danzo who was laughing gloomily in front of him, feeling his completely immobile body and the completely stopped Chakra, Yu's gaze fell on the surrounding ninjas who kept the seal technique on their hands, secretly thinking in his heart.

The four-phase seal that seals everything from the outside into one's body, the seal of the tongue that prevents others from telling the secrets of the root organization, and the seal action currently used on oneself and Chakra's self-employment curse. print.

These spells and sealing techniques should all come from the lost secret techniques of the Uzumaki family. It seems that Danzo has been planning to deal with his own humiliation for so many years, and he has always prepared a lot of assassin...

"It's all over, Yakushi Yu."

Seeing Yu finally fall into the self-employment curse that he has carefully prepared for many years, Danzo's twisted and hideous face can't conceal his excitement, "As long as you kill you, Orochimaru will kill Sarutobi again, and Konoha will be mine!!"

"In order to fulfill my ambition to unify the entire ninja world, you must obediently die in this dark underground world and become a nameless soul!!"

After speaking, Danzo waved his hand and ordered that, except for the twenty ninjas who cast their own karma curse, all the root organization ninjas around the scene began to seal their hands.

"Want to use a lot of ninjutsu to blast me into scum? You are too naive, Danzo..."

Facing the countless ninjutsu that was about to be released around him, Yu's mouth flicked a sneer. Just as Danzo said, a ninja without Chakra can do nothing, and even the strongest ninjas fall into the self-karma curse. I am afraid that there are ten deaths in the seal.

But it's a pity that Danzo can never be counted as a point. In addition to the ninja's Chakra, he also has the power of String-String Fruit, and five demon puppets hidden in the world king's different space.

Moreover, in the past few years, he has not only achieved other strengths than Kage-level, he has completely stepped into the field of Devil Fruit awakening, and even the devil puppets in his hands have all entered the stage of Devil Fruit awakening!

"Keep your eyes open..."

"In front of real power, you don't even have anything at all."

So even though it seems that there is no life at all, Yu is not nervous at all. On the contrary, the gradually cooling smile on his face makes Danzo feel a palpitating heart.

However, all the root organization ninjas around have completed the seal, and they have released countless overwhelming ninjutsu, Wind Style, Fire Style, and Lightning Style. All of a sudden, the entire dark underground world has become like daylight, and the whole picture seems to be suddenly Freeze.


Facing the situation of ten deaths and no life, at this moment, Yu's mouth raised slightly, and he uttered five obscure and mysterious words one by one.

Suddenly, the temperature of the entire dark underground world changed. At some point, General Winter, who was in a different space, had already turned into an ice demon and appeared behind Yu, and a frozen force that could not be described in words suddenly disappeared. General Winter erupted, instantly freezing the entire underground world!

With General Winter as the center, the surrounding space and time were actually frozen by this overbearing freezing force!

Seeing that all the ninjas in the entire underground world stopped there except for himself and General Winter, they still maintained their previous look and posture, and even the countless ninjutsu released were frozen in the air, Yu screamed.

Thousand Arrows Piercing Heart·Feather Strike Line! !

The String-String Fruit’s awakening ability exploded directly on the body, turning the ground and surrounding objects under the feet into threads. Then thousands of threads wrapped around Armament Haki were exploded in the air, instantly surrounding Danzo in the surrounding area. All the ninjas shot through!

After all this was done in a second, the freezing power that had frozen the entire time and space gradually dissipated, and time finally began to recover. The root organization ninja and Danzo who cast the self-karma curse and bound the formation have all fallen to the ground and died.

Shield white line! !

The countless ninjutsu bombings around him were all blocked by a few huge white lines that instantly appeared on the ground on both sides of Yu's feet, and bursts of deafening explosions filled the entire dark underground world.

"Just... what happened?!"

"Master Danzo?!"

After the freezing of time and space was lifted, all the dozens of companions around and the Danzo adults who watched them all fell to the ground, and the remaining root organization ninjas looked at what happened before them in disbelief.

Mokobo Temo—Buddhist term meaning the Hell of the Great Red Lotus Ice. It is the ultimate move that can only be used after General Winter’s Frozen Fruit ability is awakened. In time and space, only General Winter and Yu themselves can move freely in this space and time.

Although at the current level of General Winter's ability development, it can only be used once a day, and time and space can only be frozen for one to two seconds at a time, but obviously one or two seconds is enough for a ninja of Yu's level to end all battles.

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