Hokage’s Law Of Demons

Chapter 375 The Death of Danzo

"Summoning Technique·Mengmo!!"

Facing the feather that looked like a fairy in front of him, Danzo, who once again consumed a Danzo who used Izanagi to escape from his dream, was in shock.

On the spot, he immediately used the Summoning Technique to summon his own Summoning beast dream tapir. The huge body was wrapped with countless white bandages, as well as the terrible wounds that were burned by the last feather manipulation violent -kun using the Scorch Style flame.

"Wind Style·Vacuum Big Jade!!"

Using the instant technique under his feet, he galloped quickly, Danzo's hands were connected in a chain, and he took a deep breath and ejected countless fierce air bullets directly at Yu, trying to penetrate Yu's body directly after the suction power of Summoning beast dream tapir increased!

"It's ridiculous..."

However, in the face of Danzo's dying struggle, Yu's dismissive move was faster than him. After his hands turned into a phantom and quickly sealed, he also took a deep breath and used the huge fairy technique Chakra in his body to directly spit out a purple color. Laser.

"Sage Art·Lan Dun Guangfang!!!"

With Yu's head swayed gently, in the horrifying gazes of the surrounding ninjas, it was as if the purple laser that penetrated the sky and the earth directly cut the ground under their feet, cutting Danzo in front of him together with his Summoning beast dream tapir. Become two halves!

The prestige continued. The purple Lan Dun laser beam radiated far away, and its terrible penetration even cut the entire mountain forest of Konoha completely, but at this moment Konoha was in chaos and no one noticed it. battle.

"Master Danzo!!!"

Watching Danzo being instantly killed by Yu again and again, the remaining root organization ninjas immediately rearranged their formations to launch a fierce offensive, and countless shurikens mixed with ninjutsu and detonating talisman bombarded all over the world.

"Annoying flies..."

The ninjas in the roots are not all heinous. Yu, who has killed enough root ninjas in his hands, originally didn't want to kill more, but in the face of their fierce and undaunted attack, Yu finally completely lost his patience.

Sage Art·White Excitation Technique! !

After turning his mind abruptly, I saw Yu gently put his hands in front of him and made a handprint, then opened his mouth and directly spit out a long dragon made of white liquid, holding a dragon ball-like ball on the dragon's claws.

what is that? !

I have never seen such a ninjutsu before. I saw the white long dragon suddenly spit out from the feather mouth, and all the ninjas in the root organization present were taken aback.

Bang! !

But before they could react, the white dragon kept spinning at a high speed around the Dragon Ball in the middle, and then the Dragon Ball burst and exploded, bursting out an extremely strong light, all under the endless glare of light for a while. The ninjas have fallen into a state of blindness.


Not only was it the endless glare, the strong vibrations that continued to erupt in the surrounding air directly shook all the shurikens and ninjutsu, causing a strong numbness in the bodies of all the ninjas present, falling into a situation where they could not live or die by themselves.


Although they could no longer hear their screams, all the root tissue ninjas around the scene fell to the ground and wailed. At this moment, they only felt the bones of their whole body rubbing violently, and they couldn't even move a finger.

Ryūchi Cave, one of the three sacred places of celestial arts, has recorded many celestial arts. Baiji Technique and Inorganic Reincarnation are one of the celestial arts that Yu has learned from the Master in the past few years.

Under the great power of Baiji Technique, even the brothers Uchiha Sasuke and Uchiha Itachi in Shippuden could not maintain Susanoo's state, not to mention that these strongest root organization ninjas, which are no more than Jōnin-level, basically cannot bear such a high level. The vibration amplitude of the frequency fainted, and some ninjas with weaker powers even vomited blood and couldn't get up again.

"How can it be?!"

The strong white light and air vibrations gradually dissipated. Seeing that Yu dropped almost all the root tissue ninjas in the presence of a ninjutsu in seconds, the eyeballs of Danzo who had just been resurrected by Izanaki almost bounced out of his eye sockets.

Wind Style·Shuriken! !

Danzo, who does not believe in evil in his heart, opened his mouth and spit out a group of Wind Style Chakra condensed on the kunai in his hand, turning kunai into a Wind Style shuriken that could easily cut rocks, and launched the instant technique to come to Yu's side. Straight out!

"Is it useful? A fearless struggle..."

Seeing Danzo actually trying to fight melee with his own physical skills, Yu sneered with disdain, stood still standing still, and without seeing what he was doing, he grabbed Danzo's sword-holding wrist.

Dragon Claw! !

Immediately after another hand blasted out of the air, the claws of the dark dragon, which was covered by Armament Haki and formed the substance, ruthlessly tore Danzo's body to pieces, turning into a cloud of blood and drifting away in the wind!

Not only the power of ninjutsu has been raised to a heinous height, after entering the perfect Sage Mode, Yu's physical strength has also been increased by more than ten times, and the physical skills that are bombed out have unmatched power. .

"Impossible...It's impossible!!"

"It's obviously been planned for so long...Why can't I kill you?!"

As time passed by, physique, ninjutsu, puppets, String-String Fruit, being killed by feathers in a fancy way, I watched the Sharingan in my hand shut down one by one. Under the double stimulation of death and failure, Danzo seemed to finally collapse completely.

"Only one step...just one step away! As long as you kill you and I can control Konoha!!"

After resurrecting with Izanagi again, Danzo, who saw that he was only left with the last Sharingan, couldn’t accept this reality. A ninja like him could not help but face the desperation of collapse, his face twisted. Richie roared hysterically.

"Oh... Senju Hashirama's Wood Style cell starts again?!"

Facing the invincible Yu, Danzo gritted his teeth in an attempt to launch the final attack, but suddenly felt a tearing pain in his body. Numerous huge trees emerged directly above his pale arms, piercing his body!

"It's really self-inflicted..."

Seeing Danzo's sorrowful cry in front of him, Yu let out a happy laugh, "You sacrificed so many Sharingan to use Izanagi uninterruptedly, your mental energy is no longer enough to maintain balance with Senju Hashirama's Wood Style cells. They It's devouring your body again..."

"No, no..."

"For Konoha, I can't die here..."

Feeling the little Chakra left in his body and the constant pain, Danzo, whose vision was gradually blurred, made an amazing move. He directly broke his two arms that had turned into huge trees, and turned and started to escape. .

"No, I can't die yet..."

Feeling that he was about to lose consciousness at any time, Danzo began to use his only remaining Chakra and mental support, staggering and staggering towards the center of Konoha.

This guy... does he really think he is protecting Konoha?

Or... does he really think he can change the entire Ninja World?

Looking at the back that seemed to fall down at any time in front of him, Yu opened his eyes somewhat moved.

No one knew that Yu couldn't touch Danzo's real thoughts at this moment, but that was no longer important.

Seeing Danzo limping in front, Yu had a cold smile on his face, following him unhurriedly, he wanted to see where Danzo, who was already a dead man, still wanted to run...

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