Hokage’s Law Of Demons

Chapter 373 Killing Coming (Ask a monthly ticket for a reward)

Seeing Danzo and dozens of ninjas of the root organization have all fallen in a pool of blood, it was like an incomprehensible nightmare.

After all, the time and space of the entire underground world was frozen by General Winter just now, and all their thought activities except Yu were frozen and stopped at that moment.

In their consciousness, they only saw dozens of surrounding companions cast ninjutsu to bombard the feathers sealed by the self-karma curse in front of them, and then things changed like this in a blink of an eye.

"Just... what happened..."

"Is it time space ninjutsu..."

The Sharingan on his arm quietly closed one again, remembering the Mokobottom used by General Yu just now, and Danzo, who walked out of the illusory realm again, was full of shock. That kind of instant killing included himself. With the abilities of dozens of ninjas, he has fully realized the fear of death.

"No, it's not space-time ninjutsu..."

With a deep gaze staring at the Yu in front of him and General Winter, who is constantly exuding white icy air, Danzo thought quickly in his heart, "I can kill dozens of ninjas including me in an instant, and I don’t even have a chance to react. , That kind of feeling, it's like time is frozen..."

If it wasn't for Izanaki who could freely transform reality and dreams, he must have already become a real corpse lying on the ground, just like the dozens of root organization ninjas under him.

"This ability should be superior to space-time ninjutsu. It is an unknown taboo ability..."

"Sure enough, you have become an existence that can threaten the entire Ninja World, Yakushi Yu..."

Danzo looked at Yu standing proudly among the corpses in the place with vigilant eyes, his eyes trembling constantly, the ability that killed him instantly, but made him unable to react even to the reaction, he couldn't be sure. Can Yu now cast it again.

"You continue to give it to me! Kill him no matter the cost!!"

Seeing that there was less and less Sharingan left in his hand, and after calculating the chance of winning the battle, Danzo decisively ordered the remaining ninjas before him, and he turned his head back and fled outside.

After a short battle just now, Yu's current strength has completely exceeded his budget. Danzo, who could only escape death by launching Izanagi at the expense of Sharingan, finally began to feel a strong sense of crisis and oppression.

"Hehe, let the Genin-hander come up again to die, but is he greedy for life and afraid of death to run away..."

Seeing Danzo launching the instant technique to escape, facing the ninja root organization rushing up in front of him, Yu shook his head helplessly, with an extremely ironic smile on his face, "No matter how many times I watch it, You look so disgusting, Danzo..."

Open the door! !

When the voice fell, General Winter next to him instantly lit a few detonating charms on his body and rushed up to kill the ninja who was trying to die with him. At the same time, Yu opened the huge door of different space directly on the ground in front of him, and kept his whole body constantly. The Emperor Yan who was surging crimson lava was summoned.

"what is that?!"

The entire dark underground world is illuminated by the hot red light, watching the hot deadly magma in front of you constantly surging and rolling, as if the Yan Emperor summoned by the feathers from the lava hell, feeling the oncoming waves of high temperature and heat. And the pressure of terror, the remaining root organization ninjas couldn't help being stunned.

Great Eruption! !

However, before they were able to withdraw from the shock, a huge lava fist had already carried the terrifying heat of burning everything, and it was infinitely magnified in front of their eyes!

Boom! !

The entire dark underground world seemed to have turned into a lava hell in an instant, and the unimaginable high temperature instantly evaporated and melted the remaining root organization ninjas and the ground under their feet into ashes.

"Do you have other hole cards..."

"But Konoha is so big in total, where can you go?"

After eliminating all the remaining root organization ninjas in an instant, the Observation Haki covering the entire Konoha firmly locked the direction of Danzo's escape, perceiving a large number of Chakra waves ambushing on the ground at this moment, and a cold mouth was drawn across the corner of his mouth. The arc, no matter what, he won't let Danzo live to see the sun tomorrow...


"Everyone is ready!!"

"The first plan failed! Now implement the second plan!!"

When his gaze came to the ground, Danzo, who had escaped from the underground world in embarrassment, gave orders to the ambushing Genin in the surroundings, "Everyone, be vigilant! Feather of Scarlet Cang is definitely not that easy..."

Dog biting Guren! !

However, Danzo's words were not finished yet. A door to a different space suddenly opened in the air next to him. The Yandi's fiery red arms directly transformed into a giant magma hell dog, and the unimaginable power of terror instantly transformed Danzo's body. Chengfei ash swallowed up!

"Master Danzo!!!"

Seeing this horrible scene before him, all the root organization ninjas in the surroundings couldn't help but whisper, and then faced such a terrifying opponent, he couldn't help but start to feel a little nervous.


"Now there are ten Sharingan left..."

Seeing Danzo's corpse turned into fly ash and dissipated, Yu Xianting walked out of the door of a different space.

On the left hand is General Winter, who is full of blue and white cold air and transformed into the demon of ice, and on the right is the Emperor Yan who is elementalized into the demon of flame and burns and devours everything. Just looking like it is enough to make any enemy fearful.

"Heart Turning Technique!!"

At this moment, Yu, who had just stepped out of the door of a different space, suddenly shook his body, and suddenly felt an unfamiliar and powerful mental power invade his body, as if he wanted to snatch control of the body with him.

"Huh, the secret technique of the Yamanaka clan..."

Glancing at the dense bushes next to him, through Observation Haki's ability feathers, he saw a ninja with hands-printed knots hidden there, with long orange hair that looked about seventeen or eighteen years old.

It is the Jōnin elite Yamanaka wind of the Konoha Yamanaka clan. Like the Aburame of the Aburame clan, they are Danzo's right-hand man. They are good at the secret arts of the Yamanaka clan. They use the soul to focus their spirits on the enemy and release them to invade the enemy's body. After that, the enemy's spirit will enter a state of sleep, thereby controlling the opponent's body for a short time.

"act recklessly……"

Although he could completely repel the spirit of Yamanaka Feng from his body with his own mental will, Yu didn't bother to play this kind of mental game with him, and Yandi, who was incarnate as a demon of flame, burst into a scorching heat all over his body.

Boil Style·Steam is coming in! !

A high-pitched whistle sounded like a steam train, and the Yandi, who was full of deadly magma, exploded like a rampage train, and all the ninjas and objects blocked along the way were instantly wiped out!


Yamanaka, who was performing the secret arts of the Yamanaka clan trying to control Yu's body, cursed inwardly, and saw the unstoppable Yandi crushed like a magma chariot in front of him. His body could not move and he was hit by Yandi's giant lava fist together with the surrounding trees. Become ashes!

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